The 695 thought pad

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Hey, all. So I should be studying for my pharmacy practice lab final that's this week, but I'm bored, so I thought I'd post. Things are getting hairy with our insurance company on the car, so I need to vent, anyway.

Remi found a new piece of evidence in our favour the other day... Well here, let me re-cap. Car crashed, we found out that I hadn't changed my "territory" when I moved to Vancouver on my insurance, so I wasn't paying what I was supposed to be paying (it costs more to be in Vancouver), apparently that makes me in "breach of contract", so they don't have to pay for my accident until I pay a nominal fee (which started out at $7500 and then got dropped as a "favour" to $1500). OK, so I'm fighting tooth and nail so that I don't have to pay said penalty and I can just pay what I owe. ICBC (the insurance company) departments do not communicate with each other out here, so even though I changed my address with one department, it apparently wasn't the "right" department and now we're screwed. Makes no sense, right? So that's what they're saying... I say if they made it easier and prompted people with reminders, people would very rarely breach their contracts and as such, things like this wouldn't happen.

Anyway, to Remi's evidence... All it is is a little piece of paper that we have stuck to the backs of our driver's licenses with our change of address on them stating: "ICBC address amendment card". Not Motor Vehicle Department, or Driver's License amendment card, ICBC amendment card. So... Sounds like I changed my address with ICBC. I'll throw this at my insurance adjuster Monday and see how he tries to get around it.

Keeping you posted,



At 11:43 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

But if they reminded you about the things you have to do to not create a breach in the contract, how would these companies EVER make money? It's so sad, I really pity them.

Seriously, I hope you get the money you deserve and the sticker screws 'em.


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