The 695 thought pad

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ho hum

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of posting (yet again) but I've been very anti-computer lately after staring at it all day at work, so I haven't used my home computer in over a week at least. I've just been reading over everyone's posts and I didn't realize I had missed so much! So . . . a belated good luck to Sarah and Amanda on your pharmacy tests and congrats on completing what sounds like a very stressful examination! I'm trying to picture what that would have been like and it seems like even if you were super prepared, the tight security of the whole process seems like enough for anyone to lose their marbles! I'm crossing my fingers that I don't have to do an exam or interview when I start applying to masters or I'm going to have some pretty sweaty palms!

The other reason that I haven't been around lately is that my last surviving uncle just passed away. Actually I just got back from the funeral a couple hours ago :(. So now that just leaves my dad out of his fam of four boys. But as hard as it is to see him go, it is a relief to him and others in that he was so sick for so long (heart problems, kidney dialysis, diabetes, further mutiple complications). We think he used up his nine lives a long time ago. He'd been in the hospital in Ottawa since December and we knew there was no way he was coming out alive. So my aunt and cousin already had things mostly prepared. But the funeral did provide a good opportunity to see relatives I hadn't seen since I was little so that was nice.

So other than that, I'm just heading into my last two weeks of work at PWGSC but my boss is gone my last week of work on holidays so I have less than one week to complete my co-op work report, which Ive just barely started, so this weekend should be busy.

On a good note, I had a similar night as you Dave, staying up talking till 7 in the morning:) Myself and three other students got together last Saturday night for dinner and drinks in Ottawa. I was staying at Cass's house. The other girl went home after so that left myself, Cass and Adam to order pizza and chill after the bar. To make a long story short, Adam and I ended up talking until about 7am, when I finally fell asleep after he gave me a head-massage. I left early the next morning, but according to what he told Cass the next morning he quite likes me. I in no way had an expectations about that night, and didn't even realize that I liked him until we really clicked that night. I'm still not sure if I really do to any great extent. The hard part is, he's a great guy and someone I would date if I was looking to right now. But unfortunately, I'm still not ready to jump into anything. And he's not the kind of guy I'd just use for fun. So we'll see. He's got a contract at PWGSC until the end of June and I'm just over at city hall for the summer so things have a chance of progressing.

Other than that I haven't been up to too much. Went to an awesome Sens game with my friend Landon who had a couple of season tickets. The best Sens game I've been to yet. The new game of hockey makes for a big difference live and the crowd was so intense. Id love to go for some play-off games. I'll have to drop a hint to Landon. JJ:)

I'm going to be in Guelph/London April 30-May 1 so I'm not sure if I can make it down the next weekend, but we'll see. I don't start my summer job until the 8th, but I may have some summer course things to take care of. I'm back in Guelph May 18 to see Xavier Rudd with my sis at War Mem and then I'll be back in Guelph/Niagara Falls around June 15-18 for my Russian friend, Maria's wedding on June 17. She just got engaged on March 17, and already getting married. But I guess it's cuz her fiance is doing school in the States and she'll be heading back to Moscow soon. So that should be exciting. So young! Oh my:)

Alright, dinner's ready and I think I've talked enough for one post. I think if they get too long, you just go cross-eyed anyways! I'm still working on plans Kat for the last week of April so I'll get back to you soon!

I'm really missing the 695 right now:( Talk to you guys soon


At 6:38 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hey, Sue! First of all, sometimes it's the guys that you least think that end up becoming the best thing for you. Remi and I were strictly friends, no shared "relationship-type" feelings at all and then we started spending a little more time together and BOOM! Here we are more than two years later. So... Don't push it, but if it starts to happen, let it. I'd just come off of a long relationship with a bad breakup, so sometimes we don't need as much time as everyone seems to think.

Congrats on finishing up your work term too! That's it for you, no? Graduation? Welcome to the working world! Not all it's cracked up to be ;) And good luck on your report!

At 9:40 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Ahhh, Landon... so cute!

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

I plan on coming back to Toronto for the 26th, but my mom might be coming to Guelph for an antique show on the 30th so I might come back for that weekend. I'll keep you posted. What email do you check?


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