The 695 thought pad

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Da Vinci Code and other musings

Before I talk about anything else, I urge all of you who have no read the Da Vinci Code to go to Shoppers Drug Mart ($7.99) or your local book selling store ($9.99) and buy the paperback version right away. I'm only about 120 pages in and I've already sworn at the book twice for playing with my mind. I've been reading this book for the past two nights until my eyes close uncontrollably. I hope to finish it by tomorrow night, although I really don't want it to end. I love these obsessions. And speaking of obsessions, I found this guy on ebay who sells vintage t-shirts and he's selling the shirt to the left. I think it's nifty.

So I'm officially on the look-out for house number three. I can't afford to pay for a full year's rent in my current house when I'm only staying four months so I'll be starting my search this summer. I've pretty much experienced one of the worst housemates this year who managed to get under my skin on multiple ocassions (and you know how thick my skin a freaking rhino) so I'll be glad to say bubye to her. She will nitpick every little thing you do and not only call you on it, but give you a snarky remark instead of dealing with the problem head-on. I was on the phone for about an hour with my mom and, when I went to the kitchen to put the phone back, she said 'is your jaw hurting?'. I took this as a witty remark so i said 'no my cheeks are hurting!', to which she replied 'you know, other people in this house need the phone sometimes.' I told her she could have very easily asked me for the phone, which was followed by 'yeah, like THAT'S worked before' (a comment directed towards the last time I was on the phone for a while trying to organize the Oasis concert). Now, this girl is 29 freaking years old. Number one, grow the fuck up. Number two, if you're so old and mature (at least she tries to act that way), come and talk to the person you have shared a wall with for seven months! And that was just one incident. Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to one more experience with total strangers. I found a place on Cole right next to the Hasty Market, but it was snatched up right away :(

I have nine days until exams start so I'm basically in crunch time/insane study mode. I've bought the necessary emergency snack foods (i.e. chips and salsa, pizza pops, microwavable dinners ... hehe I accidentally typed ships and salsa and microvawable before realizing the typos. ...funny...). I am not going to spend one second studying in the library, though. Just the thought of stepping foot in there makes me twitch. Instead, I have my window open, my laundry drying and smelling of the good kind of fabric softener in my room, and a can of coke next to me on my perfectly organized desk :) And my lighting is better than that 40 watt halogen 'lightbulb'. More like dimly lit bulb. Zingggggg.

I also have Chunky Soup which I plan on eating once I finish this post. I also picked up some green apples because I hear they're perfect to eat at around 10am and that will carry me right through to lunch.

Things are going well with Kerri. She came up last weekend and we studied and chatted and watched Office Space. The only problem is that our entire relationship will be long distance. She goes to Waterloo and will be working in Oakville this summer. Although Oakville is only about a twenty minute drive, it's still not too close. Regardless, we'll do the best we can and hopefully make it work for as long as possible. She's really random and plays along with my retardedness :)

Baseball has begun and the Jays will be contenders this year, making every game entertaining. Sarah, I really mean it. I know I say that every year, but I really really mean it this year. Our offense is explosive and our pitching matches up with almost every other team. It's also a sign that summer has pretty much arrived (14 degrees seems like a heatwave today).

I can't think of much else right now. Oh, read the Da Vinci Code!!



At 6:53 PM, Blogger manda said...

I went to a jays game on Saturday! it was pretty good to see them win!

At 7:02 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Aww, yeah, 14 degrees! We were up to 20 today and last Friday I swear it was like 25! I love-love-love spring.

Dave, you lit up my evening with your post ("a freaking rhino!"). I hope your house search goes well. Dino is moving into a new place, too. I don't know if it's full, but you could see if he has any possibilities for the summer. Maybe he has a roommate that wants to sublet?

I think my parents have a copy of The DaVinci Code. I'll get around to reading sometime. I'm in the midst of early Hollywood, as I'm reading Katharine Hepburn's biography.

Good luck with the studying. Too bad you don't have a fantastic back deck to stretch out on. ;)

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

I seriously miss that deck more than you can imagine. I just want to sit out there with you guys and throw on some summer tunes, do some studying, and then open up a beer. That sounds so good right now. Instead, we have our backyard with some broken plastic chairs :)

I didn't know Dino was staying here...I need the lease for the fall semester, not the summer though. I'll drop him a line and see what's the happy haps.

Amanda, you chose a good game to see. Too bad the Dome was empty, but you got to see a sweet homer from Zaun and some great pitching from Tallet. :D

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I heard the jays lost their first televised game... Shaping up to be a good year... (I usually agree with you that they've built yet another good team, so maybe this year if I make fun of you they actually WILL be contenders).

And I've heard mixed things about the Da Vinci Code, but if you like it, I'll give 'er a try. AND, how were the concerts???

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

Actually, we won our first televised game of the year :) Molina hit a home run off the facing of level 500. The eerie thing about the location of the home run is that it hit right above Tom Cheeks' Level of Excellence plaque, the same night we paid tribute to him and his wife threw the ceremonial first pitch.

Oh yeah, the concerts! Ummm...they kicked freaking ass. I'll post some pics later on today. Just great music and two great crowds. I thought I had mentioned them in a previous post, but I guess I forgot!

18 degrees today...oooooooooh yeah.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

...and I don't know what kind of mixed reviews people would have. I'm just passed the half-way mark now and the book has created a huge amount of suspense and intrigue. I don't see how someone could give a poor review for a book that elicit's those kind of emotions nearly every chapter. Those reviewers must have been drunk. Why would they drink while reading a book? Why????????

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

Holy crap, I've gone back in time! I wrote that post at 8:03, and yet it's 11:03 here! It's the Tangent Universe!!!!! oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Maybe the blogger clock is set on BC time!

At 4:36 PM, Blogger manda said...

hahhaa tangent universe.... dave, you're a dork and I love you :)


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