The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ta dah!

Okay, so I really don't deserve that kind of an entrance considering everything, but some sort of entrance is necessary since I basically havent existed in cyerspace (I don't think I've ever used that word . . ) for awhile.

Since I've been out of the loop, I'll quickly recap: I'm working in lovely Cornwall, which you guys would get a serious kick out of, for Parks Canada, a federal government agency that I HIGHLY recommend working for Kat - that goes for Remi too. I'm doing a 6 month internship as a heritage planner and the program co-ordinator for the Rideau Heritage Network which pays peanuts, but I'm learning lots and that's the point. I'm finished here on March 16 but it's 95% definite that I'll get a short contract to take me through until mid August, paid jointly by Parks and the Ontario Ministry of Culture, and at a much better rate of pay. So the job's been keeping me really busy, often on the road to Kingston, Ottawa or elsewhere so that means some very early mornings. I was playing badminton in the fall but now I'm taking a night course in basic conversational french on monday and thursday nights, which is when badminton was. I'm also getting french lessons two days a week at work so that helps but it's still not as intensive as I need to become bilingual. Slowly but surely. My goal is to be trilingual by the time I'm 30.

Alright, so now that the admin's out of the way . . .

2007 started off with a bit of a bang and has been trucking along okay since. I went to a keg party at my friend Alice's bf, Kent's house. I usually only get to see them in the summer, so it was nice to catch up with them, his family and friends. And I met a boy there! I had met him very briefly in the summer at the HOPE beach volleyball tournie when Kent's sister ran into him and introduced us. His name is Tim. You can see some pics of him/us on facebook. We got together a couple weeks ago when I was home. Drank at his friends house and people jammed before we went to the Jimmy Swift band concert. Not very good in case you were wondering . Not really my style. Tim likes them a lot but was very disappointed too. A good time none the less. Got to meet one of his sisters. A very fun girl and we got along really well. My impression is that the whole family is quite a lot of fun. And very musically talented. Anyways, we're just friends at this stage, talking a bit on msn and some emails at work. He works for the feds in Hull as a IT related guy for Service Canada.
Since the canal is FINALLY open (though not in its entirety!) and it's the start of Winterlude this weekend, I'm going to head home (also so I can get a good nights sleep, etc). Tim and I have a date on the canal followed by chicken fajitas at Mexicali Rosa's (my fav!) and he has suggested some drinks and dancing at a club in Ottawa afterwards. So it should be a good night and give me a good indication on how I feel about him. So far so good. I wil make sure to post an update. And some pics on facebook of the day's events!

So I finally finished up my two grad applications and got them mailed off. That was taking up a lot of mine time but I'm pleased with how they turned out. Hopefully by September I will be in England! Or Ottawa! My heart is set in England though I want to take everything and everyone close to me with me. A difficult transition ahead. Now its time to start scholarship applications. Other than that I hang out a lot with one of my roommates, Meredith, lounging in her bed watching Grey's Anatomy, sometimes AD if I'm lucky (she's starting to get hooked!), baking cakes (cake for breakfast last Friday and Saturday!) or just eating in general. She's the most mature 19 year old I've met and most certainly the mother of the house.

So that's about it for now. I seem to be very busy all the time and yet can't think of much to comment on. I think cuz it's been so long, time's just crazy compressed. I think a daily post is in order.

I'll start today: We had a retirement luncheon at work today and I seriously pigged out. Chocolate layered cake, an apple cinnamon cake and a cheesecake tart just for dessert. Needless to say I was still full by dinner so went ahead to the gym and got back around 8:30pm. Played with the puppy, Toby, who just got snipped! and had a nice little shower. Now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is french in the morning, french class at night, followed by our regular night out at the bar. I'm off at 6:45am Sat for home and back Sunday night. I shall post an update on my weekend then.

Talk to you all soon!


At 7:46 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

That was a fantastic re-cap! We've missed you! I'm glad to hear that your job is going well and that you're looking at a contract extension. AND good luck with your grad school applications!! It's a new chapter in your life ;) Scary, but so exciting. Last but not least - the boy!! :) Fantastic news. I hope you guys have a blast on your date. Keep us posted ;)

At 10:45 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

"2007 started off with a bit of a bang... "

I'd say.

Good to have you back.


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