The 695 thought pad

Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm back, baby!

So tonight Remi and I visited a TKD club here in Nanaimo. I think we kept up ok, but we're both going to be DYING tomorrow morning! I doubt I'll even be able to get out of bed! But, MAN, did it feel good to be back in there! The people are all really cool and it's a little bit more "intense" than TKD Guelph-style, but not much. Everyone laughs and has a good time. So I have two more free lessons and then I think I'll be joining fer sheeze. Time to get rid of my jello butt!! (I actually found a picture of a jello butt online! -but later removed it because I couldn't handle seeing it on the blog)

Wrong on so many levels.

Anyway, in other news, nothing is new! Yay! Very exciting. Hey, why isn't anyone posting?? WTF?



Friday, January 27, 2006

Red Bull works

Holy crap Red Bull gives you a jolt of energy/the giggles. It makes you ridiculous! Not quite the same as smoking, but you do get a tad hazy and crazy. It's starting to wear off and I'm worried that I'm going to crash or something. I still have lots of studying to do so I hope I stay awake.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd let you all know that if you want a cheap thrill (a bite), go for a Red Bull!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

At least it's a minority

So I was a little worried, my friends, when Harper was WAY ahead in the poles, but it turned out better than we could have hoped for. It was definitely time for a change in the government. Sure, I wish it was Amanda's dream politician in there too (that's the NDP for all those who don't remember how Amanda fawned over Jack Leighton during the election a couple of years ago), but with a minority government, Harper can still make some changes that the NDP supports (i.e. like party accountability) and not make any changes to fuck our rights and freedoms (i.e. like revoking gay marriage and abortion rights). So, I think it'll turn out ok. And hey! Look at how long Paul Martin's minority government lasted! And what did they accomplish??? Nadda. In conclusion, no worries. We're not living in a right-wing, fanatic regime yet *cough*USA*cough* (sorry 4man)

And that is my political rant.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New government, same shit

I was a little worried at first that the new government would mean we'd all get fucked, but really, I figure it doesn't matter who's there, because either way, they find a way to fuck me. Up the ass. Hard. And dry. I just got a letter saying I owed them 200 bucks, and that, oh yeah, we've been keeping track of interest on that. Pay up soon, or we'll call our buddies over to fuck you harder with some more interest. Of course, when I wrote them about the interest they owed me on my tax return, they told me to shove it. Fucking fuckeddy fuck fuck FUCK. What a fucking bunch of douche bags. They look at my tuition, and they're all, oh no, nobody pays that much, you can't declare that. And then it turns out I overpaid CPP, so somehow, I owe them money; that's a good bit of fuckery there. I hope they all collectively die slowly and miserably.


P.S. Fuck them some more. Hear that Haper? Hear that Martin? Hear that all you money-hungry-cock-gobbling-shit-eaters? Fuck you again!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


What is brown and sticky?


Answer in the comment section:

Why didn't the orange make it up the hill?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


As a concerned Canadian citizen who doesn't want fascist leadership, I urge all my peoples to get out and vote against Harper and the Conservatives! *cough*NDP*cough*cough*

I don't want to hear that any of you didn't vote!

away for the weekend

I'm heading out tomorrow to go to northwest Indiana for a wedding, so I wanted to take some time to check in. I really don't have much to update, it's life per usual right meow. My pseudo-boss, Dick, from the park was able to get me signed up for about 50 hours of work to change the bulletin boards. I'm stoked to have the money, plus it's doing basically my favorite part of my usual job out there. It'll be nice to have something to do for a while, too. Yup, living the life of nothing has started to get to me.

As far as other jobs/internships/life is concerned, nothing of note yet. Reservations have been made in Guelph for the nights of the 20-22 (so I will be in town Wed night, if anyone is interested in going to Trash that night, hint, hint). My brother, Shelby and Breckin are coming up for the ceremony, too. I'm excited to have them there. We are still working out the schedule for post-graduation.

Along with the wedding this weekend, we are going to see my uncle in Chicago Heights as well as go to downtown Chi-town, chiefly to eat at the famous Berghoff Restaurant. Okay, maybe you have never heard of it, but if you were to ask anyone who has lived in or been to Chicago, they would know it. It's a family-owned german place that has an atmosphere of an elegant pub. We are making a special trip into the city not only because the food it terrific, but because they are closing down in the end of Feb. It's the end of an era for Chicago, and another sign that things are changing, along with Macy's buying Marshall Field's and not even having the decency to keep the legendary name. Boo on Macy's. >:(

Anyway, when we get back home, I am to start eating up my 50 hours. I have also been asked to present to junior high kids about biomes by one of the teachers there. I feel as if I'm flying blind on this one, but I don't think I can mess it up too much. We will see.

That's all for meow, I'll check in with yous guys later.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Funny t-shirt

First off, the Leafs game is only on Leafs TV tonight. WTF'nF!!!! That's such a pisser!!!!

Second of off, I saw a really funny t-shirt in American Eagle I thought you'd get a kick out of. It's a red shirt that has a silhouette of a rather large chicken on the left side, with the word 'random?' written across the shirt in white. I almost bought it, but it doesn't fit quite right. Still...a shirt says 'random'! I laughed.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

More Pad

OK, I've added the last of the quotes.

"C'mon, it's not rocket surgery!"

Look at the face! And all of the Leafs memorabilia!

New quotes from the pad!!

I've added some more quotes from the Pad of Stupidity on the main site. Scroll down to where it says, "New quotes" in the PoS section. That's right...simple directions. I'll add more later this evening:)

My life and other mishaps

I went skiing last week (for the first time in nine years) and I have come to a conclusion: I cannot take part in every sport I think I might be good at! After six whipe-outs, falling off the ski lift as I dismounted from my chair, and catching a cold, I realized that I should stick to the rink, not the slopes. I had a kick-ass time, but maaaan do I suck at skiing! I hadn't been since I was 13, and even then I had no idea what I was doing and even saw one of my friends snowboard off a cliff and had to testify in court a year later as to what happened that crazy night. You'd think that would be enough to turn me off the entire concept of skiing, but not me! 10 of us went for the day (some of the others didn't ski, but stayed at my friend's Dad's place near the slopes) and one of the guys helped me for the first couple of runs down the 'baby slope'. My first goal was to learn how to stop and that took a while. I thought it'd be simliar mechanics to stopping on skates, but it wasn't. I must have looked like a twat the first few times. Then I had to learn how to turn and that also took a while. Then I had to learn how to use my poles as pivots, and that actually took very little time! By the third run I had the stopping down pat and the turning was a little better. So I sent my friend off to the bigger hills because I could tell he wanted to do something challenging. I stayed on the small slope until I mastered the turning (there are lots of turns and drops on the large runs and I didn't want to put myself, and others, at risk). After about 5 more runs I went over to the big hill and by that time it was dark and the view of...well as far as the eye can see...was amazing. Everything was silent and still and all I could hear were my skis tearing through the snow. I felt like I was the only one on the slopes; it was pretty incredible. I did one more big hill run, ate a bit, then went back to the small slope because I was losing energy. On the baby hill lift I saw my friend try snowboarding and watched him completely whipe-out and saw his grimmacing face and laughed a little. What I didn't know is he had really hurt his thumb and had to go back to the lodge! So I wasn't laughing so much afterwards. I eventually got a little over-confident with my turning abilities and decided to try the big hill one last time. I made my way over, got on the lift, listened to the other guys on the chair talk about hills in Alberta and how it takes 45 minutes to get down the really big hills, and then we reached the top. This is where I fell off as I was dismounting and one of my skiis snapped off and I had to get it quickly because other people were getting off the lift. I knew this was a pretty ominous start to the run (my right boot also felt a little loose). I started down the first drop of the hill I had done earlier in the day and that was fine. Then I started losing control down the second drop and my left ski came off again and I tumbled down a little and had to climb back up sideways to get my ski and put it back on my boot. I then snow-plowed down the rest of that portion of the hill and cut over to the baby hill (there was a gap between the hills to change over) and went to the bottom. But I didn't want that to be my last run considering how much I had accomplished that day. So I went back up the small hill lift, went down half-way, cut over to the bottom half of the big hill, and made a nice recovery going side to side and stopping perfectly at the bottom. And that was my day on the hill! Lots o' fun. We all met up at 8:30 (after 7 hours of skiing) and went back to the lodge to smoke up and forget the day. We played a game called 'draw a picture of an animal without looking at the other person's rendition and then compare drawings'. It was hilarious. Our first animal was an elephant and my apparently looked like a dog throwing up. Another drawing looked like...well it wasn't an owl. We drew a gorilla, a giraffe, a frog, and other animals. My skunk looked like a snake crawling between two rocks because I was drawing it from a birds-eye view...for some reason. It was so much fun because you're concentrating so hard and it's even funnier because of the state you're in! Good times.

Other than that, my life has been fairly dull. Got back to Guelph a week ago, classes started on Monday and that's really about it. I'm taking some interesting econ courses: one talks about how economic actions in Canada impacts the rest of the world, and vice versa; another discusses the history of the world economy from 1850 to the present (exciting!!!); and the third covers the economics of health care and the inefficiencies of economic form! I'm also doing an intro to philosophy course. And talking about those courses has really bored me!

I'm going to make some dinner now. I just had a four hour power nap and now I'm at the stage where I don't know if I should have a light snack and go back to bed, or make a big dinner and go to bed later. Decisions!

Can you all come back one more time to go to the Trash please? Thanks. Next Wednesday? Sounds good! Glad you thought of it. See you then.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Schwat you say?

So I thought I should actually post what's new with me. It's not much, but here goes ;)

I've applied to pharmacy at U of T. The application process what about 800 billion times easier than the one at UBC. Now I just have to find a way to get to Vancouver for the stupid "written interview" portion of the application. Can't that just be take-home?? I mean, COME ON (Amanda, you feel me right?). I'm also currently working on my application for UBC. I hope they take me this year! It's just too freakin' awesome out here to move back to Ontario just yet (if ever). I hope you're all saving your pennies for a visit!

Hmm... The new job... It's going really well so far! The pharmacy is busier than my boss led me to believe in my interview, at least it has been so far, but as many of you probably don't know (Amanda aside) people go nutso at the end of the year to get their prescriptions filled - deductables and the like. WEIRDOS. So it might have been busier then than it will be in the coming months. But that's ok. I'm learning the ropes and I think I'm doing alright so far. I really like the people and I like the fact that I'm full-time. It let's me know what's going on around there everyday so I don't have to go in and be like, "we're doing what to the who now?" which is something I hate.

What else? I'm taking a Gender Relations (Women's Studies) course this semester. It's my default course - it was this or pathology and path was full, so Birkenstocks and flange for Sarah. Who knows, this could bring out the closet lesbian in me!! MEN SUCK! (just practicing).

Anyway, that about wraps it up. Happy 2006, by the way! Our New Years Eve was nice. We went to a couple of house parties, got mildly drunk and went home. But there IS a story. At the second party we went to (which was at a pharmacist from Save On's house - she's 26 or so) a friend of her's showed up with a bunch of people just after midnight when we were all chilling right out and there was this one girl with them... She's young (18 or so), blond and stupid. This is how it went down: first of all, Tanya (the pharmacist) walks into the washroom (unlocked) and finds the girl in there. She tries to leave but the girl is like "No, don't leave me alone, I just have to pee." Tanya (weirded out) is like "ok..." Anyway, the girl proceeds to talk to her while TAKING A SHIT *plop*plop*, as Tanya put it. WTF? That's the first offense. Secondly, the girl disappears into Tanya's office with her boyfriend. None of us knew and Tanya (leary of closed doors with these yahoos hanging around) walks in. The girl is sprawled out on the floor and says: "Excuse me, I'm being eaten out." WTF'nF???? WHACK. So then they leave (finally), and we hear later that the girl who brought them over (who is an adult - 27 or so) gave that 18 year old cocaine to TRY for the first time that night. Again, WTF'nF?????? And that's what's wrong with Nanaimo, people - too much crack floating around and assholes that hand it out to teenagers. NOT COOL.

So that was our New Years. WHACK. I leave you with this picture:

Monday, January 02, 2006

Amazing rant

My friend, who went to school in the South for three years, sent these rants to me. This guy should really join us all in conversation one day. It'd be...interesting.


Living the life of nothing

I officially have no imminent responsibilities. I'm done with school, I have no job, presents are given, no parties to attend, and I feel like I have no purpose. It's great! On the down side, funds are getting drastically low and I have recently been filled with a huge desire to travel. I fear I'm going to have to consider seeking some form of employment, god forbid. But, in the meantime, I've been occupying my time catching up on movies and tv, trying to take care of some chores that have been put off for a while (like washing and waxing my car), and reading. I'm actually beginning to get into a good ol' fiction novel and it feels damn good. It's been so long since I have been excited about reading and actually am willing to put off peeing or eating so that I can read one more chapter. That's what school does to me. I'm also starting to read more of the newspaper, not just the comics, Target flyer, and USA Weekend mag that comes with the rest of the three pounds of paper on Sundays. What's especially interesting to me is that I'm not forcing myself to read the other sections; I actually want to. Odd.

I'm also taking the opportunity to have a motivation to start regular, daily excercise. I'm planning on taking a fire management class in early Feb at the nat'l refuge near town, and in order to be certified, I have to complete something like a 4 mile hike in a certain amount of time while carrying ~20 gallons of water on my back. Frankly, I don't know if I'm up to it at my present state, so it has become my motivation to get in better shape. Sort of a new year's resolution, I guess. Let's hope it works.

Some movies I recommend: if you're a lover of quirky 80s movies (ie. Amanda), you need to see Better Off Dead with John Cusack. Not only does it have some moments that are just so ridiculously silly you have to laugh, it also features a period Camero (Amanda!). Also, I recommend seeing Singles with Kyra Sedgwick and Matt Dillon. It will make you reminisce about the good old days of the alt-grunge 90s, even if you weren't a twentysomething looking for love. Especially of note is that select members of Pearl Jam have minor roles (Dave!) and there are performances by Soundgarden and Alice in Chains. Oh, how I miss that music.

So, before I go, I'll run down the list of gifts I received:
The Muppet Show season 1 dvds (:D)
AD 1 & 2
Madison, the movie
a posh new winter coat
Swedish Fish!
an XM radio car kit
a sandpiper carving ("I like sandpipers; I like to watch them on the beach.")
some Very Special Christmas cds (you remember them - they were popular in the mid to late 90s)
the new Kate Bush cd
Bath and Body Works lilac room spray (if you can get these, do; they are freakin' fab-u-lous)
some Clinique facial moisturizer and body lotion
a chenille blanket
cuddly socks
a cuddly white robe similar to the notorious kitten robe, but not quite as silky
the UoG coffetable book - the perfect endnote

And I think that about covers it. Yes, I made out well and I appreciate all of them. And yours? Do tell!

Best wishes for the new year!