The 695 thought pad

Monday, September 05, 2005


That's right. 129.1/litre. I could go into a rant, but I won't. Although what used to cost $10 to drive to Guelph now costs nearly $20! Yay!!

Right, so considering I was the one who set up the Blog, maybe I should start to post on the Blog.

I actually don't know where to begin...OK, I'll start with camp. Leaving RBC and going back to Zodiac was the second best decision I made this summer (I'll cover the best decision later). I got to yell at kids, play with kids, throw kids around, beat them easily in sports, eat camp food (which is better than you'd think), hold animals (chinchillas, snakes, rabbits, dragons, doves, etc.), go to overnight camp for three days, hang out with counsellors, and basically make a total arse of myself every single day! It was a little better than saying, "Could I just have you enter your PIN number in the machine. Thanks. Will that be all for today? No? You now want a money order? OK. For how much? $2000? Oh, you'll need a bank draft for that. Oh, you already knew that? OK. Here's your draft. Have a good day. Could I help the next person in line?" ...'shuddering noise'. So anyhoo, camp was a ton of fun, I met a lot of new people, made next to nothing, but it was totally worth not having any money at all.

Now onto more fun schtuff: school! I officially moved back yesterday. My Mom and I set up my room on Friday, went home for one more day to do laundry and eat one last home-cooked meal, and then finished up yesterday. I am not living with Dino as I originally planned. I ended up finding a place on Harvard (where it bends to run parrallel with Edinburgh) with a great house make-up: two girls and four guys. One girl is in fourth year studying Econ and is a hardcore Leafs fan. That's right. I'm talking as hardcore as me. She has a Leafs pillow, window drapes, bedsheets, and a framed pic of Mats Sundin. I haven't even met her yet, but I have a feeling I'll like her. The other girl is from Ottawa and is a big Sens fan. One of the guys is from Vancouver and is a huge Canucks fan. The others, I don't know about. Oh, I think I'm living with all Aggies. They all live on farms and one of them has a cow keychain. But don't worry, I will not be transformed! After finishing my room, my Mom and I watched the Pep Rally. The OV's boogie was great and most of the residence boogies were well done. There was one streaker and everyone watching from the hill did the wave for a few minutes. Those were the highlights! And they made reference to Homestar, Napolean Dynomite, and that Ba-ya-heeee, Ba-ya-hoooo guy! They did the arm pumps! It ended at around 11.

I went to the 695 yesterday to grab my lamps and hub and internet chord and it felt so good to be back in there, but also so sad that it was actually the last time I'll set foot in the house. I gave them my key (which I should have kept to sneak into their house and just start watching tv and act all confused if they saw me sitting there - I'd just say their all crazy and I've been living here this whole time.) and took one last look around. I think someone took my wok.

On a side note, everyone should see "40 Year-Old Virgin". Laugh-out-loud, slap-your-knee, pee-your-pants, awesomely-retarded funny. And I'm going to post a song I think everyone will like every other day or so. Today's song is "The Importance of Being Idle" by Oasis. It is from their new album and they really go back to their roots with this little diddy.

I think that's all for now. Hockey starts in exactly one month. As in 30 days, eight hours, and 19 minutes. Holy cwap.

Miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so weird without you all here to make me yell and startle!!!

I'll keep updating the Pad of Stupidity. it looks like we have some visitors on the site, so let's keep it clean guys :p

From the G-Spot,



At 4:34 PM, Blogger manda said...

I don't think we have real company... looks like comment spam to me. Anyhoo glad you're all settled back in the G-spot, I hope to visit sometimg in the next month or so, so I'll keep you posted.

I totally think you should just show up on their couch sometime. Sure, you don't have a key anymore, but we all know that you can break in through the basement window!! DO ITTTT!!

anyway, that was all.

p.s. I stole your wok, muhahahahaa! I thought it was molly's. What did I tell you people about leaving stuff behind?? Anyway if you really want it I'll bring it when I visit. :)


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