The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ta dah!

Okay, so I really don't deserve that kind of an entrance considering everything, but some sort of entrance is necessary since I basically havent existed in cyerspace (I don't think I've ever used that word . . ) for awhile.

Since I've been out of the loop, I'll quickly recap: I'm working in lovely Cornwall, which you guys would get a serious kick out of, for Parks Canada, a federal government agency that I HIGHLY recommend working for Kat - that goes for Remi too. I'm doing a 6 month internship as a heritage planner and the program co-ordinator for the Rideau Heritage Network which pays peanuts, but I'm learning lots and that's the point. I'm finished here on March 16 but it's 95% definite that I'll get a short contract to take me through until mid August, paid jointly by Parks and the Ontario Ministry of Culture, and at a much better rate of pay. So the job's been keeping me really busy, often on the road to Kingston, Ottawa or elsewhere so that means some very early mornings. I was playing badminton in the fall but now I'm taking a night course in basic conversational french on monday and thursday nights, which is when badminton was. I'm also getting french lessons two days a week at work so that helps but it's still not as intensive as I need to become bilingual. Slowly but surely. My goal is to be trilingual by the time I'm 30.

Alright, so now that the admin's out of the way . . .

2007 started off with a bit of a bang and has been trucking along okay since. I went to a keg party at my friend Alice's bf, Kent's house. I usually only get to see them in the summer, so it was nice to catch up with them, his family and friends. And I met a boy there! I had met him very briefly in the summer at the HOPE beach volleyball tournie when Kent's sister ran into him and introduced us. His name is Tim. You can see some pics of him/us on facebook. We got together a couple weeks ago when I was home. Drank at his friends house and people jammed before we went to the Jimmy Swift band concert. Not very good in case you were wondering . Not really my style. Tim likes them a lot but was very disappointed too. A good time none the less. Got to meet one of his sisters. A very fun girl and we got along really well. My impression is that the whole family is quite a lot of fun. And very musically talented. Anyways, we're just friends at this stage, talking a bit on msn and some emails at work. He works for the feds in Hull as a IT related guy for Service Canada.
Since the canal is FINALLY open (though not in its entirety!) and it's the start of Winterlude this weekend, I'm going to head home (also so I can get a good nights sleep, etc). Tim and I have a date on the canal followed by chicken fajitas at Mexicali Rosa's (my fav!) and he has suggested some drinks and dancing at a club in Ottawa afterwards. So it should be a good night and give me a good indication on how I feel about him. So far so good. I wil make sure to post an update. And some pics on facebook of the day's events!

So I finally finished up my two grad applications and got them mailed off. That was taking up a lot of mine time but I'm pleased with how they turned out. Hopefully by September I will be in England! Or Ottawa! My heart is set in England though I want to take everything and everyone close to me with me. A difficult transition ahead. Now its time to start scholarship applications. Other than that I hang out a lot with one of my roommates, Meredith, lounging in her bed watching Grey's Anatomy, sometimes AD if I'm lucky (she's starting to get hooked!), baking cakes (cake for breakfast last Friday and Saturday!) or just eating in general. She's the most mature 19 year old I've met and most certainly the mother of the house.

So that's about it for now. I seem to be very busy all the time and yet can't think of much to comment on. I think cuz it's been so long, time's just crazy compressed. I think a daily post is in order.

I'll start today: We had a retirement luncheon at work today and I seriously pigged out. Chocolate layered cake, an apple cinnamon cake and a cheesecake tart just for dessert. Needless to say I was still full by dinner so went ahead to the gym and got back around 8:30pm. Played with the puppy, Toby, who just got snipped! and had a nice little shower. Now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is french in the morning, french class at night, followed by our regular night out at the bar. I'm off at 6:45am Sat for home and back Sunday night. I shall post an update on my weekend then.

Talk to you all soon!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Out from under my shell...

Man that was a cozy shell. It had a TV, a DVD player, iTunes, a car, the TTC, some books, and internet access. Alas, the shell was too small for all of that so I traded it in for a cookie.

So the last month or so has been pretty slow. I started a geography course that deals with climate change, specifically Global Warming. I was given Saudi Arabia to represent on all of the issues and we'll do be doing UN discussions in the next few weeks. The course entails discussion and three papers and NO exam. I didn't realize just how messed up this world is becoming and at what rate. So guys, turn off your lights, unplug things that aren't annoying to plug back in, walk, carpool, turn off the water while brushing your teeth, and don't cut down any trees. The discussion questions are pretty much all opinionated with the opportunity to throw in a few facts. That makes the course a little less interesting, but I think I'll get some good insight into the environment once it's over. Did I mention there's no final exam? 'Cause there's no final exam.

On the family/house side, we still don't have a tiled shower and instead have clear film covering the walls. Our skylights in the living room have started to leak. My room currently smells of incense. I really love incense now. It creates an atmosphere in my room so I can go into my own space to read and listen to music. I'm not a hippy yet, but I'm enjoying the slight change. I know it's stereotypical to listen to Floyd, Grateful Dead, et al while lighting incense, but this is the first time I've tried it and it's a cool sensation.

I went to see A Clockwork Orange on the big screen a few weeks ago. The largest screen I've watched it on was 34 inches. There is a marked difference between that and the big screen. I have never been so in awe of this movie as I was during that 2.2 hour span. I was slightly 'intoxicated' for the first half of the film, which made my senses a little more...aware of things. Regardless, I am aching to see it again and also to watch 2001 on the big screen.

Things with Jessica are as good and intense as they have ever been, especially because it's all long distance. I've seen her for two hours over the past 27 days. I don't care how much we keep in contact, that is a tough 27-2 hours to get through. I'm going to see her in Appointment With Death on the 17th with my sister and her hubbie, and then she'll be home for five days at the end of the month. We maximize our time together, but we always seem to be rushing things when do see each other, even over the two week winter break. We couldn't even organize New Years together, even though we were fine with that. I want to show her so many movies, but there's no time. We want to listen to so much music, but there's no time. ja;feija Basically, we're as amazing as we possibly can be, but it's trying at times. She's moving back in April and will live with her sister about fifteen minutes from my house. We're both counting down the days.

Right, enough of that. On to...............the weather.

I want more snow.

That is all.

I've gone to a few Leafs games over the past month. We've won two of them. I was in the back row of the upper bowl, but I made myself heard to everyone. Oh! I also walked to the corner store the other day to get a bag of chips, and I bought a bag of chips. They were good chips.

I saw a prostitute on the subway with someone two nights ago. I never typecast people, but she was with a guy who really would not normally be with someone like her...she was also asking him where he lived and what he did. I felt badly for the guy because he seemed pretty embarrassed to be with her. I've never really been exposed to that in all my years living in Toronto. I spent the entire day watching hockey and having some beers and good food and hanging out with friends, and those two did what they were was just a stark contrast to our lives and it made me both sad and glad to be me. One of those moments where things are put in perspective.

Speaking of perspective, I've started to take to writing things down. Writing anything I'm thinking down on paper. I did that a lot while working at the swim school and I'd put my thought directly into an envelope and mail them to Jessica. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel much of a release if they just stayed in a book under my bed. Also...I've started to see a psychiatrist to deal with things I deal with and she suggested I write things down, both positive and negative. I'm hoping things go well with her because the first guy I went to see immediately prescribed me tranquilizers and other pills that would have effectively ruined my personality and mojo. I canceled my next appointment with him the next day :)

I read Dan Brown's 'Digital Fortress' this month and was completely engulfed the entire time I read it. I also listened to The Wall every time I read so now I associate both with each other. Don't expect the most stellar writing, but expect to be jerked around a bit and to get involved with the characters. I've started reading 'Lifeguard' by James Patterson whose formula is to write very short, descriptive chapters, which makes it a real page-turner. It all takes place in one day and is already toying with my mind.

That's the most concise update of my life. I'm starting to get a little antsy and would like to have my own place soon, but I don't have the funds right now. There are no problems at home whatsoever, but I'd really like to have my own place and be 100% independent. That was just an aside.

Hmmm...if any of you are looking for ways to procrastinate, here are a few links for streamed TV shows:

Well, I know I've said this before, but you can add me back onto the list of contributers. I've realized the value of getting things out there instead of keeping my thoughts in my head for only me to enjoy. I'll read everyone else's updates and respond later.

Oh, everyone should download all of The Shins' albums as well as the new Incubus album.

Here's a pic of me and Jess :)


Sunday, January 14, 2007


So last night Remi and I visited the Taboo Sex Show at the convention centre here in lovely Vancouver. It was a blast! We would certainly go again and both recommend it for a grand old time if it happens to come into your neighbourhood. Interesting items of note: glow stick penises - just like your regular glow stick that all the little hootchies take to the bar, but shaped like a phallus; "Mr. Thick Dick" cream - a magical cream that is supposed to enhance the size of your man shaft; Remi has asked me to add "boobies" here; pole dancers; and chubby weirdo fetishists. CRAZY! Amanda, you would have gotten a major kick out of it ;)

Check out the website:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And then there were two

So I guess it's just you and me, 4man (prove me wrong guys!)... But that's ok. I think we can keep it up.

Like Kat, I have nothing incredibly new to write about. I'm back at school for semester II of pharmacy!! Very exciting. We're actually getting into some real pharmacological-type stuff this semester - physicochemical properties (whatever those are) and pharamcology. I also saw "Analytical Chemistry" as a lecture series in one of my classes *shoot me*. But at least it's finally getting relevant. We're also starting patient counseling in my pharmacy practice lab, so that's tres cool as well.

Anyhoo, good for you with the gym, Kat! Are you going and using the machines or doing classes? I used to love going to the gym in Nanaimo. I went to aerobics classes three times a week and I felt like a million bucks! Right now I'm severely out of shape and am DYING to get back into some physical activity. I actually start a pilates class next week (can I get a holla' Sue?). I'm super stoked. It's not aerobic, but it looks intense and will be great for flexibility (which is exactly what I need). Remi has actually just recently started Kung Fu at a community centre a few kilometres from here. He's really enjoying it, but is quite sore ;) Yay for working out!

That's about it. How is everyone else doing? Any New Year's resolutions??

sarah :)

Keeping up with my resolution

I'm just here to update, and maintain my guilt-free status with my resolution to post more on the blog. Unfortunately, I don't have anything exciting to talk about, but so what? I'm going to post anyway.

I think I'm becoming addicted to going to the gym. I know I've said in the past that I wasn't interested in joining a gym because I don't think I should have to pay to workout, when I could just go outside and hike, walk, etc. But this is different. First of all, my parents joined, so I started going to be part of the gang and also to help motivate them. Secondly, what else am I going to do with my time, I'm unemployed? Thirdly, I'm sick of not being active and having to buy jeans in a bigger size. And fourth, and most importantly, I haven't had to pay... yet. I started going after my parents signed up and they got me a free week. So, I cashed in my free week and have been going ever since (almost a month now), but they have yet to officially sign me up and ask for money. What's weird, though, is they check off my name when I sign the day's check-in sheet, as if I'm a genuine paying customer. But, as far as I know, I'm using it for free, and they either don't know or don't care. Fine by me! So, I've been going three times a week and I'm thinking of going a fourth. And I've been thinking that when I finally do move to another area, I'm afraid I'll have to join a gym and actually have to pay. All this comes as a bit of shock to me. But, in the meantime, I'll keep going.

I have also been watching way more football than I ever have in my life and I've decided I quite like it, both college and NFL. This also
has come as a bit of a shock to me, because, though I have always thought that watching a football game on a cool Sunday afternoon was comforting, I never really imagined that I would get very into them. But now I relish the weekend for the games that are on, especially when the Bengals play (who are now, sadly, done with their season). Interesting.

Well, that's about all I can think of writing. For the record, I have yet to hear from the NC Aquarium job, but my hopes remain high, as just today was the closing date for apps, so I have at least a week or two to remain optimistic. I am planning on heading to NC to see the rest of the family the last week of January, so if you don't hear from me then, that'd be the reason. Hope all is well with everyone, even though you aren't reading this (except Sarah). Much love.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Encouraged by Kat's wonderful (if not a little late) post, I thought I would post about our holidays. I am actually lucky enough to have three whole weeks off for Xmas. I wrote my last exam (O-Chem, which I passed with a quarter decent mark... I guess) on the 16th and we don't go back until the 8th. Woohoo! Unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account) I am working full-time at Shoppers because some guy took off for three weeks to California (lucky bastard!). I have been able to leave work early (such as today when it was actually sunny for the first time in 6 weeks or so) once in a while, so that's nice.

In terms of Christmas, we spent the morning here, opening gifts and skyping with my parents to open presents. Then we hopped on a ferry to head to Nanaimo for Christmas dinner with Nicole's family. It was excellent! Maggie got to play with the rotty Koda (he's bigger than her now, so she gets owned! - unfortunately we didn't get any pictures because we're stupid!) and we got to hang out with Scott and Nicole. Dinner was excellent. We did some Boxing Day shopping and then, before heading back here, Nicole asked me to be one of her bride's maids!! I'm sooooooooooo excited!! My first wedding party experience!!

New Years was spent with some new friends from here. I know Laura from pharmacy and her husband, Chris, and Remi are two peas in a pod (God help Laura and I). That was a night of too many martinis and wobbly walking. Good times!! How was everyone else's New Years?? What's new and exciting??

I leave you with some random pics from our Christmas.



Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!

Seeing as it's a new year and I've been trying to figure out what resolutions to make besides the obvious (get a job! move out of my parents house!), I decided that I will try to post more on the blog, since my recent history of this has been quite pitiful. So, here I am, on the first day of 2007, to wish my beloved 695ers a fantastic and fulfilling new year! I just hope that you guys are still checking this.

So, how was everyone's Hannamas? Mine was delightful: good gifts were given and received, lots of food was
eaten, old acquaintances made. Most thoughtful gift received: the book Birding Babylon about a soldier who served in Iraq and kept a blog of the birds and wildlife he saw while there. Best gift yet to come: new laptop. Most hilarious gift: Nickleback's latest album (yeah, I still can't believe my parents got this for me). Most puffiny gift: the "I Heart Puffins" shirt from Dave (thanks, Dave, it's perfect!). And that about covers it.

I've been hanging out with high school pals. A Trivial Pursuit party with lots of people I hadn't seen in years was surprisingly entertaining; some holiday bowling at a trendy alley in Louisville was a fun night; spending New Year's Eve playing Catchphrase with a close friend and her family was about as cozy a way
as any to welcome the new year. In the coming weeks, I'm looking forward to going wedding dress shopping with that same friend and heading to North Carolina for some quality time with my brother, nephew and so on.

As far as jobs are concerned, I'm not having too much luck right now. I've been doing some light searching around the region for a temp position, but I think I'm being too picky. My
more serious job ambitions have gotten me interested in a job in NC, again along the coast, working at a state aquarium. I still have some hurdles before I can actually apply (they want verification of your degree if you received education outside of the US), but I'm pretty hopeful about it. It sounds like it would be a pretty good fit for me, plus it's salaried! That's a magic word that I immediately perked up for! But so far, that's the only job opening that I've really gotten excited about. Hopefully the new year will bring more opportunities.

So, that concludes the update on my life as of 1/1/07. If you'd like more insight into me, I'd suggest you check out this photo of my pretty kitty Penelope who is seriously involved with our Christmas tree, the link for a music video by Kaki King who is the most wickid guitar player I've seen (, and check into the band Muse (, whose songs will not relinquish their hold on my brain. I hope to see your comments or hear from you all (and I mean ALL) soon. Until next time, much love.