The 695 thought pad

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!

Seeing as it's a new year and I've been trying to figure out what resolutions to make besides the obvious (get a job! move out of my parents house!), I decided that I will try to post more on the blog, since my recent history of this has been quite pitiful. So, here I am, on the first day of 2007, to wish my beloved 695ers a fantastic and fulfilling new year! I just hope that you guys are still checking this.

So, how was everyone's Hannamas? Mine was delightful: good gifts were given and received, lots of food was
eaten, old acquaintances made. Most thoughtful gift received: the book Birding Babylon about a soldier who served in Iraq and kept a blog of the birds and wildlife he saw while there. Best gift yet to come: new laptop. Most hilarious gift: Nickleback's latest album (yeah, I still can't believe my parents got this for me). Most puffiny gift: the "I Heart Puffins" shirt from Dave (thanks, Dave, it's perfect!). And that about covers it.

I've been hanging out with high school pals. A Trivial Pursuit party with lots of people I hadn't seen in years was surprisingly entertaining; some holiday bowling at a trendy alley in Louisville was a fun night; spending New Year's Eve playing Catchphrase with a close friend and her family was about as cozy a way
as any to welcome the new year. In the coming weeks, I'm looking forward to going wedding dress shopping with that same friend and heading to North Carolina for some quality time with my brother, nephew and so on.

As far as jobs are concerned, I'm not having too much luck right now. I've been doing some light searching around the region for a temp position, but I think I'm being too picky. My
more serious job ambitions have gotten me interested in a job in NC, again along the coast, working at a state aquarium. I still have some hurdles before I can actually apply (they want verification of your degree if you received education outside of the US), but I'm pretty hopeful about it. It sounds like it would be a pretty good fit for me, plus it's salaried! That's a magic word that I immediately perked up for! But so far, that's the only job opening that I've really gotten excited about. Hopefully the new year will bring more opportunities.

So, that concludes the update on my life as of 1/1/07. If you'd like more insight into me, I'd suggest you check out this photo of my pretty kitty Penelope who is seriously involved with our Christmas tree, the link for a music video by Kaki King who is the most wickid guitar player I've seen (, and check into the band Muse (, whose songs will not relinquish their hold on my brain. I hope to see your comments or hear from you all (and I mean ALL) soon. Until next time, much love.


At 7:06 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Not a moment too soon, 4man!! I was about to give up on our (once) beloved blog, but your post made me bookmark it on our new computer (FLAT SCREEN!!!). We got it a few weeks ago, but I will love it forever ;) By the way, Remi's birthday is on Sunday - he's almost a quarter of a century old!!! I suggest you all email to make fun of him post-haste! He's extremely sensitive about it. Hahaha :) Happy New Year!


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