The 695 thought pad

Friday, June 22, 2007

What's up, homs?

Hey, all (and by all I mean Kat, who is obviously the only one checking the blog!).

Just thought I'd give a little update on Remi and I and BC in general. First of all, the weather f'in sucks! It had better get nice soon because I'm contemplating a giant move back to Ontario right now! Rain rain rain, sun, cold cold cold. STUPID BC! This is apparently "rare"/"weird"/"abnormal", or so we keep hearing from long-time residents, but I'm still annoyed! This is not nice for camping and all we want to do right now is get the hell outta Dodge (read: Vancouver)! Leaving the city for a weekend is so relaxing, but if the weather is crappy, it's much less enjoyable. For instance, we camped in the rain last weekend and it was nice, because I like camping, but very wet. Check out our blog for pics/comments (

Anyway other than that, I'm still at the hospital (of course). I'd be foolish to leave with the money I'm making ;) I'm almost done my training and I'm picking everything up really quickly. A lot of people are very surprised at my progress and quick learnedness. I guess they have a lot of people still who have completed their training and still need to have their hands held every step of the way, so I'm a treat, or so they say. It's always nice to be liked ;) And I'm loving it! I spent the last two days in the hood making IV's all by myself! It was so quiet! No one bothered me, I got to listen to the radio and got to pick the station! AWESOME.
These aren't the best pics, but this is my garb and kinda what I do in there. VERY cool.
Anyway, other than work, all is good. Remi and I leave for Cape Scott next Thursday morning after I register for my classes for next year. We get to do the whole year at once at UBC. I'm hoping to take one elective next year on Aboriginal health issues. I am not only intersted, but think it will be of great value when Remi and I move back to Vancouver Island and I'm working as a pharmacist. There is a much greater concentration of Native Americans on the Island than there is in the Lower Mainland for sure, especially in the small communities where we want to live. In terms of Cape Scott, I'm a little scared! We've yet to nail down a menu and I worry that we might be carrying too much. Last weekend for a two day trip our bags were STUFFED and quite heavy. I'm hoping we can really shrink down in the food area. Any tips for big camping trips besides freeze dried dinners and trailmix, Kat?
I guess that's about it. I hope all is well with everyone and a little posting would be nice! ;)


At 5:31 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Hah! I'm NOT the person to ask about camp meals. Never been backpacking, therefore I'm not a good resource. All I know is the drier the better, weather or food. ;)

Okay, I asked some other interns and here's what was suggested:

dehydrated soups (bulk section)
red beans and rice
thai seasoning with noodles and peanut butter
pasta with dried pesto and pine nuts

Maybe that helps? If not for this time, then your next trip.

Have fun!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Is no one checking this blog any more? Geez.


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