The 695 thought pad

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A gust of wind

So... you come here often?

Yeah, me too.

So, obviously begging, pleading, goading, and making threats only works to get about one post out of everyone. We had a nice little flurry of posts there around the end of Jan/early Feb, but since then, nada. And I'm guilty of this, too. Now, what I'm curious about is are we still checking it? Do we go to this page just to see if there has been any activity and when we don't see any (or maybe we do), we just move on to Facebook or email or whatever else we look at online. I know that's what I do. So, when you read this, don't forget to leave a comment and tell us what your blog behaviour is. In fact, go ahead and do it right now. Don't worry, this post will still be here when you're done, so comment now.

I'm serious, go comment now!

Okay, so, now that I've done the usual rant about our absence from here, on to my update. As you all should know by now, I will be returning to Maine this summer. I start sometime around mid-May and will stay thru October. I'm looking forward to going back, though not as excited as last year. This time I already know what to expect as far as place and job are concerned, but I'm anxious to know who's going to return from last years crew of interns. I also will be living with the two new education interns, and I'm hoping that I'll like them and that at least one of them will be neat and tidy, so I'm not the only one cleaning up all the time.

I've also started working part-time at the state park with the reservations system for the state. I answer the phone and help people make or change their reservations for the state park inns across the state. Not a highly demanding job, but that's fine by me. I get to read in the slow times, so it's fairly easy money, if you can get past the jerks and geezers that call in. I haven't done any substitute teaching, as I mentioned I might in my previous post. This other job has me working most days, so I don't really have time to sub, which really doesn't bother me.

I am also making money as a human guinea pig. I'm taking part in a comparison study of two acne medications (Tazorac and Retin-A-Micro, for those of you who care) to determine the efficacy of one compared to the other. Both drugs have been on the market for a number of years, so it's not as if I'm risking my nose falling off or anything for a brand new drug. Nor am I wasting my time with a placebo, b/c there isn't one. So, I've been put on Taz and it's only been a week, but I'm already seeing results. My skin is peeling like a minor sunburn, but the texture is already smoother and it may just be my imagination, but the color seems less uneven. So, besides the obvious benefits of using the free medication (plus cleanser and moisturizer), I'll have seen a dermatologist and made about $100 from this little adventure. Not a bad deal.

I finally have a new computer now, too, so I'm hoping that I'll be more inclined to be online now. I got it through the Dell Outlet, so it's a refurbished unit, but it's only a few months old and even though it was listed as a scratch and dent, I can't find anything wrong with it. Plus, since it was a scratch and dent, I was able to afford getting a better processor and more memory and features, therefore I ended up with a pretty sweet computer for the price of a moderate one. I'm quite pleased, if you can't tell.

So, I'm pretty satisfied with my life right now. Unfortunately, my brother is going through some major problems financially, so things are kinda tense in regards to the family, but as long as the troubles stay with the money, we are fortunate.

That about covers me for now. Make sure you keep tabs on your March Madness status. The selections for the tournament are tomorrow, so after tomorrow evening, you can complete your bracket. Good luck with your picks and if you need help, you can check this site:

And if you haven't posted a comment yet, DO IT!!!


At 1:44 PM, Blogger manda said...

I agree, haiwei, this is a very nice blog. But I'm happy with my IE thanks.
Anyhoo, I check all the time, to answer your question.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I'm glad that you posted and I'm glad things are working out with you ;) I actually have the blog on my favs and I check daily for new posts. I should post because I do have a lot of stuff going on, but I can never figure out this stupid new google system. Hopefully this comment posts because the last time I tried it cleared out...

Anyway, I do have news... I totaled my car yesterday. Remi and I were making a left-hand turn and this guy came out of nowhere and hit the back end passenger side (he was coming towards us) and pushed us into the curb, the car then flipped up onto its side and then over onto the roof. It was soooo scary, but no major injuries - just a couple cuts on my finger and some stiff necks/backs. We're ok. Dealing with insurance today to see what's what.

I'll post again when I know more.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Remi said...

The funny thing about you guys is that some of you actually would care what the drugs were. No doubt Sarah gave the meds the old nod of understanding as she read about them.

In other news, I bought a new camera, so as the season gets more enjoyable (flowers are up, but it's still shitty... It rained so much yesterday that some of my neighbours got together to build an ark) I will start shooting away and subjecting you to my (mediocre) talents.

Oh yes, and Sarah forgot to mention that there is a small rug-burn-like abrasion on my elbow. It's almost painful.


P.S. Google blogger tried to fuck me out of this post when I signed in. But I happily outsmarted it by copying it first. Take that you Google-bastards!

At 10:24 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Thank god you are both okay and it wasn't more serious. It sounds like a very freaky accident. And having a totaled car definitely sucks. Good luck with the insurance company and don't let them screw you. Take care of your wounds.

And of course they would want to know the drugs. You know I couldn't get away with not naming them. ;)

As far as this new Google system, should we upgrade? Do you think that would help clear up these troubles?


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