Wishing you well, my pharmacy friends

Wikity-wikity-what, know what I'm saaaaaayin'!
OK, in light of the fact that Dave is a big boob and went and bought a ticket for a concert with that Kerri floozy (I'm only calling her that because you agreed to go away that weekend without recalling that I was coming home!) for the weekend I'm coming back to Ontario, I thought I should remind all of you when that weekend is. It is (mark it down, people!) MAY 5-7th, 2006. That's two thousand six for the numerically challenged. In other words that's THIS MAY, not June, Dave, MAY. OK, so clear your calanders and plan to be in Toronto, if you can make it. The excused include Kat (USA), Sue (too far north) and Ronak (England), but if they can make it then they'd better!!
So, here it is folks, my dreams crashing down around my feet. First of all, I never expected to get into U of T due to the fact that they're snobs and my average isn't a bazillion percent. So, my only hope was UBC. Until a few days ago that is... Turns out, UBC handed out 35 more acceptance letters than they actually had room for last year (which makes me worry about education from a facility that can't even count, but that's another story) and they are obligated, for whatever reason, to automatically accept those individuals into the program this year. Ergo, there are 35 less spots available for this year's applicants, leaving 90 spots for over 1000 applicants. My odds of getting into UBC are now 90/1000 = 9%, while my odds of getting into U of T remain 240/2200 = 10.9%. Keeping in mind that I never expected to get into U of T and given that my chances of getting into UBC are now even lower than my chances for U of T, I now have no chance of getting into either university. Maybe I should take up folk music, go to beauty school, grow marijuana, or sell my body to dirty old men who reek of BO and hard liquour.
I have to finish off my 20 page term paper, but I'd like to share a few tidbits because I miss not having you guys in the loop. And my loop is big and crazy and filled with little loops. And by loops I means stories.
Unbelievable. UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE! No one could have predicted this, not even Sarah. George Mason? And the other no. 1's tumble? Crazy, crazy, crazy! This year certainly was a toss up. So, with the Final 4 set:
I'm happy to report that Duke is outta the Dance! In fact, I'm so pleased about it, that I don't really care that I didn't get either of my picks for that section of the draw. I've decided to pull for LSU now. They had a very impressive performance against Duke, and they are holding their own with Texas right now. The Ragin' Cajuns from Baton Rouge have won my heart.
So I realized that I haven't posted in FOREVER, so I thought I would. Nothing is new. That's hardly an exaggeration. NOTHING. I hate working full-time. All I do is work, walk Maggie, eat and sleep. BOR-ING. I don't think I'm cut out for a full-time job. I've been thinking about this a lot lately as I'm bored at work/home/wherever. I should have been born so that I could spend my youth thrashing my way through the political turmoil of the 60s/70s. I mean, THOSE were the days! Fan-FREAKIN-tastic music, concerts everywhere, smokin' the cheeb, free love, groupie-ing! What more could you ask for?? I was really born in the wrong era.
So for some reason my mind is drawing a blank on the latest episode?? But two main things come to mind:
Okay, first of all, George Mason? WTF!? And Bradley? Outta nowhere! Crazy stuff. Well, we have a sweet 16 and here's how we stand, all ties broken:
Okay, you March Madness-o-philes, I'm here with an update on the results after the first round. I have to say, I feel like a dog with its tail between its legs. I'm ready to fold on my bracket after the first two days. There have been some key upsets and unbelievable outcomes that have really ripped me up. Truth be told, my so-called "champion" is already out. (Friggin' Orangemen, you are dead to me. McNamara as savior, my ass.) So, let's get to the figures, shall we. After one round of play, the number of correct predictions for each person are as follows:
Thanks for the wombination Amanda - very savvy! So I ended up staying up to watch GA on Sunday night and I must agree, I was a little disappointed too - I think just cuz I was on a high from the other episodes. I must admit the Burke, Christina, George complex is pretty fantastic and I love how Alex is so jealous of Izzy's new interest. What a sweet guy, but you know they're going to kill him off. I was pretty disappointed to see Derek apologize to Addison for his "absence" I was really looking forward to some anguish from Addy over Mark - not to mention seeing Mark again. And what's with the "friendship" between Derek and Meredith?? I'm just not feeling that storyline anymore. Especially since Krista told me Derek looks like my landlord in Guelph - and he kinda creeps us out. At least I told have to see him anymore, although he is a good landlord, I'll give him that.
I had a dream last night that I had a cup of coffee outside my library back in Toronto and threw out the cup when I finished. I then decided to get it out of the garbage to 'roll up the rim', and I won! I won a trip to Hollywood to see a Boston Red Sox game, or I could forego the trip and take $7,000 and a big screen tv. I asked my Mom what I should do, but then said I'd take the money and the tv. When I woke up I serioulsy had to think for a second if it really happened. Then I got upset when I realized I had been dreaming, laughed at myself, then hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. So today I decided that it would be a good idea to grab a coffee and see if I can see into the future. I did, but I found out I cannot see into the future. Besides, Tim Horton's is not giving away a trip to Hollywood, and the Red Sox play in Boston. But $7,000 and a big tv would have been great! I'm 0 for 7 with roll up the rims this year.
Okay, I couldn't find a bracket online that could be edited on the computer, so I made one. Everyone had better do it now, 'cause it took a way long time. Yup. But what else am I gonna do - I'm unemployed. And regarding that one early matchup between Monmouth and Hampton, consider it a freebie, 'cause it'll occur before you should have the rest filled out. And again, what day should the rest be filled out, class? Thursday! Now have at it!
Hello, all. I've been having trouble accessing the blog lately, but here I am! Just wanted to post a picture our resident naturalist might be interested in. We went on a bit of a hike today (it was frickin' gorgeous!) and saw a true example of the "dog eat dog" (or "snake eat frog") world that we live in.
I'm happy that you made it back safely to the good ol' USA Kat. It's too bad your visit had to be so short. This past weekend would have been perfect for a good tour of the area. On another note, I was thinking about starting a Grey's Anatomy blob within a blog. Is that possible? Do I even have the right techie lingo?? Probably not. But I figured since I'm a devote GA viewer and NOT a devote blogger, this might be a good way to get some consistent posting going. So I was going to start it this week but then the Oscars overtook Sunday night so GA wasn't even on. Unfortunately, I'm a big baby and go to bed before GA comes on so I always make sure to tape it and watch it within the next couple of days. So my posting of comments won't probably come until mid-week each week. I know some of you out there may watch the occasional episode (Amanda you stole my msn name!) so please feel free to post!
Ever since I started my time in Canada, I have been fascinated with the subtle differences between it and the States (ie: the candy/chocolate bar market). You all have heard about how I miss certain things from the States during my stay, such as iced tea (not Nestea) and biscuits (not cookies) and how I am shocked at how certain chain restaurants will change their menu, apparently to please the Canadian palate. Well, I have found evidence of the opposite taking place.