The 695 thought pad

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Post #199: I'm goin' to Maine!!! I think.

I had lost all hope. Which, seriously is pretty bad considering I had only applied to two places, but still, hope was gone. Especially in the puffin job. It has been a month since they were supposed to have made a desicion and I hadn't heard anything. And because of that I am already losing my confidence, since this seemed like such a perfect job for me. And so, I have become rather lackadaisical about finding a jorb. I know, boohoo, I'm such a whiner.

Anyway, I just found out that I have been offered the job in Maine!!! I got an email from them saying that they know it has been a long time, but they want to know if I am still interested. Ironically, the guy mentioned that he had tried calling yesterday but kept getting the busy signal, which is because I was on the phone with Sue setting up plans for her visit, and probably when I was complaining about how I hadn't heard from any jobs.

So, anyway, I replied with a "hell yes!" and I will likely know more in the coming days, but I just wanted to share my excitement with you guys, because I can only get so much of a reaction out of my parents. My mood has certainly taken a turn for the better! Much love to all.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

Congratulations!! What does the job entail and what's the next step?

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

WOW!! Maine is practically in Canada!! It's on the wrong side, as far as I'm concerned, but close nonetheless :) Congrats, Kat!

At 11:08 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Some details of the job can be found on my post from Feb 16: Maybe Maine? Basically it's the boat tour naturalist who represents the conservation project.

It is supposed to include room/board plus a $200/week stipend, as long as things haven't changed.

I'm really hoping it will help me in getting a real job, possibly with Audubon or something like it.

And yes, Sue, you should come visit me there. It's closer to you than Madison (maybe by then you'll be driving longer distances?). Unfortunately, for everyone else, it's about the same distance as now.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger manda said...


Dude, that's terrific! Clearly Nick and I will have to explore Eastern Canada (Gaspé!!!) and Maine this summer.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Manda, that's exactly what I was thinking! In fact, I've checked and there's a major road that comes down from there and runs into Bangor, which isn't too far from Bremen, where I would be staying.


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