The 695 thought pad

Friday, September 16, 2005

My Apologies!!

Hey Everyone!

I apologize profusely for my lateness - surprise surprise - but I didn't have the Internet at Home (CP) and still do not have the Internet at the new house, so I've just been using computers on campus in between classes etc.
So I've fianlly settled into the new house. It is so wierd living with only two other people and I keep expecting to see you guys and you're not here :( Very sad indeed. I went to the Keg Thursday night, again surprise, surprise and it kinda sucked cuz all my HREM friends are gone too. I will have to suck this up:(
So I moved up here last Wednesday and painted by room - looks very cool all set up and Kat I Love The Bed! Very roomy indeed! Then painted our living and dining rooms so basically I was painting from mid afternoon Wed till the wee hours of Saturday morning. Our living and dining rooms were a minty green but are now a nice ivory beige with one wall in the dining room a very deep red. Krista had three b&w paintings that we put up on this wall and it looks great. I can't say it really looks like a student house . . .
Other than that, starte school on Monday. was on campus from 8:30am till 5:30 pm. I don't think Ive ever spent that long continuously on campus, and the whole time was spent with the prof I'm a TA for. He DOESN'T stop talking! We had to have a meeting before the class, the went to the class, had a two hour lunch, went to the first seminar, then talked for anhour, then went to the second seminar then talked for another hour. More like him talking and me just nodding and smiling. Megan warned me about this last year when she was his TA but I had no idea . . .
Anyways, this have been pretty hectic this first week, just trying to get things organzed for myself and the seminars I'll be running. My sister came to Guelph last weekend to help with the painting and we went out with Ronak on the Friday night to the News cafe in the Quebec mall and then to the EBar, but it was so wierd without you guys, and with Ronak leaving soon its all up to you now Dave!!
Other than that, haven't been up to too much. But have to write a coop report, search and apply for co-op jobs for the winter co-op term and start looking into masters or something for next fall. One nice thing is that my TA prof has some very good connections with some people in the UK, one dude who's been a housing prof at various universities in England so he's really puching for me to start looking into that and will hook be up with this prof whom he said will help me find the best place for what I'm interested in. He's encouraging me to act on this right away but with so many other things on the go, its very overwhelming. But I really appreciate his help. He said if I go out for lunch with him a few more times ( with him insisting on paying) then he'll write me a nice reference letter. BTW the prof is white-haired and about 60 years old! He said in the UK a Masters is more of a coonsolation prize for not doing a PhD, so he says maybe I should look into that. Yikes!! Its kinda like a joint masters/phd so if I don't get teh PhD, I'd get the Masters. So I'll have to start looking into that. Moneys just the major issue right now. A really cheap masters in Heritage Conservation at Carleton is looking really good right now, and I could probably get a near full scholarship, so that would sweet, but I really do want to go to England, especially before I get tied down.
I think I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers - I haven't typed this much in awhile. It sounds like things are going well for everyone, leading their new and exciting lives. What happened to the 695?! I must be dreaming!!
Other quick thoughts:
Had a nice chat with Dina at the Keg last night - he was asking for you Kat!!

The second season of Arrested Development comes out in stores October 11 - just in time for my b-day! Guess what we'll be doing on that weekend!!! HAhahaah! Can't wait!

Also I have a song I think everyone will enjoy. My hairdresser played it for me when he was cutting my hair before I left CP: The dude's name is James Blunt; the song "Bravery". I loved the song so bought his album yesterday. Have heard a couple other songs on it and enjoy :) The song Bavery is about his fighting in Kosovo. He was a British paratrooper in Kosovo, where they weren't really fighting soldiers but anyone with a weapon, which often meant women and children. They were supposed to shoot on sight, or be shot themselves but he refused to shoot a kid and the British threw him in jail. Wrote some or all of the songs in jail, eventually got out to the public, who then rallied for his release, and voila a great album was released. You should check it out.

Anyways, really should get going now. Tummy is beckoning and my fingers are cramping, plus I really should get some work done. Once I have the Internet at my place I promise to blog frequently, hopefully with some fun and juicy stories! FYI, if you guys remember Brock from last year - very yummy - I have learned via the grapevine that he is no longer dating Alison, his gf of last year. Though to me she never really acted like she was dating anyone last year, and was surprised when Krista (my roomie and friend of Alison) asked her about him. What it seemed from her end, they were never really bf and gf at all. Anyways, that's all.
I'll make sure to keep you guys posted.

Au revoir for now (I've started a french class!)

Take care!


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

Dina? I don't know a Dina. ;)



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