The 695 thought pad

Saturday, December 31, 2005

HAP-py New Year

I will be spending the night with some friends watching Team Canada beat the US, the Leafs beating New Jersey, and...well that's all. I'm sure the rest of the night will be spent with a little glug-glug, burp-burp, hiccup-hiccup, and hopefully nothing else.

Kat, your gift frieking rocked which, in turn, means YOU frieking rock! :) Thanks. The Su-Doku book will make the bathroom a much more pleasant place and the Hitchcock's will make the...TV a much more pleasant...thingy. Thanks again.

A larger update is forthcoming.

Happy '06!!!



At 8:42 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

What was the gift?? Was it the book?? What else?

At 8:28 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Glad you liked the gift(s), Dave.

Sarah, it was a sudoku book in the shape of a toilet seat (perfect, I know) and a set of Hitchcock dvds. I can honestly say that when I saw each of them in the store, they literally called to me, "Dave needs this!" Well, maybe that was just in my head...


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