What's up, homs?

So, here I am in Maine, and even though I work with twenty-some other people and the apartment I'm living in is also where they stay when they are on the mainland, I find myself alone. I made tacos tonight for my dinner, and as I sipped on my juice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, I was reminded of the time we smoked up and made tacos, and Dave filched a morsel of meat and blamed it on Amanda, thus inspiring the quote "You tried to frame me with meat!" How great that was! I wish I was living in that 7-person house again. It's interesting, how when I'm living with a bunch of people, I often can't wait to have the place to myself, but when everyone is gone, I get lonely. But, missing a house full of best friends is different from missing a house full of average roommates.
The blog is back within my grasp! I don't know what happened, if a certain someone invited me or what, but I'm just glad to be back! Unfortunately, I don't have much time to write a lot at this very moment, but I can guarantee that I'll be posting more later. Not that I really have all that much of interest to say, but you know.
...to work 12 hour days.
It does occur tome from time to time that things were pretty damned good for 4 years or so in Guelph, and itwould be pretty sweet to go back to that, but then I remember that most people have moved on so it's in vain. But things will inevitably get better.
Hey, all. So I should be studying for my pharmacy practice lab final that's this week, but I'm bored, so I thought I'd post. Things are getting hairy with our insurance company on the car, so I need to vent, anyway.
So Dave's fantastic post inspired me to write a little something myself. A lot has been going on around here lately. I'm getting very close to a lot of people in the pharmacy program out here. I can actually say that a lot of people are "friends" now and not just people I go to school with and that's nice. I'll never be able to replace you guys and the chemistry that we had at the 6-9-5, but I think over the four years here I'll get something just as good, but in a different way with a lot of the people in my program. I'm so glad that I skipped out on my interview in '05 to go to France because the year ahead of us just doesn't seem anywhere near as cool ;)
This weather is AMAZING.
I'm feeling so bungled up right now...from everything, from my evening...I was out with a few friends playing a new game I have become obsessed with, I listened to music, I read some of my book, which is reaching its climax and getting very suspenseful and disturbing, and I just had a quick chat with Jessica and it's always so hard to say goodbye. On top of that, Wish You Were Here came on iTunes and that just set me over the edge. I'm brimming with so much right now and this is my release. I've tried writing in a journal that I got for me and Jess to share and write in and swap so we can read about each other's days and lives and thoughts. It's relieving, but I haven't developed a rhythm for writing yet so it's not fully therapeutic. I find if I don't write things down, though, I get to the point I'm at right now and I just have to release it all. Fortunately, I have this blog, which I clearly don't treat very well.
So... you come here often?
Okay, nothing truly serious is going on, but it's been eating me up the past couple weeks and I need input, and pronto, I have to make a decision in the next couple days. So, my naive hopes of actually getting the job at the NC aquarium were dashed last week when I received the standard rejection letter from them. But, on the heels of that, I have been offered the job of assistant manager at the Project Puffin Visitor Center. This would mean going to Maine for about the same amount of time, just working at the Center, talking to people and also setting up interpretive programs and such for them. All in all, it's not a bad offer. It doesn't pay much (non-profit!), and it doesn't come with the excitement of last year, nor does it mean I've actually moved out of my parent's house. I have reservations about it, feeling that it's just doesn't seem like the right decision. But, at the same time, nothing else is happening and I might as well be making money while I still work on finding the next job. And this different position won't hurt my resume, since I'll be creating some educational programs from scratch at a sort of pilot project for Audubon, as well as being able to say that I have experience with supervising others. But, then again it's at the same place as my last job, which makes me feel like it's the safe choice and I wouldn't be taking the risk I need to. And, obviously my other option is to hold out and wait for another opportunity to present itself.
Wow it's cold. Wow it's hot. Wow this planet is really starting to get effed up!
Okay, so I really don't deserve that kind of an entrance considering everything, but some sort of entrance is necessary since I basically havent existed in cyerspace (I don't think I've ever used that word . . ) for awhile.
Man that was a cozy shell. It had a TV, a DVD player, iTunes, a car, the TTC, some books, and internet access. Alas, the shell was too small for all of that so I traded it in for a cookie.
So last night Remi and I visited the Taboo Sex Show at the convention centre here in lovely Vancouver. It was a blast! We would certainly go again and both recommend it for a grand old time if it happens to come into your neighbourhood. Interesting items of note: glow stick penises - just like your regular glow stick that all the little hootchies take to the bar, but shaped like a phallus; "Mr. Thick Dick" cream - a magical cream that is supposed to enhance the size of your man shaft; Remi has asked me to add "boobies" here; pole dancers; and chubby weirdo fetishists. CRAZY! Amanda, you would have gotten a major kick out of it ;)
So I guess it's just you and me, 4man (prove me wrong guys!)... But that's ok. I think we can keep it up.
I'm just here to update, and maintain my guilt-free status with my resolution to post more on the blog. Unfortunately, I don't have anything exciting to talk about, but so what? I'm going to post anyway.
Encouraged by Kat's wonderful (if not a little late) post, I thought I would post about our holidays. I am actually lucky enough to have three whole weeks off for Xmas. I wrote my last exam (O-Chem, which I passed with a quarter decent mark... I guess) on the 16th and we don't go back until the 8th. Woohoo! Unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account) I am working full-time at Shoppers because some guy took off for three weeks to California (lucky bastard!). I have been able to leave work early (such as today when it was actually sunny for the first time in 6 weeks or so) once in a while, so that's nice.