The 695 thought pad

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just a friendly reminder

OK, in light of the fact that Dave is a big boob and went and bought a ticket for a concert with that Kerri floozy (I'm only calling her that because you agreed to go away that weekend without recalling that I was coming home!) for the weekend I'm coming back to Ontario, I thought I should remind all of you when that weekend is. It is (mark it down, people!) MAY 5-7th, 2006. That's two thousand six for the numerically challenged. In other words that's THIS MAY, not June, Dave, MAY. OK, so clear your calanders and plan to be in Toronto, if you can make it. The excused include Kat (USA), Sue (too far north) and Ronak (England), but if they can make it then they'd better!!

That is all. Amanda, good luck this Saturday :) If at any point during the test you feel like dying, just remember that I've probably barely started the damn thing, so I have longer to suffer than you ;)


At 8:18 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Haha. I can't spell calendar ;)

At 5:56 AM, Blogger manda said...

so, basically, you're just talking to me! I'll try and book it off of work.

And we all write at the same time! My test doesn't start until 11am, sucka! I'm getting nervous, but I'd like to have the damn thing over with. good luck!

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

Right, so I pawned off my ticket and now we're set for the weekend. I figure we could do some breakfast at Cora's and then decide on something for the evening like maybe a bbq at my house (if it's set up) and/or heading doontoon in the evening.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Man, now I'm really gonna hafta make sure I can come! I want to eat at Cora's and especially see this "doontoon" place!


BTW: Amanda/Sue, did I tell you that my parents ate at the original Cora's in Syndey, NS I think it was. They said it was way good. Obviously.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger manda said...



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