The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I have had too much coffee lately

I had a dream last night that I had a cup of coffee outside my library back in Toronto and threw out the cup when I finished. I then decided to get it out of the garbage to 'roll up the rim', and I won! I won a trip to Hollywood to see a Boston Red Sox game, or I could forego the trip and take $7,000 and a big screen tv. I asked my Mom what I should do, but then said I'd take the money and the tv. When I woke up I serioulsy had to think for a second if it really happened. Then I got upset when I realized I had been dreaming, laughed at myself, then hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. So today I decided that it would be a good idea to grab a coffee and see if I can see into the future. I did, but I found out I cannot see into the future. Besides, Tim Horton's is not giving away a trip to Hollywood, and the Red Sox play in Boston. But $7,000 and a big tv would have been great! I'm 0 for 7 with roll up the rims this year.

So my three weeks of hell came to an end yesterday with a midterm (it feels funny talking about school when you're all onto the next stages in your lives) and I am thoroughly exhausted. The next two weeks will be spent studying for exams and writing a huge term paper about the economic effects of the tax increase on cigarettes and the subsequent effects on how patients are treated and how often...all of the residual stuff. That begins tomorrow. In between that paper, I have an Oasis and a Coldplay concert to look forward to! I bought bristol board today to make a sign for the Oasis show because we will be in row seven, dead centre on the floor. I am beyond pumped right now. One of the girls who is coming to the concert thinks we have tickets pretty far back instead of the actualy seats right up front. My friend Chris and I sold all of our tickets on ebay and used the profits to buy six amazing seats on ebay. It's been a long and frustrating process, but it will be worth it when we're getting spit on and elbowed by Oasis and fans alike. My sign will be a Canadian flag with Oasis' logo in the middle of the maple leaf. I was considering making a sign that said, 'please say 'Go Leafs Go'', but decided against it. Probably a good choice.

This Saturday I'm having Adam come visit me for the first time in a long time and we're going to Mac with the JSO for a Purim party. I don't really know much about Purim, other than I've never celebrated it and that you get dressed up. So it's basically Hallowe'en, but only for the Jews :p Then I'm heading back to the t-dotter for my Mom's bday party and staying in Toronto on Monday for the concert. Coldplay is on Thursday.

I just made up my schedule for my final (WOO-HOO!) semester ever at Guelph and it a-rocks. I'm have a course Tuesday and Thursday from 4-5:20, a course Wednesday night for three hours, a course Thursday night for three hours, and the other course is distance ed. Monday and Friday are clear. Best...schedule.....ever. And the courses all sound really interesting. And when I'm all done, I will come back to the university and pee on the walls of one of the buildings.

We had College Royal this past Saturday. Our house had a pot-luck and about ten or twelve others showed up, making my pasta salad disappear within the hour. There was potato salad, mini pizzas, spring rolls, chips, and drinks. Lots of funny photos and a very funny and crude message board. I spent a lot of the night in the country room because, well, my roomies are mostly aggies! We went to karaokee but they didn't call our name within the first 30 minutes so we left for the Keg. I ran into a friend who introduced me to her date as 'a guy who is from Ottawa and is a Sens fan.' So, in my drunken state, I completely laid into this guy and started putting quote symbols around Ottawa players names and then eventually admitted that Ottawa was a good team and we shook hands. Why does my mind immediately turn to the Leafs when I'm drunk? Do I have to be drunk to enjoy them? Maybe this year I do. At 1:30am I realized that most of my housemates had headed off so I decided to get some air, only to realize they weren't letting anyone back in to the UC, so I walked home alone in my suit and dress shoes. Man was that a sad walk :s It turns out all of us filed home alone in a staggered pattern because we all had the same story! It was a good night.

So I met a girl. Her name's Kerry and we had a fun drunken night at the Ranch a couple of weeks ago. She goes to Waterloo and I figured I'd never see her again, but she got in touch with me a day later (she's friends with my housemates through another mutual friend) and we've chatted on the phone and emailed a bit. She's a lot of fun to talk to; I literally tee up a topic and she runs with it for like three or four minutes. She's also a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy and I have found myself lost in this show for about the past five episodes. I'm going to try and go to Waterloo in a couple of weeks or Kerry will come here. I've given up the whole looking for a Jewish girl thing for now because I'm just sick of it! They don't exist in Guelph and if I want to have any fun at all from now until next Janurary, I better get off my ass and make that fun happen! And that's my rant. Lame rant, but a rant nonetheless. ......rant. Funny word. Sounds like ranch. Like that ranch ad. 'RANCH'. .....Wow, ADD.

I recommend you all see 'The Royal Tennenbaums'. Great movie. Hard to describe. Includes a cast of Gene Hackman, Angelica Houston, Billy Murray, Gweneth Paltrow, Luke Owen, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, and a couple others I can't remember right now.

Right, off to do an assignment. I'll get back into the groove of blogging now.



At 8:14 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yay! Everyone's posting lately! Sounds like College Royal was fun. I miss you guys like CRAZY! MSN (almost wrote MSM, like MSG, or not..) names make me sad :( Speaking of MSN, where is everyone! Maybe I'm missing you all with the time difference, although I do catch night owl Amanda on from time to time ;)

Anyway, you're right, Dave. You're not going to find your dream girl (i.e. Jewish with a sense of humour and a fan of the leafs, etc.) sitting on your ass waiting for her to pop up. You need to get OUT THERE (which reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George's mom starts dating - "You can't be out there!" ... "Because I'M out there and if I see YOU out there there's not enough voltage in this world to electroshock me back into coherence!").

Ahh, Seinfeld... Anyway, what a random comment! I mean, did I even comment on your post??

*sigh* Off to smoke some cheeba. (

At 11:04 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Yes, I would recommend coming back to the campus to pee on one of the buildings. I vaguely remember doing that myself last spring - birthday, no, after finals? No, I don't remember, in fact, I didn't remember until you mentioned peeing on one of the buildings. I hid in the shrubs in front of the Richards building, while Amanda and you, I think, waited for the Magic Bus. I was drunk. Ah, good times.

And I'm glad to hear about the new girl, Kerry. I like her name, happy to see it with a K. Like Sarah said, don't worry about the Jew thing right now, that'll probably come down the line through several other relationships, so you might as well get the experience now to handle it when it does happen. And really, imagine what you could miss if you worried about finding your perfect woman instead of just enjoying being with someone in the present. So, like Aerosmith says, it's the journey, not the destination that matters.

Anyway, CR sounds like it was fun, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with the foot pain again.


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