The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Schwat you say?

So I thought I should actually post what's new with me. It's not much, but here goes ;)

I've applied to pharmacy at U of T. The application process what about 800 billion times easier than the one at UBC. Now I just have to find a way to get to Vancouver for the stupid "written interview" portion of the application. Can't that just be take-home?? I mean, COME ON (Amanda, you feel me right?). I'm also currently working on my application for UBC. I hope they take me this year! It's just too freakin' awesome out here to move back to Ontario just yet (if ever). I hope you're all saving your pennies for a visit!

Hmm... The new job... It's going really well so far! The pharmacy is busier than my boss led me to believe in my interview, at least it has been so far, but as many of you probably don't know (Amanda aside) people go nutso at the end of the year to get their prescriptions filled - deductables and the like. WEIRDOS. So it might have been busier then than it will be in the coming months. But that's ok. I'm learning the ropes and I think I'm doing alright so far. I really like the people and I like the fact that I'm full-time. It let's me know what's going on around there everyday so I don't have to go in and be like, "we're doing what to the who now?" which is something I hate.

What else? I'm taking a Gender Relations (Women's Studies) course this semester. It's my default course - it was this or pathology and path was full, so Birkenstocks and flange for Sarah. Who knows, this could bring out the closet lesbian in me!! MEN SUCK! (just practicing).

Anyway, that about wraps it up. Happy 2006, by the way! Our New Years Eve was nice. We went to a couple of house parties, got mildly drunk and went home. But there IS a story. At the second party we went to (which was at a pharmacist from Save On's house - she's 26 or so) a friend of her's showed up with a bunch of people just after midnight when we were all chilling right out and there was this one girl with them... She's young (18 or so), blond and stupid. This is how it went down: first of all, Tanya (the pharmacist) walks into the washroom (unlocked) and finds the girl in there. She tries to leave but the girl is like "No, don't leave me alone, I just have to pee." Tanya (weirded out) is like "ok..." Anyway, the girl proceeds to talk to her while TAKING A SHIT *plop*plop*, as Tanya put it. WTF? That's the first offense. Secondly, the girl disappears into Tanya's office with her boyfriend. None of us knew and Tanya (leary of closed doors with these yahoos hanging around) walks in. The girl is sprawled out on the floor and says: "Excuse me, I'm being eaten out." WTF'nF???? WHACK. So then they leave (finally), and we hear later that the girl who brought them over (who is an adult - 27 or so) gave that 18 year old cocaine to TRY for the first time that night. Again, WTF'nF?????? And that's what's wrong with Nanaimo, people - too much crack floating around and assholes that hand it out to teenagers. NOT COOL.

So that was our New Years. WHACK. I leave you with this picture:


At 2:24 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Jesus, now that IS a story. And no matter how whack it is, I wish I had one of my own to swap with you all. But, instead, I spent New Year's Eve with myself, some champagne, and Carson Daly. Then watched Swingers. Yeah, not even a smidgin close to Sarah's.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Don't be sorry! A happy party is a cocaine-free party!


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