The 695 thought pad

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Retro in Nanaimo!

So, last night rocked. Remi and I met some of his pals from the F'nA program (that's fisheries and aquaculture) at a bar here called The Queens and the best cover band I've ever seen was playing. They're called "That 70s Band" and all they play is 70s rock and roll, I'm talking Trooper, The Stones, CCR (not sure how 70s they are but whatev), Aerosmith, Nazarath, etc. etc. It FUCKING ROCKED!!! That was the best night out we've had out here so far. Reminded me of the trash - dancing, drinking, retro!

Here is their website:

HILARIOUS costumes (clearly purchased at Valu Village:

And they also have a lite-brite with the band name on it on stage. COOL.

So if any of you are planning to come to visit me EVER (and you should - it's f'in beautiful here today, one day like this and you never want to leave) they play at that bar about once a month or so (next time on June 2nd and 3rd) ;) Revive the Trash in Nanaimo! (to clarify, the bar is actually called The Queens, Dave, I'm just saying "revive the trash" because that's what we're going to do)

OK, I'm gonna go get a suntan :) BYE!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Take me out to the BALL GAME

So this might not jive with everyone, but there is a Jays game on the Saturday that I'm in TO!!! I'm JONESIN' for some baseball, having to TV, you see, so I was thinking.....

Something to consider. It's at 1PM, so it wouldn't take up the evening... We don't even have to stay for the whole thing, but...

Again, just a thought. If it's a resounding no, maybe Dave, you and I can see the Sunday game?

Later gators :)

Maine it is!

Yes, I have a job. After a few phone calls, they offered, and I said, give me a day, "I have something I need to check on." Which was true, I did want to check on another position I had applied to, but I really could have said yes right then and there. Anyway, I gave them my acceptance, and as of June 1, I will be in Maine. I will definitely be there until Aug 22, but there is a good chance it will be extended until November - a big bonus. Ahhhh, it's such a relief...

And I have a really good feeling about where this job could lead. Since it's so closely tied to the Audubon Society, I will have some pretty great contacts, which could help me get into a more long term position, puffins or not.

I'm hoping that I don't have a lingering tendancy towards seasickness and that I will be able to deal with some pretty primitive conditions the first couple weeks. I will be spending two weeks out on one of the islands camping with what one of the guys called, "a tornado of birds." I'm sure it will be exhilarating, but I will probably get tired of sleeping on the ground and eating beans.

Needless to say, I'm very excited and also anxious about it. So, I have some marine life to study and some sea climate essentials to get. If you need me this summer, I'll be on the Atlantic.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

We live 'somewhere over the rainbow'

We see rainbows here almost every time it's raining and this was the most impressive one yet. VERY BRIGHT (that was way more work than it was worth), and a full arch across the sky. We could actually see the tree that one of the sides came down over, but I didn't see a pot of gold. The weather here was just incredible last Saturday, with lots of sun-showers.

Anyway, I've finished up Women's Studies. The final was this afternoon and went pretty well. Too much writing (which I almost spelled righting) though. Three essays and ten definitions. BLAH. (brown like poop) But at least it's over. Now I have nothing but time! RELAX!

In other news, I'm VERY excited that all my favourite former 695'ers will be attending the reunion! I forsee a fun-filled day of eating, shopping, eating, drinking, partying, eating, passing out, etc. I'm so bored out here! I need a little 695 injection! (not sure what that means...)

Anyway, the count-down is ON! T-minus 16 days!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


For the weekend of the 5th, can everyone post when they expect to get into Toronto on the Friday?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Fair and Balanced

Part of me truly wishes I lived in the States. I really do. What other country in the world has such high reporting standards that they show stories of leprechaun sightings on prime time television? (If you haven't seen it, let me know... hilarious). Seriously. Anyhow, until next year when I pay for cable, I settle for short clips... Anyhow, here's some John Stewart for you. And eBaum's stuff....

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Ok so I tried to create my own account but gave up trying to find a user name that wasn't already taken.

So Dave, count me in for the TO weekend! I can grab a bus up and back, no prob since there's no way I'm getting a car! Just let me know where and when and I'll be there:)

And congratulations Kat! How freaking ironic too! Now I'll have to come visit you there too!

See you all soon!

Post #199: I'm goin' to Maine!!! I think.

I had lost all hope. Which, seriously is pretty bad considering I had only applied to two places, but still, hope was gone. Especially in the puffin job. It has been a month since they were supposed to have made a desicion and I hadn't heard anything. And because of that I am already losing my confidence, since this seemed like such a perfect job for me. And so, I have become rather lackadaisical about finding a jorb. I know, boohoo, I'm such a whiner.

Anyway, I just found out that I have been offered the job in Maine!!! I got an email from them saying that they know it has been a long time, but they want to know if I am still interested. Ironically, the guy mentioned that he had tried calling yesterday but kept getting the busy signal, which is because I was on the phone with Sue setting up plans for her visit, and probably when I was complaining about how I hadn't heard from any jobs.

So, anyway, I replied with a "hell yes!" and I will likely know more in the coming days, but I just wanted to share my excitement with you guys, because I can only get so much of a reaction out of my parents. My mood has certainly taken a turn for the better! Much love to all.

May 6th update

Adam has volunteered his house for a bbq on Saturday. His house is only a 10 minute walk from the subway to head downtown and his big house/backyard is perfect for the size of our group. Just let me know how many people are coming so we can work out food portions, drinks, etc.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Hi, guys. I just want to nail down some plans for the 6th of May, the day I'll be in TO to hang out wit'chall. I hope everyone can make it, but if not, that's cool. I figure we should spend the WHOLE day together ;) I have a few other friends coming, so I need to know where we'll be and stuff to see if they can swing it. We should totally go out and paint the town that night too, like old times ;) I don't know anything about TO, so Dave, the happy haps are totally up to you.

Let me know what you think guys. I'm ready for whatever, just excited about seeing you!


Monday, April 10, 2006

The Da Vinci Code and other musings

Before I talk about anything else, I urge all of you who have no read the Da Vinci Code to go to Shoppers Drug Mart ($7.99) or your local book selling store ($9.99) and buy the paperback version right away. I'm only about 120 pages in and I've already sworn at the book twice for playing with my mind. I've been reading this book for the past two nights until my eyes close uncontrollably. I hope to finish it by tomorrow night, although I really don't want it to end. I love these obsessions. And speaking of obsessions, I found this guy on ebay who sells vintage t-shirts and he's selling the shirt to the left. I think it's nifty.

So I'm officially on the look-out for house number three. I can't afford to pay for a full year's rent in my current house when I'm only staying four months so I'll be starting my search this summer. I've pretty much experienced one of the worst housemates this year who managed to get under my skin on multiple ocassions (and you know how thick my skin a freaking rhino) so I'll be glad to say bubye to her. She will nitpick every little thing you do and not only call you on it, but give you a snarky remark instead of dealing with the problem head-on. I was on the phone for about an hour with my mom and, when I went to the kitchen to put the phone back, she said 'is your jaw hurting?'. I took this as a witty remark so i said 'no my cheeks are hurting!', to which she replied 'you know, other people in this house need the phone sometimes.' I told her she could have very easily asked me for the phone, which was followed by 'yeah, like THAT'S worked before' (a comment directed towards the last time I was on the phone for a while trying to organize the Oasis concert). Now, this girl is 29 freaking years old. Number one, grow the fuck up. Number two, if you're so old and mature (at least she tries to act that way), come and talk to the person you have shared a wall with for seven months! And that was just one incident. Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to one more experience with total strangers. I found a place on Cole right next to the Hasty Market, but it was snatched up right away :(

I have nine days until exams start so I'm basically in crunch time/insane study mode. I've bought the necessary emergency snack foods (i.e. chips and salsa, pizza pops, microwavable dinners ... hehe I accidentally typed ships and salsa and microvawable before realizing the typos. ...funny...). I am not going to spend one second studying in the library, though. Just the thought of stepping foot in there makes me twitch. Instead, I have my window open, my laundry drying and smelling of the good kind of fabric softener in my room, and a can of coke next to me on my perfectly organized desk :) And my lighting is better than that 40 watt halogen 'lightbulb'. More like dimly lit bulb. Zingggggg.

I also have Chunky Soup which I plan on eating once I finish this post. I also picked up some green apples because I hear they're perfect to eat at around 10am and that will carry me right through to lunch.

Things are going well with Kerri. She came up last weekend and we studied and chatted and watched Office Space. The only problem is that our entire relationship will be long distance. She goes to Waterloo and will be working in Oakville this summer. Although Oakville is only about a twenty minute drive, it's still not too close. Regardless, we'll do the best we can and hopefully make it work for as long as possible. She's really random and plays along with my retardedness :)

Baseball has begun and the Jays will be contenders this year, making every game entertaining. Sarah, I really mean it. I know I say that every year, but I really really mean it this year. Our offense is explosive and our pitching matches up with almost every other team. It's also a sign that summer has pretty much arrived (14 degrees seems like a heatwave today).

I can't think of much else right now. Oh, read the Da Vinci Code!!


Friday, April 07, 2006

Ho hum

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of posting (yet again) but I've been very anti-computer lately after staring at it all day at work, so I haven't used my home computer in over a week at least. I've just been reading over everyone's posts and I didn't realize I had missed so much! So . . . a belated good luck to Sarah and Amanda on your pharmacy tests and congrats on completing what sounds like a very stressful examination! I'm trying to picture what that would have been like and it seems like even if you were super prepared, the tight security of the whole process seems like enough for anyone to lose their marbles! I'm crossing my fingers that I don't have to do an exam or interview when I start applying to masters or I'm going to have some pretty sweaty palms!

The other reason that I haven't been around lately is that my last surviving uncle just passed away. Actually I just got back from the funeral a couple hours ago :(. So now that just leaves my dad out of his fam of four boys. But as hard as it is to see him go, it is a relief to him and others in that he was so sick for so long (heart problems, kidney dialysis, diabetes, further mutiple complications). We think he used up his nine lives a long time ago. He'd been in the hospital in Ottawa since December and we knew there was no way he was coming out alive. So my aunt and cousin already had things mostly prepared. But the funeral did provide a good opportunity to see relatives I hadn't seen since I was little so that was nice.

So other than that, I'm just heading into my last two weeks of work at PWGSC but my boss is gone my last week of work on holidays so I have less than one week to complete my co-op work report, which Ive just barely started, so this weekend should be busy.

On a good note, I had a similar night as you Dave, staying up talking till 7 in the morning:) Myself and three other students got together last Saturday night for dinner and drinks in Ottawa. I was staying at Cass's house. The other girl went home after so that left myself, Cass and Adam to order pizza and chill after the bar. To make a long story short, Adam and I ended up talking until about 7am, when I finally fell asleep after he gave me a head-massage. I left early the next morning, but according to what he told Cass the next morning he quite likes me. I in no way had an expectations about that night, and didn't even realize that I liked him until we really clicked that night. I'm still not sure if I really do to any great extent. The hard part is, he's a great guy and someone I would date if I was looking to right now. But unfortunately, I'm still not ready to jump into anything. And he's not the kind of guy I'd just use for fun. So we'll see. He's got a contract at PWGSC until the end of June and I'm just over at city hall for the summer so things have a chance of progressing.

Other than that I haven't been up to too much. Went to an awesome Sens game with my friend Landon who had a couple of season tickets. The best Sens game I've been to yet. The new game of hockey makes for a big difference live and the crowd was so intense. Id love to go for some play-off games. I'll have to drop a hint to Landon. JJ:)

I'm going to be in Guelph/London April 30-May 1 so I'm not sure if I can make it down the next weekend, but we'll see. I don't start my summer job until the 8th, but I may have some summer course things to take care of. I'm back in Guelph May 18 to see Xavier Rudd with my sis at War Mem and then I'll be back in Guelph/Niagara Falls around June 15-18 for my Russian friend, Maria's wedding on June 17. She just got engaged on March 17, and already getting married. But I guess it's cuz her fiance is doing school in the States and she'll be heading back to Moscow soon. So that should be exciting. So young! Oh my:)

Alright, dinner's ready and I think I've talked enough for one post. I think if they get too long, you just go cross-eyed anyways! I'm still working on plans Kat for the last week of April so I'll get back to you soon!

I'm really missing the 695 right now:( Talk to you guys soon

Monday, April 03, 2006

And it's Sarah with 79

I just thought I should wind up the NCAA tournament officially. Obviously Sarah won the bragging rights, but she was stopped at the Final 4, with LSU being knocked out. That was a very disappointing game. Very. I hope the final tonight is way better, even though I don't really think UCLA should be there. They're good and all, but they don't capture my attention, you know? (Although, I do give them first place for player's last names that are fun to say: Afflalo, Mbah a Moute, Farmar, Aboya, Collison, which I think should be collision.) So, for that reason, I'm going with Florida. They aren't my fave, but they'll do. They have a player whose name is Taurean Green, which I think has a nice flow to it, so that helps.

Anyway, thanks for playing. See you all next year!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Well, the ferry ride was good

So Manda and I wrote the UTPAT yesterday for U of T pharmacy and I think we probably did about the same. Fantastic on four out of five parts, but not so hot on the IQ part. Should have done more Sudoku! But the day for me was good on the whole, despite the rain. I caught the 6:30 ferry from Nanaimo, had a nice relaxing sail, met some people for Saskatchewan who were on the island golfing for a month. I can't wait to be retired!! Then I took a $60 taxi ride from the ferry terminal to UBC, arriving at my test 2 hours early! I wandered around UBC campus until I got a soaker (about five minutes of walking), but I liked what I saw. Very pretty campus. (I look forward to going there as I feel I have very little chance of getting into U of T). Wrote the exam, a process which was hilarious! I will elaborate:

We arrive, sign in are finger-printed, photographed and tatooed for identification (I exaggerate, but they were quite intense) and then seated. Once we were seated we were not allowed to MOVE unless accompanied by an invigilator. We were permitted to leave the room one at time (one male and one female) to pee. This may not seem odd examination procedure to you, but for this particular test, it was nuts. There was really nothing to cheat about! To take it one step further, between the written and multiple choice sections (two completely unrelated sections) there was a ten minute in-room break during which we were not allowed to leave the room more than two at a time (as before) and were not allowed to talk! How could we cheat?? If anything talking would have been relaxing for us! Retarded. Anyway, you may not understand the ridiculousness of it all, but Manda will.

So enough description. I then took the city bus back to the ferry terminal. Vancouver looks like a fantastic city with lots to do (like Toronto only cooler - haha, Dave!). I arrived at the ferry terminal ten minutes late to catch the five o'clock ferry and ended up waiting for two hours to catch the 7 o'clock. And that ends my tale. I got home, ate some dinner, got really stoned and listened to Dark Side of the Moon until I passed out. I recommend getting stoned, turning off all the lights, closing your eyes and experiencing Dark Side. It always provides me with some intense imagery.

So that's my story :) I see that we're all now out of March Madness since it's UCLA and Florida. I've chosen to cheer for UCLA since that was Will Smith's team on Fresh Prince.
Funky fresh.