The 695 thought pad

Sunday, March 18, 2007


So Dave's fantastic post inspired me to write a little something myself. A lot has been going on around here lately. I'm getting very close to a lot of people in the pharmacy program out here. I can actually say that a lot of people are "friends" now and not just people I go to school with and that's nice. I'll never be able to replace you guys and the chemistry that we had at the 6-9-5, but I think over the four years here I'll get something just as good, but in a different way with a lot of the people in my program. I'm so glad that I skipped out on my interview in '05 to go to France because the year ahead of us just doesn't seem anywhere near as cool ;)

So what's new at school? Mostly it's Skits Night. I've written a bit about it on our facebook page, but it was really a fantastic event, so I'll write again about it here. It was a fabulous bonding experience with the other cast members and people involved. What happens is that each year of pharmacy and the faculty write skits that are performed on a Friday night in March every year. The skits usually consist of making fun of faculty members and jabbing at the pharmacy program in general. It's actually a great way to get to know the profs too because most of them come out for the event. I got to play one of the lead roles in the skit and I can't wait to participate again next year. I was stressed about it and feeling a little unsure about my acting abilities, but the absolute fun-ness of it won out ;) Remi couldn't make it this year, but I've posted some pictures of it on our blog ( if you guys are interested.

Anyway, the thing that's really big in our lives right now is the car accident that happened a week ago today... It was bad :( I was making a left on a four-lane road and the middle lane had stopped to let me through, so I safely (or so I thought) inched forward and then proceeded and out of nowhere some asshole in an SUV blasted into the back end of the passenger's side (near the gas tank), pushing us into the curb and then flipping the car up onto its side before it settled on the roof. It was extremely scary. And of course I'm handling it the way I usually handle things - by bottling it up. I have a tendancy to joke and make light of things, suppressing them a bit until finally one thing sets me off and I cry for like an hour or so just to get it out. I wish I could handle stressful situations differently, but that's just how I am. What set me off in this case was the news that the car is unfixable, a total write-off :( I was so upset when they told me that, that any positive thoughts about us not dying were quickly erased by the total unfairness that my car was destroyed and that asshole drove away from the accident with no more than a caved in hood.

Anyway, we're still waiting to hear how much we get for the car in the settlement, but neither Remi nor I are optimistic. It's an insurance company, we're going to get screwed. We're also still waiting to hear about fault. Yes, I was making a left, but the man was speeding and it was pouring so he had no control and all of this factors into their decision on fault. Our adjustor seemed very optimistic when Remi and I talked to him that I would be found at most at 25% fault (which is how they do it out here - 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%). We'll just have to wait and see what the witnesses say. It only takes one person telling the insurance company that I just drove wrecklessly around the turn for us to get screwed...

BUT, I'm staying positive, as I always do. Maggie wasn't in the car with us and both Remi and I were wearing our seatbelts, which locked as they were supposed to and left us both suspended upside down after the car finally settled. Neither of us our hurt, besides a bit of back pain in my case which is subsiding. And even though the car is a write-off, we'll get a new-used car and be back to more or less normal. We're handling it together. And we live in a good location with a grocery store and Costco within walking distance, so no worries :)

Anyway, that's what's new with me right now. I am finding the toils of pharmacy school so much more meaningless after surviving my car-flipping and can't wait for summer to start so that I can rest and re-charge for next year. I still have so many assignments left though!! RIDICULOUS! I start my job at the hospital pharmacy on April 30th, so I'm eagerly awaiting that as well. Only three more shifts at the boring Shoppers Drug Mart before I'm done there! Remi's job is going well. He should be getting benefits soon and maybe a bit of a raise (he's coming up on 6 months), so that's nice too. Things are good besides the car.

How is everyone else doing? I'm glad some of us are still using the blog to keep in touch :)

Bye bye for now!


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