The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


So what's new with Sarah, you ask? Nada. Not really, anyway. I'm working part-time, still in training so I'm working more than I usually will, but that's nice. I think I'll be working about 19 hours a week regularly, spread over three days. Needless to say, I'm looking for something else. I've been going through the classifieds and keeping an eye out for signs, etc. I applied at the (as Remi and I call it) Super-Duper Store (a Great Canadian Superstore, which Ontario is really missing out on) yesterday, so hopefully I get a call about that soon. They're hiring cashiers, which may suck, but at least it's working with people and it's money.

In more interesting news, Remi and I found another cool place to visit in Nanaimo. It's called Piper's Lagoon and it's a city park by the ocean. It has a rock beach which will be nice for swimming and then a walk through a protected oak wood, which we forwent to walk along the very rocky coastline around the point. We saw some anemones in tidepools open and feeding/breathing/whatever it is anemones do :) Very cool. When you poke at them the close up and look like little assholes. Anyway, it was cool. We took pictures again, as usual ;) I would post some online, but no one else is posting and I feel like I'm monopolizing the site. Does anyone even look?? Let me know and I'll post some more pics to let you guys know what you're missing out on ;) Just further encouragement to visit.

Anyway, nothing else is new. We're still fighting the good fight against the fleas. I think we have driven in another fatal blow by bathing Maggie again and Raiding the whole house. There are still some hopping around though. *sigh* The price you pay for a view on the ocean, I guess.

H'OK. Keep in touch and post :) Try to post some pics if you have them.



At 11:36 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Monopolize away! I didn't even realize, or at least I forgot, that we had a place to post pics until you mentioned something. I have no problem with you posting more. Although, it's just going to make me even more jealous. ;)

I would post pictures, but frankly, I don't have anything exciting like mountains and stuff. Plus I don't have full-time access to a digital camera. I'll work on it, though.

So, I say keep 'em coming!

At 5:00 PM, Blogger manda said...

I would also post pictures - I have lots to post - but alas we won't have real internet access until next week so I can't do it yet.

Ontario has GCS's! There's one around the corner from our apartment. They're pretty good!

Also guess what? We have fleas too!! The kittens must have brought them when they moved in, but I don't think our case is that severe... we've seen like 2 adult fleas in 3 weeks, but nick and I keep getting mystery bites. Very strange. Anyway we're spraying and shampooing (at least maggie likes water, I think we 're going to require full body armour) so hopefully we'll get rid of them. Anyway, I feel your pain sista! Just keep at it, you'll get rid of 'em.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOH! Cats with fleas! That's insane. Those little claws must really do a number on you. At least they're still small, right? *sigh* We've been fighting this for three weeks. I suggest getting flea collars if you don't already have them. They apparently work to mess with the reproductive organs to prevent viable gametes from forming so when they lay eggs, they won't hatch. If you have any tips, feel free to pass them on ;) Ours are getting a lot better, but the bites are brutal! Good luck!


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