The 695 thought pad

Monday, September 26, 2005

News! P.S. Where is everyone?

Hey guys! First of all, Sue, one post is not enough! I watched Arrested Development tonight and what's up with Gob being Steve Holt's father?????? Obviously I've missed something vital ;) I'll be watching regularly now that we know when it's on here though ;) Still funny! And co-staring Charlize Theron. Dave, you must enjoy that, eh? ;)

Anyhoo, I've got a second job! It's nothing glamourous, but it pays (although not well). I'll be working at HomeSense, a Winners store that does furniture and home decorating. They're just opening a store in Nanaimo, so I'll be helping set up and then hopefully working there doing something customer service-like. It's a temporary position until December, but hopefully after that I'll find something better. I'm going to keep looking in the meantime, but the bills won't pay themselves!

In other news, we have a rodent problem in the house now. Not actually in our living area, but between the walls. We can hear them scurrying overhead at night. Very disconcerting. Remi emailed our landlord about it yesterday using words like "rodent-like" and statements like "could be a pet upstairs" because we weren't entirely sure about rodents yet, but the email from our landlord had the statement: "I thought I'd taken care of the rodent problem" and so now we know for sure that there are mice or rats living amoungst us. It's especially gross because Remi found a dead RAT in our front hedge the day after we moved in. If I find a rat in here, so help me God, I'll throw up! NASTY! It's nice to continually find evidence that the place we're living is a dump. First we have no electricity in two vital outlets (bedroom and living room), then our bathtub is leaking down into the laundry room, then we have fleas, then we have a plague of flies swarming in our laundry room, now we have rats/mice... It really sucks because we are truly very happy here. I'm living with the fleas, we're taking care of it. The electricity is no big deal, we're just overloading one plug, and we don't really care about the tub until the floor rots and one of us falls through (can anyone say lawsuit?), but RATS????? I mean, COME ON! EWWW.

So that's the news boys and girls. Remi and I are contemplating leaving our wonderfully bright apartment with it's amazing view, but we'll see. We can get out of our lease no problem with the existing issues with the place, but we're both so thrilled with how nice OUR apartment is. *sigh*

Anyway, I think Remi's making some ice creamy treat, so I'll sign off. Get posting :)



At 11:13 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

I have never understood the difference that people see between rats and mice. I mean, obviously one is bigger than the other, but they are both in the rodent family, both are amazingly adaptive, and both are cute in their own way. Plus, and on the down side, they both carry disease. But anyway, you're right, rats are not fun to live with and you shouldn't have to put up with them. Hopefully it won't require an exterminator or anything. If you can plug up the holes around the foundation, that would be a big help. But those rodents are tricky little bastards (see above). Good luck with the problem.

On the bright side, you live in BC and I don't. You win. ;)

At 11:13 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

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At 11:18 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

"For british eyes onnnnllyyyy..."


At 5:05 PM, Blogger manda said...

*reading above comment*

... I have a feeling I'm missing out on some really funny joke.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

Arrested Devlopment ;) "STEVE HOLT!"


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