The 695 thought pad

Monday, September 12, 2005


Hey, guys. I just googled myself. I think we should all do this and find out what our alternate personalities are doing...

Here are a few of mine:

- I am a singer of inspirational music with such song titles as "Heaven", "Infinite Wisdom" and "Imminant Grace"
- I do acupuncture!
- I do 'spirit art' and have been described as "one of those truly rare phenomena that Divine Providence elects as a "pontifex," or bridge, to span the gap between actuality and possibility".
- I am the first women's squash coach!
- I teach shag! (some kind of dance)

OK, so let's google ourselves and see what we're up to :)

Yes, I lead a boring life, but I do get to start my job on Wednesday!



At 11:25 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

I googled myself and this is what I found:

1. Surprise! Myself, several times over, mostly related to the park.

2. No one else with my exact name. It seems I am the real Katherine.

3. There is a coronor in Pennsylvania with my same last name, but she spells her first name Kathryn. So, in text, we're not the same, but in audio format, we could be.

Nothing fun like first women's squash coach or spiritual artist, but I guess that's what I get for having a silent H.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger manda said...

dude, are you guys telling me you've never googled yourself? I've googled myself and everyone else I know like 6000 times. Does that make me creepy? probably.

anyway, quelle suprise, but there are no other Amanda Vernooys in Google. There are probably no other Amanda Vernooys on earth... although on ICQ I searched once and there was an Amanda Ver Nooy.

Anyway the only hit I got was myself, from Paul Lacey's webpage. In first year university I stopped talking to him (because he's annoying, and I know sarah agrees) and he threw a hissyfit and decided to vent his anger by throwing my name along with holly wagler in a virtual wrestling simulator. He them published the results on his webpage.

Holly won, unfortunately. Although I'm convinced in a real-life rematch I could defeat her with a classic leg drop. But I digress.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger manda said...

update: I was wrong!
there are 2 new recent hits for my name in google.

one is me, from the Guelph MCB page, but they got my middle name wrong : /

the other is some guestbook entry by an amanda vernooy, but it was all in dutch and thus I have no idea what she said :)

clearly I am only getting creepier by the second, so I'm going to go,


At 9:56 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

I'm going to look Kat up right now! YOU are actually online?? I don't think my real name is anywhere online! Coolio! (Ok, it's not that that exciting, but I'm excited!)


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