The 695 thought pad

Friday, September 30, 2005

I have a nephew!

He was born today at 12:45 EDT. They aren't sure of a name yet, but the possibilities include Brekin McConaughey. I'm a fan of the Brekin part, but I'm not too sure of the McConaughey. I like the name, but is it too cheesy? Anyway, everyone seems healthy, so that's pretty much all.

Ah, I'm so excited to meet him!

- Aunt Katherine

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fuck will be used!

Thought I'd start this blog with a funny quote. Stupid KFC and their non-delivering ways! Although I kinda want KFC "chicken" skin right now. And macarroni salad.

I can see this being a random blogging thing...

So I guess I'll start with my love life. Oh, wait! I don't have one! Moving on.... I don't think anything will happen with Talya. She's nice, but I don't think she's really what I'm looking for. I'm not trying to be picky because beggars can't be choosers (not that I'm going around begging girls for phone numbers and then having them say no or giving me a fake number like the Pizza Pizza number), but I just really don't get a vibe from her at all. There's another girl in the JSO who was asking me all of these questions at the bagel lunch and she actually seemed interested in what I had to say about my lobball baseball intramural team! So many Jewish girls in Guelph...I never knew!

I actually don't spend hours in front of my computer anymore! I've been at the library a lot and using the couches in the Daily Grind to get work done. They put a Starbucks in the grind and they charge nearly $4 for a cafe mocca! And I swear they didn't put in the cafe the last time I bought one. And speaking of coffee, I think I'm slowly getting hooked on Timmy Ho's as I keep getting cravings for double double's and typing about them makes me want one. But it's nearly midnight and I think they close at midnight.

It's going down to 6 degrees tonight! I love the cold weather! I know you all dislike the coldness, but it means so many things for me: Baseball playoffs are starting; the hockey season is starting; snow will start falling soon; I get to wear sweaters...I like wearing sweaters.

I'm heading home tomorrow to see The Doves in concert at The Docks and then staying until Saturday night to pack more of the house because we're showing it from Tuesday onwards. I can't wait to get out my craphole neighbourhood. No more mowing the lawn and having to discard candy wrappers and McDonald's cartons from lazy arses who think so lowly of the area that they will dump their crap anywhere! Really, it pisses me off to no end that some people have no sense of community. It's what makes the bad areas get even worse. That felt good to get off my chest :)

I think that's all for now. I'm going to have some Jelapeno chips and then head to bed.

"Get me some of those Jal-apeno chips"
"Ricky, it's pronounced Jjjjjaaaalapeno"
"I don't want Jalapeno chips, I want Jal-apeno"

hehe Bubbles...


Remedy for a serious case of the miss ya's?

For my pharmacist friends: if you didn't receive this in your email, let me know. I don't think you can read the small print on here. It's just FYI.

So, I'm with Sarah. Where is everyone else? Dave, you spend hours on your computer, yet we haven't heard from you in a while. And Sue, I'm sure you're checking this, go ahead and post sommore. Or do I have to send you a friendly reminder again? Amanda is excused, since they don't have internet at home yet, but that won't last for long. She's doing better than the other two; at least she is commenting. And Ronak, a little birdie told me that you are checking the site. I know you're busy getting ready to move and such, but you can at least put your two cents in. Let us know how the change is going.

I know there will be times when I will not be able to post, too, so don't feel too guilty. This is all coming from the fact that I am missing y'all and Guelph quite a bit right now. Good thing I'll be there in a couple weeks!!!

So get crackin' and post!


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Need new ways to waste time?

I didn't have anything to do tonight. Enjoy!
This one's my favorite - the little guys are so cute!
I still haven't figured it out, but I got to V on my first try.
I'd give this cutey my cursor anytime.
Yes, there is an end.
For those of you who need some violence in your life.

I know I'm not a big websurfer, so maybe some of these are old news for you, but they were new to me. I just want a boohbah for myself. Maybe the purple one. Anyway, go ahead and waste some time.


PS - Baby update: Shelby has a strep B infection in the birth canal, so she has to have antibiotics given thru IV during labor to try to avoid infecting the baby. For this reason, she'll probably have to be induced. The earliest date is Friday, but that depends on if a bed is available. So, I didn't get the date (28) I thought, but it'll be soon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Manda and Kat, this is for you, although I urge everyone else to check it out too ;)


Monday, September 26, 2005

News! P.S. Where is everyone?

Hey guys! First of all, Sue, one post is not enough! I watched Arrested Development tonight and what's up with Gob being Steve Holt's father?????? Obviously I've missed something vital ;) I'll be watching regularly now that we know when it's on here though ;) Still funny! And co-staring Charlize Theron. Dave, you must enjoy that, eh? ;)

Anyhoo, I've got a second job! It's nothing glamourous, but it pays (although not well). I'll be working at HomeSense, a Winners store that does furniture and home decorating. They're just opening a store in Nanaimo, so I'll be helping set up and then hopefully working there doing something customer service-like. It's a temporary position until December, but hopefully after that I'll find something better. I'm going to keep looking in the meantime, but the bills won't pay themselves!

In other news, we have a rodent problem in the house now. Not actually in our living area, but between the walls. We can hear them scurrying overhead at night. Very disconcerting. Remi emailed our landlord about it yesterday using words like "rodent-like" and statements like "could be a pet upstairs" because we weren't entirely sure about rodents yet, but the email from our landlord had the statement: "I thought I'd taken care of the rodent problem" and so now we know for sure that there are mice or rats living amoungst us. It's especially gross because Remi found a dead RAT in our front hedge the day after we moved in. If I find a rat in here, so help me God, I'll throw up! NASTY! It's nice to continually find evidence that the place we're living is a dump. First we have no electricity in two vital outlets (bedroom and living room), then our bathtub is leaking down into the laundry room, then we have fleas, then we have a plague of flies swarming in our laundry room, now we have rats/mice... It really sucks because we are truly very happy here. I'm living with the fleas, we're taking care of it. The electricity is no big deal, we're just overloading one plug, and we don't really care about the tub until the floor rots and one of us falls through (can anyone say lawsuit?), but RATS????? I mean, COME ON! EWWW.

So that's the news boys and girls. Remi and I are contemplating leaving our wonderfully bright apartment with it's amazing view, but we'll see. We can get out of our lease no problem with the existing issues with the place, but we're both so thrilled with how nice OUR apartment is. *sigh*

Anyway, I think Remi's making some ice creamy treat, so I'll sign off. Get posting :)


Saturday, September 24, 2005

This is just unnatural!

It's 5:30am, on a Saturday nonetheless, and I'm awake to go to work. I don't think anyone should have to get up an hour and a half before the sun rises to do anything! Nothing! Oh, I hate this! My eyes will hardly even focus. This sucks. Wish me luck on the day.


PS - Shelby's (my brother's gf) 2 inches dialated and they are thinking of inducing labor next week. I've got my money on the 28th. Just a feeling.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


So what's new with Sarah, you ask? Nada. Not really, anyway. I'm working part-time, still in training so I'm working more than I usually will, but that's nice. I think I'll be working about 19 hours a week regularly, spread over three days. Needless to say, I'm looking for something else. I've been going through the classifieds and keeping an eye out for signs, etc. I applied at the (as Remi and I call it) Super-Duper Store (a Great Canadian Superstore, which Ontario is really missing out on) yesterday, so hopefully I get a call about that soon. They're hiring cashiers, which may suck, but at least it's working with people and it's money.

In more interesting news, Remi and I found another cool place to visit in Nanaimo. It's called Piper's Lagoon and it's a city park by the ocean. It has a rock beach which will be nice for swimming and then a walk through a protected oak wood, which we forwent to walk along the very rocky coastline around the point. We saw some anemones in tidepools open and feeding/breathing/whatever it is anemones do :) Very cool. When you poke at them the close up and look like little assholes. Anyway, it was cool. We took pictures again, as usual ;) I would post some online, but no one else is posting and I feel like I'm monopolizing the site. Does anyone even look?? Let me know and I'll post some more pics to let you guys know what you're missing out on ;) Just further encouragement to visit.

Anyway, nothing else is new. We're still fighting the good fight against the fleas. I think we have driven in another fatal blow by bathing Maggie again and Raiding the whole house. There are still some hopping around though. *sigh* The price you pay for a view on the ocean, I guess.

H'OK. Keep in touch and post :) Try to post some pics if you have them.


Guelph, it may not be...

but I have to admit that I'm rather pleased with how school is going here at home. Indiana University Southeast (IUS) is not what you would call a prestigeous school, but it does okay. It is very accomodating for those who are not financially well off, or in the best situation to go moving to a new town (re: married and/or with kids). Around here, it's kinda like if you can't go to IU or Purdue, you go to IUS. People kinda look down upon it as a less academic school. I'll admit I did the same, but what I'm finding out is that I was off base. Okay, so it doesn't have the reputation or ranking, but from the past 4 weeks of class, I have no hesitation that these classes rank with any I've taken from Guelph. And the profs are no slouches. In fact, I had no idea I would find art history so interesting and the prof is fantastic and I really am enjoying my animal behavior discussions with my prof and fellow student. I'm kinda glad I wasn't able to take animal behavior at Guelph, because I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much. The mineralogy is pretty cool, too, maybe moving a bit slower than expected, but it has provided me with a great confidence booster, since I got the highest mark in the class on our first quiz. Yeah, so there are only 15 students, but this hasn't happened since high school (well, maybe one of those quizzes in Devo...), so I'm happy. Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out if there really is a difference, but evidence to date shows no significant difference. So, Guelph it is not, but it isn't all that bad after all.

Speaking of UoG, do the biologists in the house know what prof there did some of the first work on antimicrobialism and honey? This isn't trivia, I actually want to know, 'cause my animal behavior classmate wants to know for some research. Yeah, he could look it up, and for that matter so could I, but I appreciate him asking about my roots and I'm lazy, so help me out here if you can. Thanks!

In other, not so interesting news, my Dad has decided he likes organic bananas better than regular farmed bananas. This may not seem like a big deal, but for my Dad to admit this is huge. He's one of those guys who doesn't like any sort of trendy, gourmet or new type deal in food. It may taste exactly the same, but he'll be adament that it's different and no good. So, with the whole fad of organic taking hold, he's been very skeptical about it. But at last, he has admitted that he thinks the organic bananas taste better. I'm pleased and hoping that this change may continue with other foods, since I (surprise!) lean towards the organic side.

Not much else for now. Missing you all! Much love!


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Party at the 695

That's right, I am going to a party at our old house. How, you might ask, am I going to a party at the 695? Well, I was hanging out with the head of the JSO (Jewish Student Organization) who told me she had to check out a house's backyard to see if it is big enough to host a party. She looked up the address and told me it was 695 Scottsdale. Emphatically, I yelled "that's my old house!". So we went over and it turns out I left some things at the house, namely my Monopoly and a pillow! I also came accross a letter from the Investment Planning Counsel for Sarah and an RBC letter and a personal letter from S. MacDonald for Amanda! If you guys want me to open the letters and let you know what they say, let me know.

So it'll be weird going to the 695 for a party and not have it be mine! I know I'll be telling everyone I meet that it was my old house. They're using my room for storage! Freaking storage! It should be used for a room. A room is supposed to be used for a room! Come on!! WTF'nF!?!

On a totally unrelated issues, my Mom bought a house in the T-dotter! I'm moving! We're now living at Yonge and Lawrence which is about 5 minutes from where we all went to the used CD store at Yonge and Eglinton. We move in under six weeks and I can't be home to pack anything! We get possession on hallowe'en.

Otherwise, everything is pretty much status-quo in Guelph.

I'll say hi to the house for everyone :)


Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Blog

Hey, Manda. How did you get your own blog name? I've been posting as Leafer, but I'd love to have my own callsign. Hook a sista up!


PS. An epiphany I've had: I feel like I've gained three hours on my life moving out here because of the time difference. Every time I talk to one of you guys or someone else in Ontario I feel that way...

Another BC fact

5) They do not recycle glass in Nanaimo. I know, because I tried to put glass out and they wouldn't take it. Bastards! Remi and I postulate that there may be no glass refining facilities on the island and it's too expensive to ship to the mainland. Or they just suck. Any thoughts?

I am many things

Hey guys. I have serached for myself before, but it was a while ago and I think I have added a few talents to my repetoire since I last checked.

1. I am a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. You can reach me at, but it might take me a while to respond.

2. I am a guitar player, and apparently a good one!

"Arguably the greatest rock band without a rhythm section ever, the duo of acid-voiced singer Jean Smith and guitar hero David Lester must be seen to be believed." -- Douglas Wolk

Thanks Doug!

3. I want to kill rock stars:

4. I think I own Valley VIP Real Estate Services Ltd. It's at I sell Calabogie Timeshares! Want one? I can get you all really good prices.

5. I am an Executive Producer/Producer/Production Designer/Co-producer/Associate Producer, and have helped in such classics as The Time Machine, Air Force One, and The Shawshank Redemption. Morgan Freeman isn't as nice as you'd think. Tim Robbins took me out for drinks one night and told me how much of a jerk Morgan is. I just believed him and finished my pint. ...he's tall.

And finally...

6. I used PVS to Validate the Inverse Trigonometric Functions of an Exact Arithmetic.

I have a lot of accomplishments! :D

I'll make another posting this evening.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Still Itching in BC

Hey guys :) Just a quick note to update... The fleas are still here, hence the name, but I think we're winning. (I really don't, I'm just trying to be optimistic.)

Anyway, I started my job-erooo this week! It's great. The people are fabulous. Everyone is a lot of fun and I think once I am comfortable I won't mind so much that the pharmacy is really slow. (For Amanda, they only do about 500 Rx per week! SOOOO slow!). I'm only working part-time, but my hours have already gone up from what he gave me because his other tech (there are only two of us) is back at school taking a few courses and can't work Tuesdays or Thursdays :) So I'll be working around 20 hrs/week. Needless to say, I'm still looking for another job, hopefully to work both. I really like the people and I hate to leave once I've started.

Anyway, that's not very exciting talk, so I'm going to sign off. I hope everyone is well and welcome Sue! I'm so glad to have you posting now! Good luck with the lack of internet and hopefully we'll see you online soon :)


Arrested Development Update!

Arrested Development Season 3 Premiere:
Monday, September 19 8pm on Fox TV and Global TV

Go figure - I have night class!! Taping I must do!!

My Apologies!!

Hey Everyone!

I apologize profusely for my lateness - surprise surprise - but I didn't have the Internet at Home (CP) and still do not have the Internet at the new house, so I've just been using computers on campus in between classes etc.
So I've fianlly settled into the new house. It is so wierd living with only two other people and I keep expecting to see you guys and you're not here :( Very sad indeed. I went to the Keg Thursday night, again surprise, surprise and it kinda sucked cuz all my HREM friends are gone too. I will have to suck this up:(
So I moved up here last Wednesday and painted by room - looks very cool all set up and Kat I Love The Bed! Very roomy indeed! Then painted our living and dining rooms so basically I was painting from mid afternoon Wed till the wee hours of Saturday morning. Our living and dining rooms were a minty green but are now a nice ivory beige with one wall in the dining room a very deep red. Krista had three b&w paintings that we put up on this wall and it looks great. I can't say it really looks like a student house . . .
Other than that, starte school on Monday. was on campus from 8:30am till 5:30 pm. I don't think Ive ever spent that long continuously on campus, and the whole time was spent with the prof I'm a TA for. He DOESN'T stop talking! We had to have a meeting before the class, the went to the class, had a two hour lunch, went to the first seminar, then talked for anhour, then went to the second seminar then talked for another hour. More like him talking and me just nodding and smiling. Megan warned me about this last year when she was his TA but I had no idea . . .
Anyways, this have been pretty hectic this first week, just trying to get things organzed for myself and the seminars I'll be running. My sister came to Guelph last weekend to help with the painting and we went out with Ronak on the Friday night to the News cafe in the Quebec mall and then to the EBar, but it was so wierd without you guys, and with Ronak leaving soon its all up to you now Dave!!
Other than that, haven't been up to too much. But have to write a coop report, search and apply for co-op jobs for the winter co-op term and start looking into masters or something for next fall. One nice thing is that my TA prof has some very good connections with some people in the UK, one dude who's been a housing prof at various universities in England so he's really puching for me to start looking into that and will hook be up with this prof whom he said will help me find the best place for what I'm interested in. He's encouraging me to act on this right away but with so many other things on the go, its very overwhelming. But I really appreciate his help. He said if I go out for lunch with him a few more times ( with him insisting on paying) then he'll write me a nice reference letter. BTW the prof is white-haired and about 60 years old! He said in the UK a Masters is more of a coonsolation prize for not doing a PhD, so he says maybe I should look into that. Yikes!! Its kinda like a joint masters/phd so if I don't get teh PhD, I'd get the Masters. So I'll have to start looking into that. Moneys just the major issue right now. A really cheap masters in Heritage Conservation at Carleton is looking really good right now, and I could probably get a near full scholarship, so that would sweet, but I really do want to go to England, especially before I get tied down.
I think I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers - I haven't typed this much in awhile. It sounds like things are going well for everyone, leading their new and exciting lives. What happened to the 695?! I must be dreaming!!
Other quick thoughts:
Had a nice chat with Dina at the Keg last night - he was asking for you Kat!!

The second season of Arrested Development comes out in stores October 11 - just in time for my b-day! Guess what we'll be doing on that weekend!!! HAhahaah! Can't wait!

Also I have a song I think everyone will enjoy. My hairdresser played it for me when he was cutting my hair before I left CP: The dude's name is James Blunt; the song "Bravery". I loved the song so bought his album yesterday. Have heard a couple other songs on it and enjoy :) The song Bavery is about his fighting in Kosovo. He was a British paratrooper in Kosovo, where they weren't really fighting soldiers but anyone with a weapon, which often meant women and children. They were supposed to shoot on sight, or be shot themselves but he refused to shoot a kid and the British threw him in jail. Wrote some or all of the songs in jail, eventually got out to the public, who then rallied for his release, and voila a great album was released. You should check it out.

Anyways, really should get going now. Tummy is beckoning and my fingers are cramping, plus I really should get some work done. Once I have the Internet at my place I promise to blog frequently, hopefully with some fun and juicy stories! FYI, if you guys remember Brock from last year - very yummy - I have learned via the grapevine that he is no longer dating Alison, his gf of last year. Though to me she never really acted like she was dating anyone last year, and was surprised when Krista (my roomie and friend of Alison) asked her about him. What it seemed from her end, they were never really bf and gf at all. Anyways, that's all.
I'll make sure to keep you guys posted.

Au revoir for now (I've started a french class!)

Take care!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

my new favorite website

Ah, the refreshing wit of someone reasonable!

Arrrr, we need more pirates!


You mean they speak the truth on tv news?

Yeah, this pic'll be in all of your emailboxes, but I had to post it, too. I heard that Bush's approval rating is finally below 40%. If only we could hold an election this November or whenever we wanted, like they do in Canada. ;)
I'm missing Guelph and all my friends. I will be up there Oct 12-16, so mark your calendars and stock up on wine. That's Sue's birthday weekend, so the spirits will be high. I wish everyone could be there. Damn this whole life and growing up thing.
No word on the niece/nephew yet. Oddly enough, I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant. I was happy to wake up and confirm that it was, in fact, a dream. Smypathy dreams? Maybe.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Hey, guys. I just googled myself. I think we should all do this and find out what our alternate personalities are doing...

Here are a few of mine:

- I am a singer of inspirational music with such song titles as "Heaven", "Infinite Wisdom" and "Imminant Grace"
- I do acupuncture!
- I do 'spirit art' and have been described as "one of those truly rare phenomena that Divine Providence elects as a "pontifex," or bridge, to span the gap between actuality and possibility".
- I am the first women's squash coach!
- I teach shag! (some kind of dance)

OK, so let's google ourselves and see what we're up to :)

Yes, I lead a boring life, but I do get to start my job on Wednesday!


Sunday, September 11, 2005


First of all, funny quote from Remi: "If you had a dick, I'd suck it. I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it. Let's face it, I love you."

Ahh... How he cracks me up!! Anyway, a few things to tell... We went on the coolest walk yesterday. It was through secondary growth forest, douglas firs, probably, with very very tall trees. It was beautiful. It was down a logging road onto a pathway through the trees. Then we climbed down a really super steep decline, all rocky and slippery, down down down, to an old scout camp and then we climbed down (with ropes!) to a little pool below a waterfall. It was neato!! The hike in was incredible and the waterfall was just a trickle, but is probably pretty impressive during the spring thaw. It's called Ammonite Falls because you can find ammonite fossils there. We didn't find any to bring home, but I did find a really cool fossil of a snail shell, perfectly preserved. It was really neat, anyway. Once again, Kat you would die over it. This really is the province for you ;)

Other news, we finally got a microwave today!!! It felt so good to reheat leftovers in a microwave instead of in the oven!!! VERY exciting. You really take that sort of thing for granted anymore because everyone has a microwave, so when you're without one it's a huge drag. We also got a vacuum cleaner and a couple of plants. One is HUGE! I'm thrilled with it. It stands about 5 feet tall and has skinny leaves. Anyway, it's nice and big and fills the corner of our living room nicely. We've got a jungle theme going on in here with all of Remi's masks and even the fishtank. We also bought some fishies for our growing family ;) We bought 7 neon tetras and we're down to four. If these ones survive we'll get some other fish for the tank soon, but I'm a little unsure given that almost half of them have croaked!

On a gross note: We had a major issue in our laundry area this week... I went down there a few days ago and the room was FULL of those green coloured houseflies (my parents have always called them garbage flies). It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I sealed off the basement and sent Remi down with a can of Raid when he got home from his trip. NASTY! The dropped *haha* like flies and I think are pretty much gone. The only problem is that our bathtub leaks into the basement making a nice moist, welcoming environment and they can get right in from outside down there. Once again, NASTY! So, hopefully we can get this leak fixed and keep the flies out. A plus is that now we also have Raid to combat the flea problem. We went to town spraying the house today and gave Maggie a flea bath (that was interesting...).

OK, that's it for now, other than the fact that I should be starting my new job this week!! I'll keep you posted :)


Friday, September 09, 2005

I am b to the ored

I have spent the past two hours making a list of players I might want to draft in my hockey pool, checked six different hockey sites for nothing in particular, checked my email five times, and gone from jeans and a t-shirt to jogging pants and a sweater. So, I figured, why not post on the b to the log.

Ummm, our house has a ghost. No, really, we have a ghost and it has been here for a year apparently. I was telling my housemate, Erin, that I heard a beep in the hall and she said that it must be our friend, the ghost. I said, 'yeah, it must have been'. 'No, Dave, there really is a ghost here.' This ghost only makes its presence felt when the house is in 'unrest', like when people are moving out for the summer and subletters are moving in and then people move back in September. Greg, the guy who advertised the house, was in his room listening to music when his volume control on his stereo started to turn up. He told people and they thought he was crazy. But then one of the other guys was in Greg's room listening to music and the volume knob turned up again. Then, Erin went to look for the can opener and it was missing. Noone said they had used it and, if they had, they would have put it back. Two days later, the can opener was back in the drawer at the very back.

Now, I know I sound a little crazy (or maybe very crazy), but Erin is totally serious about this! I'm going to ask everyone else about this ghost friend and I'll keep you posted. And after watching Most Haunted for a while, I not only believe it's possible, but every creek freaks the hell outta me!

Song of the day - actually, I have two: X&Y, by Colplay from the album of the same name; Almost Forgot Myself, by The Doves from Some Cities.

Here are a couple random quotes from the Pad:

Me: Whoa. I was thinking ahead of my typing.
- the night Sarah had to explain "come into my mouth little fish" to me four times. I still don't get it!!!:p

West: Where is she? I was trying to get her body position.
- Sarah on the pop-up Kama Sutra

West: When they started this commericial, I thought they were going to play Thriller.

West: Suck the fuck up.

Vernooy: Arrr, there be a pirate cookie in my milk.

Dave: Her squeaks are like skipping stones!
Kat: The better the throw, the more the squeaks!

Dave: If you were stranded on a desert island, wouldn't you choose salsa for life over a tit?

Kat: Don't come back in like, never.

Alright that's all for now :)

- Dave

posting from the illustrious woodstock public library computer pool

yo yo yo my peeps, blogmaster vernooy is in the hizzouse once again!

as the title of this post suggests, I am currently seated at a computer at the Woodstock Public Library, which is making me nostalgic because I used to come here like every weekend when I was 12 and sit on these computers for like 6 hours in chat rooms before we had the internet at home. There's a tasty little tidbit of info that I bet you all didn't know: I have, in fact, been addicted to the internet since it's very inception. Sad, but true. Let's just thank god I never met any 42 year old bald men from Idaho in person.

anyhoo! lots to tell!

First of all, just went to the opthalmologist. fluid pressure in my glaucomic eye: 15mmHg!! whoo!! new drops are working! Let's pretend for a moment that you all know that 15mmHg is a really good reading for a sucka with glaucoma and let's pretend that you care. Ok, moment is over.

What you might care about though, is that we got kittteeeeeennnnnsssssssssss whoooooooooo!!! We got 2 kittens from the Perry farm last week and apart from a small litterbox avoidance problem with the male kitten that has since resolved itself, everything is hunky dory. They are pooping and peeing and eating normally, and nickerbocker and I are very happy with them. Also apparently our dresser is a sweet ass cat bed (who knew?) and a crumpled piece of paper, is like, the coolest thing ever. the only problem thus far is the 6:30 wake-ups to a kitten biting your feet every morning, but it's a small price to pay for so much cuteness. When we finally stop being wireless-stealing lowlifes and get the internet in the apartment, I'll post some pics. By the way, our cats have the coolest names ever. Are you ready?

Ziggy and Dweezil. Yeah, that's right. Eat your hearts out.

Ziggy is named after the infamous David Bowie character, and is a pretty good choice for our rockin' little female kitty. Dweezil is named after Dweezil Zappa, Frank Zappa's son - because Moonunit was going just a little too far (yes, there is actually a person on earth named Moonunit Zappa, although I think nowadays she just goes by Moon), which I thought was a good choice because Dweezil Zappa is pretty cool and cute, and so is our little boy kitty.
Anyway, I'm getting carried away.

Work is good, same old same old... I'm whoring myself out to 3 Shoppers' in St. Catharines so the variety should be nice. I have most weekends off which is also good.

Speaking of weekends, to guelphers - I should be able to get the weekend of October 12th-15th off for Kats visit, so let's plan a get together, shall we?

Anyway, that was about all I had for today, sorry about the lack of blogging.

As for the krab and veggie contest... *drumroll please*

I clearly overexaggerated when I came up with the contest idea, because all three of you grossly overestimated the amount of both krab and veg in the freezer. Although I think personall these numbers are still ludicrous:

there were 6 bags of artificial krab and 7 bags of mixed veg (this does not include bags of niblet corn or winter vegetables, just the regular blend... with niblet and winter veg included the tally would have been like 12).

So I think kat had the closest veg guess and sarah had the closest krab guest. Regardless, I think i'm going to send everyone a prize just for participating. So if Dave could email me his new address, I'll get right on it.

Ok! Going to end this ridiculously long entry right now!
Miss you guys, talk to you later!


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Interesting BC facts

I thought you guys should know how living here is different from Ontario. Here's what I've learned so far:

1) There are no skunks on Vancouver Island. Therefore pets living on the island have no need for a rabies shot.

2) The blocks of cheese are bigger here. I don't know why, they just are.

3) The yolks of eggs are not as yellow here, but just as tasty. I don't know why.

4) Milk does not come in bags here, but you can buy a 4 litre jug. I think I prefer this.

That's all for now :)

- westicle


You say we have visitors, Dave? Do you mean the 695ers or others? Either way, I'm glad to see that the posts have become much more frequent. And I feel it is our duty to keep Sarah out of boredom, so let's keep it going. And once Amanda and Sue get their connectivity back, they can join us in this excellent excuse for procrastination.

So, I don't really have much to update you folks with. Interesting fact that I learned yesterday: hebrew and arabic are the only pre-Sumerian languages being spoken. At least that's what my art history prof said. I am unsure though, because Chinese, Japanese, etc. was not mentioned. For those not well versed in the history of language, basically all the western and Indian languages are based on Sumerian. Now that I've proved my nerdiness, I'll move on to something else.

Oh, wait, that's right, my life is pretty boring, so I in that case I feel I should cut this off before it ends up being more babble. So, I'm glad to see that I have a reason to check the blog now. Keep it up! Love and miss you all!



The hilarity continues:

...where's Sue??

Song of the day: Pass Me Down The Wine - Oasis. I know this is the second Oasis song I've posted, but I'm hooked. It's a B-side from their Importance Of Being Idle single which hit number 1 in the UK.
Album of the week: In A Coma: The Best of Matthew Good (released on the 20th of September)

Sarah - Congrats on the job!! Time for more stories of crazy people wanting their drugs!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Fake crab and veggies

OK, so here's my guess. I know how much Jen and Graham loved their fake crab and the ridiculous number of groceries Jen's mom bought, so I'm going with 9 fake crabs (not to go too wild). As for frozen veggies... I'll go with 14 bags, although that freezer was pretty full and it had to be full of something... Maybe my guesses are low, but that's what I'm going to go with.

New in the life of Sarah - I have a job at a Save on Foods pharmacy, part-time, starting next week :) I'm thrilled. It's a slow pharmacy, but it's new so I'm sure business will be picking up. People love to get their drugs where they shop!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be posting again soon - I'm a loser with nothing better to do than blog!


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bored in BC

It's another beautiful day of unemployment (and weather) here in Nanaimo for me :) I'm bored out of my skull, but thankfully my course materials for PSYC*314, Health Psychology came today, so I've been working on that (what kind of nerd actually starts doing work on the first day of school??). Big news today is that I have my first job interview tomorrow!! I'm feeling pretty confident about it, but don't hesitate to wish me luck. I'll keep you all posted. Hey, speaking of "posted" things, how 'bout the lack of posting on this site!! Come on guys, I'm bored out here! I need some juicy reading material!

Keep in touch all :)

Monday, September 05, 2005


That's right. 129.1/litre. I could go into a rant, but I won't. Although what used to cost $10 to drive to Guelph now costs nearly $20! Yay!!

Right, so considering I was the one who set up the Blog, maybe I should start to post on the Blog.

I actually don't know where to begin...OK, I'll start with camp. Leaving RBC and going back to Zodiac was the second best decision I made this summer (I'll cover the best decision later). I got to yell at kids, play with kids, throw kids around, beat them easily in sports, eat camp food (which is better than you'd think), hold animals (chinchillas, snakes, rabbits, dragons, doves, etc.), go to overnight camp for three days, hang out with counsellors, and basically make a total arse of myself every single day! It was a little better than saying, "Could I just have you enter your PIN number in the machine. Thanks. Will that be all for today? No? You now want a money order? OK. For how much? $2000? Oh, you'll need a bank draft for that. Oh, you already knew that? OK. Here's your draft. Have a good day. Could I help the next person in line?" ...'shuddering noise'. So anyhoo, camp was a ton of fun, I met a lot of new people, made next to nothing, but it was totally worth not having any money at all.

Now onto more fun schtuff: school! I officially moved back yesterday. My Mom and I set up my room on Friday, went home for one more day to do laundry and eat one last home-cooked meal, and then finished up yesterday. I am not living with Dino as I originally planned. I ended up finding a place on Harvard (where it bends to run parrallel with Edinburgh) with a great house make-up: two girls and four guys. One girl is in fourth year studying Econ and is a hardcore Leafs fan. That's right. I'm talking as hardcore as me. She has a Leafs pillow, window drapes, bedsheets, and a framed pic of Mats Sundin. I haven't even met her yet, but I have a feeling I'll like her. The other girl is from Ottawa and is a big Sens fan. One of the guys is from Vancouver and is a huge Canucks fan. The others, I don't know about. Oh, I think I'm living with all Aggies. They all live on farms and one of them has a cow keychain. But don't worry, I will not be transformed! After finishing my room, my Mom and I watched the Pep Rally. The OV's boogie was great and most of the residence boogies were well done. There was one streaker and everyone watching from the hill did the wave for a few minutes. Those were the highlights! And they made reference to Homestar, Napolean Dynomite, and that Ba-ya-heeee, Ba-ya-hoooo guy! They did the arm pumps! It ended at around 11.

I went to the 695 yesterday to grab my lamps and hub and internet chord and it felt so good to be back in there, but also so sad that it was actually the last time I'll set foot in the house. I gave them my key (which I should have kept to sneak into their house and just start watching tv and act all confused if they saw me sitting there - I'd just say their all crazy and I've been living here this whole time.) and took one last look around. I think someone took my wok.

On a side note, everyone should see "40 Year-Old Virgin". Laugh-out-loud, slap-your-knee, pee-your-pants, awesomely-retarded funny. And I'm going to post a song I think everyone will like every other day or so. Today's song is "The Importance of Being Idle" by Oasis. It is from their new album and they really go back to their roots with this little diddy.

I think that's all for now. Hockey starts in exactly one month. As in 30 days, eight hours, and 19 minutes. Holy cwap.

Miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so weird without you all here to make me yell and startle!!!

I'll keep updating the Pad of Stupidity. it looks like we have some visitors on the site, so let's keep it clean guys :p

From the G-Spot,


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Not retarded afterall! (thanks Kat)

Ok, my first blog! I have to say I'm disappointed at the turn-out on this page 695ers. I am just about to post more blogs than most of you and I was without internet for two weeks! Come on!

Anyway, I guess you all got the group email, so I won't go over the trip again, but I'll paste it at the end here. No new news really. I've been looking for a job this week, but nothing yet. I hate to get discouraged (given that I've only been looking for three days!), but I am. I really want to be working! We're (a) running out of money, and (b) it's just going to be me here alone next week while Remi is on a field trip 4 hours away!! This means I will definitely be lonely. We haven't met anyone here yet to call a friend and I certainly won't be hanging out with the crack whore (I'm not joking, she's a methadone patient) upstairs. I don't even want to talk to her! So next week it's going to be just me and the Maggers (who has fleas and therefore is not allowed in our bedroom). OH! And gas prices out here are $1.17/litre right now (goddamn you Bush!), so I won't even be making any day trips to Victoria or anything! BIG drag. *sigh*

OK, enough whining. Remi and I took a trip to the "beach" yesterday. Not a beach at all but a point (called Jack Point) on the ocean. It's a park with a path through the woods and a view of the sea. VERY pretty. Maggie discovered starfish ;) And by discovered I mean beat up. She was very freaked out by them and kept hoisting them up in the air and barking at them! Poor creatures! Good thing they can regenerate! Anyway, I'll put some photos of it on the site soon.

Get posting guys!