Global Warming/Climate Change
Wow it's cold. Wow it's hot. Wow this planet is really starting to get effed up!
So my online course deals with climate change (versus global warming, considering it's not warm in the winter) and it poses a lot of questions, mainly economic mixed with environmental issues. I figured I'd throw out a question considering that Alberta has just discovered a rich deposit of oil sands that could bring MEGA MOOLA to the province and could also reduce the amount of oil imported by the US from Saudi Arabia. Bush says he wants to connect more pipes leading from Canada to the US. He wants to cut off x amount of oil imports from Saudi Arabia and supplement that with Alberta oil.
However, Alberta refineries are using coal to fuel their production, whereas Saudi Arabia is using fossil fuels and only some coal for their production. Coal emits a lot more carbon into the atmosphere and that is cause problems, to say the least.
So, the question is, should Canada, namely Alberta, sacrifice major economic gains and political agendas so the environment isn't further harmed, or is there a breaking point where the almighty buck is just too good to give up?
I hate coal and I hate oil. I am sick and tired of money being the issue. THE FUCKING ICE CAPS ARE MELTING!! POLAR-FUCKING-BEARS ARE DROWNING!! Have we not done enough to this frickin' planet?? When are we going to learn!!???
My answer to you is this, Dave - stop funneling money into oil production and start supporing the production of greener fuels. We need to start putting money into transferring our vehicles to ethanol "gases". We can actually already get 10% ethanol gas out here!
Why don't you then make the problem this much more complicated: In our trip across Canada, we saw the most wind-generators in Alberta. i.e. They are doing more on that front than the rest of Canada. Shouldn't they get a break on some fronts? Not like stupid windswept Saskatchewan that did shit-all in terms of renewable energy, but had no obvious qualms about lettinghay rot un-used in fields all over the place.
Think about it.
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