The 695 thought pad

Sunday, September 11, 2005


First of all, funny quote from Remi: "If you had a dick, I'd suck it. I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it. Let's face it, I love you."

Ahh... How he cracks me up!! Anyway, a few things to tell... We went on the coolest walk yesterday. It was through secondary growth forest, douglas firs, probably, with very very tall trees. It was beautiful. It was down a logging road onto a pathway through the trees. Then we climbed down a really super steep decline, all rocky and slippery, down down down, to an old scout camp and then we climbed down (with ropes!) to a little pool below a waterfall. It was neato!! The hike in was incredible and the waterfall was just a trickle, but is probably pretty impressive during the spring thaw. It's called Ammonite Falls because you can find ammonite fossils there. We didn't find any to bring home, but I did find a really cool fossil of a snail shell, perfectly preserved. It was really neat, anyway. Once again, Kat you would die over it. This really is the province for you ;)

Other news, we finally got a microwave today!!! It felt so good to reheat leftovers in a microwave instead of in the oven!!! VERY exciting. You really take that sort of thing for granted anymore because everyone has a microwave, so when you're without one it's a huge drag. We also got a vacuum cleaner and a couple of plants. One is HUGE! I'm thrilled with it. It stands about 5 feet tall and has skinny leaves. Anyway, it's nice and big and fills the corner of our living room nicely. We've got a jungle theme going on in here with all of Remi's masks and even the fishtank. We also bought some fishies for our growing family ;) We bought 7 neon tetras and we're down to four. If these ones survive we'll get some other fish for the tank soon, but I'm a little unsure given that almost half of them have croaked!

On a gross note: We had a major issue in our laundry area this week... I went down there a few days ago and the room was FULL of those green coloured houseflies (my parents have always called them garbage flies). It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I sealed off the basement and sent Remi down with a can of Raid when he got home from his trip. NASTY! The dropped *haha* like flies and I think are pretty much gone. The only problem is that our bathtub leaks into the basement making a nice moist, welcoming environment and they can get right in from outside down there. Once again, NASTY! So, hopefully we can get this leak fixed and keep the flies out. A plus is that now we also have Raid to combat the flea problem. We went to town spraying the house today and gave Maggie a flea bath (that was interesting...).

OK, that's it for now, other than the fact that I should be starting my new job this week!! I'll keep you posted :)



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