The 695 thought pad

Friday, September 09, 2005

posting from the illustrious woodstock public library computer pool

yo yo yo my peeps, blogmaster vernooy is in the hizzouse once again!

as the title of this post suggests, I am currently seated at a computer at the Woodstock Public Library, which is making me nostalgic because I used to come here like every weekend when I was 12 and sit on these computers for like 6 hours in chat rooms before we had the internet at home. There's a tasty little tidbit of info that I bet you all didn't know: I have, in fact, been addicted to the internet since it's very inception. Sad, but true. Let's just thank god I never met any 42 year old bald men from Idaho in person.

anyhoo! lots to tell!

First of all, just went to the opthalmologist. fluid pressure in my glaucomic eye: 15mmHg!! whoo!! new drops are working! Let's pretend for a moment that you all know that 15mmHg is a really good reading for a sucka with glaucoma and let's pretend that you care. Ok, moment is over.

What you might care about though, is that we got kittteeeeeennnnnsssssssssss whoooooooooo!!! We got 2 kittens from the Perry farm last week and apart from a small litterbox avoidance problem with the male kitten that has since resolved itself, everything is hunky dory. They are pooping and peeing and eating normally, and nickerbocker and I are very happy with them. Also apparently our dresser is a sweet ass cat bed (who knew?) and a crumpled piece of paper, is like, the coolest thing ever. the only problem thus far is the 6:30 wake-ups to a kitten biting your feet every morning, but it's a small price to pay for so much cuteness. When we finally stop being wireless-stealing lowlifes and get the internet in the apartment, I'll post some pics. By the way, our cats have the coolest names ever. Are you ready?

Ziggy and Dweezil. Yeah, that's right. Eat your hearts out.

Ziggy is named after the infamous David Bowie character, and is a pretty good choice for our rockin' little female kitty. Dweezil is named after Dweezil Zappa, Frank Zappa's son - because Moonunit was going just a little too far (yes, there is actually a person on earth named Moonunit Zappa, although I think nowadays she just goes by Moon), which I thought was a good choice because Dweezil Zappa is pretty cool and cute, and so is our little boy kitty.
Anyway, I'm getting carried away.

Work is good, same old same old... I'm whoring myself out to 3 Shoppers' in St. Catharines so the variety should be nice. I have most weekends off which is also good.

Speaking of weekends, to guelphers - I should be able to get the weekend of October 12th-15th off for Kats visit, so let's plan a get together, shall we?

Anyway, that was about all I had for today, sorry about the lack of blogging.

As for the krab and veggie contest... *drumroll please*

I clearly overexaggerated when I came up with the contest idea, because all three of you grossly overestimated the amount of both krab and veg in the freezer. Although I think personall these numbers are still ludicrous:

there were 6 bags of artificial krab and 7 bags of mixed veg (this does not include bags of niblet corn or winter vegetables, just the regular blend... with niblet and winter veg included the tally would have been like 12).

So I think kat had the closest veg guess and sarah had the closest krab guest. Regardless, I think i'm going to send everyone a prize just for participating. So if Dave could email me his new address, I'll get right on it.

Ok! Going to end this ridiculously long entry right now!
Miss you guys, talk to you later!



At 11:31 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

YES! I won with the veggies! And I'm proud to say that one of those bags was mine!



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