The 695 thought pad

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Well, the ferry ride was good

So Manda and I wrote the UTPAT yesterday for U of T pharmacy and I think we probably did about the same. Fantastic on four out of five parts, but not so hot on the IQ part. Should have done more Sudoku! But the day for me was good on the whole, despite the rain. I caught the 6:30 ferry from Nanaimo, had a nice relaxing sail, met some people for Saskatchewan who were on the island golfing for a month. I can't wait to be retired!! Then I took a $60 taxi ride from the ferry terminal to UBC, arriving at my test 2 hours early! I wandered around UBC campus until I got a soaker (about five minutes of walking), but I liked what I saw. Very pretty campus. (I look forward to going there as I feel I have very little chance of getting into U of T). Wrote the exam, a process which was hilarious! I will elaborate:

We arrive, sign in are finger-printed, photographed and tatooed for identification (I exaggerate, but they were quite intense) and then seated. Once we were seated we were not allowed to MOVE unless accompanied by an invigilator. We were permitted to leave the room one at time (one male and one female) to pee. This may not seem odd examination procedure to you, but for this particular test, it was nuts. There was really nothing to cheat about! To take it one step further, between the written and multiple choice sections (two completely unrelated sections) there was a ten minute in-room break during which we were not allowed to leave the room more than two at a time (as before) and were not allowed to talk! How could we cheat?? If anything talking would have been relaxing for us! Retarded. Anyway, you may not understand the ridiculousness of it all, but Manda will.

So enough description. I then took the city bus back to the ferry terminal. Vancouver looks like a fantastic city with lots to do (like Toronto only cooler - haha, Dave!). I arrived at the ferry terminal ten minutes late to catch the five o'clock ferry and ended up waiting for two hours to catch the 7 o'clock. And that ends my tale. I got home, ate some dinner, got really stoned and listened to Dark Side of the Moon until I passed out. I recommend getting stoned, turning off all the lights, closing your eyes and experiencing Dark Side. It always provides me with some intense imagery.

So that's my story :) I see that we're all now out of March Madness since it's UCLA and Florida. I've chosen to cheer for UCLA since that was Will Smith's team on Fresh Prince.
Funky fresh.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Well, I hope you did better than you think you did. You never know, right? Especially since this is one of those tests that there isn't a specific right answer, at least for part of it. And talk about strict. I think even during the SAT we were allowed to talk during breaks, but I don't really remember. Were you at least able to get up and walk around the room? Without leaving, of course.

I want some pot.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

We could get up, but we had to stay by our chairs. It was OUT OF CONTROL!


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