The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Encouraged by Kat's wonderful (if not a little late) post, I thought I would post about our holidays. I am actually lucky enough to have three whole weeks off for Xmas. I wrote my last exam (O-Chem, which I passed with a quarter decent mark... I guess) on the 16th and we don't go back until the 8th. Woohoo! Unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account) I am working full-time at Shoppers because some guy took off for three weeks to California (lucky bastard!). I have been able to leave work early (such as today when it was actually sunny for the first time in 6 weeks or so) once in a while, so that's nice.

In terms of Christmas, we spent the morning here, opening gifts and skyping with my parents to open presents. Then we hopped on a ferry to head to Nanaimo for Christmas dinner with Nicole's family. It was excellent! Maggie got to play with the rotty Koda (he's bigger than her now, so she gets owned! - unfortunately we didn't get any pictures because we're stupid!) and we got to hang out with Scott and Nicole. Dinner was excellent. We did some Boxing Day shopping and then, before heading back here, Nicole asked me to be one of her bride's maids!! I'm sooooooooooo excited!! My first wedding party experience!!

New Years was spent with some new friends from here. I know Laura from pharmacy and her husband, Chris, and Remi are two peas in a pod (God help Laura and I). That was a night of too many martinis and wobbly walking. Good times!! How was everyone else's New Years?? What's new and exciting??

I leave you with some random pics from our Christmas.




At 11:09 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

For a second I thought that these pics were already posted on here, then I realized they are from your other blog. Either way, the mangled tree stand is definitely noteworthy.

I'm a little worried that it might just be you, me, and Remi holding on to the blog, Sarah, but at least we can inspire each other with posts.

Lastly, I'm glad to hear you had a good Christmas and were able to spend it with friends. It's hard when you can't be close to loved ones, but Skype helps, I'm sure.


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