The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And then there were two

So I guess it's just you and me, 4man (prove me wrong guys!)... But that's ok. I think we can keep it up.

Like Kat, I have nothing incredibly new to write about. I'm back at school for semester II of pharmacy!! Very exciting. We're actually getting into some real pharmacological-type stuff this semester - physicochemical properties (whatever those are) and pharamcology. I also saw "Analytical Chemistry" as a lecture series in one of my classes *shoot me*. But at least it's finally getting relevant. We're also starting patient counseling in my pharmacy practice lab, so that's tres cool as well.

Anyhoo, good for you with the gym, Kat! Are you going and using the machines or doing classes? I used to love going to the gym in Nanaimo. I went to aerobics classes three times a week and I felt like a million bucks! Right now I'm severely out of shape and am DYING to get back into some physical activity. I actually start a pilates class next week (can I get a holla' Sue?). I'm super stoked. It's not aerobic, but it looks intense and will be great for flexibility (which is exactly what I need). Remi has actually just recently started Kung Fu at a community centre a few kilometres from here. He's really enjoying it, but is quite sore ;) Yay for working out!

That's about it. How is everyone else doing? Any New Year's resolutions??

sarah :)


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Sarah said...


Thank you parents for the card for Remi and I, Kat! That was so thoughtful!

At 10:16 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Well, they appreciated you including them in your card. I'll let them know. Did you enjoy the family picture collage?

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

We LOVED the collage!! Such a great idea ;)


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