The 695 thought pad

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fuck will be used!

Thought I'd start this blog with a funny quote. Stupid KFC and their non-delivering ways! Although I kinda want KFC "chicken" skin right now. And macarroni salad.

I can see this being a random blogging thing...

So I guess I'll start with my love life. Oh, wait! I don't have one! Moving on.... I don't think anything will happen with Talya. She's nice, but I don't think she's really what I'm looking for. I'm not trying to be picky because beggars can't be choosers (not that I'm going around begging girls for phone numbers and then having them say no or giving me a fake number like the Pizza Pizza number), but I just really don't get a vibe from her at all. There's another girl in the JSO who was asking me all of these questions at the bagel lunch and she actually seemed interested in what I had to say about my lobball baseball intramural team! So many Jewish girls in Guelph...I never knew!

I actually don't spend hours in front of my computer anymore! I've been at the library a lot and using the couches in the Daily Grind to get work done. They put a Starbucks in the grind and they charge nearly $4 for a cafe mocca! And I swear they didn't put in the cafe the last time I bought one. And speaking of coffee, I think I'm slowly getting hooked on Timmy Ho's as I keep getting cravings for double double's and typing about them makes me want one. But it's nearly midnight and I think they close at midnight.

It's going down to 6 degrees tonight! I love the cold weather! I know you all dislike the coldness, but it means so many things for me: Baseball playoffs are starting; the hockey season is starting; snow will start falling soon; I get to wear sweaters...I like wearing sweaters.

I'm heading home tomorrow to see The Doves in concert at The Docks and then staying until Saturday night to pack more of the house because we're showing it from Tuesday onwards. I can't wait to get out my craphole neighbourhood. No more mowing the lawn and having to discard candy wrappers and McDonald's cartons from lazy arses who think so lowly of the area that they will dump their crap anywhere! Really, it pisses me off to no end that some people have no sense of community. It's what makes the bad areas get even worse. That felt good to get off my chest :)

I think that's all for now. I'm going to have some Jelapeno chips and then head to bed.

"Get me some of those Jal-apeno chips"
"Ricky, it's pronounced Jjjjjaaaalapeno"
"I don't want Jalapeno chips, I want Jal-apeno"

hehe Bubbles...



At 10:09 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

"I'm looking for two pizzas."

Thought I'd do the same with the quote thing. Anyway, YAY! It's good to hear from you.

I had no idea that Guelph had much of a Jewish scene, but if you've found a girl who is interested, or at least acts interested, in your baseball thingamajiger, them I would say latch on to that!

And I'm sure you're pumped for THE season to start. Do you think your house'll have a meltdown? Sounds like there may be some pretty fierce rivalries going with all you Leafs and Sens fans in there. I wonder who the ghost cheers for...

Enjoy the concert, good luck with the move, and wear a sweater! I wore a sweater all day today and it was up to 18. What can I say, I'm a southern girl.

On a side note, have you heard much of Supergrass lately? I just saw them on the Tonight Show and they peaked my interest. They had an Eagles/Bob Seger/70s vibe going. I'll have to keep an eye out for 'em.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

I only know a few of their songs: Cheapskate, Pumping On Your Stereo, and the song from Clueless. I don't know what Bob Seger sounds like, but they deffinately have the 70's vibe going!

The ghost is clearly on my side :)

At 3:53 PM, Blogger manda said...

YOU DONT KNOW WHAT BOB SEGER SOUNDS LIKE???!!?!?!?!!?!!?!!?!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I can no longer be your friend.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

Don't you find it amusing that all winter we wear sweaters inside, even though we keep the temperature around 18 degrees, and then we look weird when we wear a sweater in the fall when it's only 18 degrees outside?



At 10:38 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

P.S. Dave, get in on the music scene!! I try to open your horizons by buying you oldies CDs and do you build on my efforts?? NO! Bob Seger, Dave!! I suggest you do some downloading...



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