The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

At least it's a minority

So I was a little worried, my friends, when Harper was WAY ahead in the poles, but it turned out better than we could have hoped for. It was definitely time for a change in the government. Sure, I wish it was Amanda's dream politician in there too (that's the NDP for all those who don't remember how Amanda fawned over Jack Leighton during the election a couple of years ago), but with a minority government, Harper can still make some changes that the NDP supports (i.e. like party accountability) and not make any changes to fuck our rights and freedoms (i.e. like revoking gay marriage and abortion rights). So, I think it'll turn out ok. And hey! Look at how long Paul Martin's minority government lasted! And what did they accomplish??? Nadda. In conclusion, no worries. We're not living in a right-wing, fanatic regime yet *cough*USA*cough* (sorry 4man)

And that is my political rant.


At 5:39 PM, Blogger manda said...

Well, I wouldn't say that Paul Martin's government did nothing - they did HUGELY pay down the deficit and made us the only G8 country to run a budget surplus, although I guess most of that was started when Chretien was still in power. I'm glad the liberals are out I guess, and I'm really glad it's a minority gov't, but there are two things I'm worried about -

a) NDP + liberals = not enough seats to defeat motions IF the conservatives and the Bloc form an alliance (it's like survivor!). That scares me, because it means the conservatives will be trying to make deals with the Bloc, and we all know that the best way to get the Bloc to agree to anything is to let Quebec separate. And Harper doesn't give a fuck if Quebec separates, he's from Alberta (the second most egotistical province after Quebec), so I think if the Bloc were ever going to actually do it, now is the time.

b) Harper = 'Yes Mr. Bush, I'll do anything you ask!' which = bye bye to all of our natural resources and hello to big American corporations coming in and sticking a woody in the ass of every Canadian enterprise. I wonder if Alberta will be so proud of voting across-the-board Conservative when Harper sells all of their oil to the US.

Anyway, not much we can really do now, my new slogan for the next few years will be 'Don't blame me, I voted NDP!'

Also, Sarah, it's Jack LAYton, as in 'Amanda would like to LAY you Mr. LAYton!'

... I may have gone over the line with that one.

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

My response:

a) The Conservatives beat the crap out of the Bloc IN QUEBEC in many places... I smell bad blood! I don't see them forming an alliance unless it ultra-benefits Quebec. And: hahahahahahahahahahahahah. The thought of Quebec separating cracks me up.

b) That'll never happen. None of the other parties will go for that bullshit - it's not what Canada is about. And I think Harper is smart enough to know (yes, I said smart AND Harper in the same sentence!) it would be oober bad for the economy to give into a lot of what the Americans are asking for.

MINORITY. Thank god!

And sorry about misspelling your sweetheart's name ;)

At 8:11 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Ah, but don't underestimate the wily ways of us crafty Yanks. There's more than one way to fuck a Canuck (sorry, I couldn't help myself ;) )

But, seriously, I hope you guys get through alright. Obi Wan, you're my only hope.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger manda said...

I don't know, I think the Conservatives and the Bloc could make nice bedfellows over a few issues - Harper wants to distribute more funds and more power to the provinces (this whole fiscal imbalance issue) to use internally, and The Bloc will eat that shit right up. Also, Canada's economy is based in large part on exporting goods/materials to the US - the more we export, the more productive our economy. Harper could obviously never get away with wildly selling resources to the US, but I'd be willing to bet the whole softwood lumber issue is quickly swept under the rug when he takes power. And he wants to be more friendly with the US right? Well, they need oil right now, and we've got it. I'm worried.


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