The 695 thought pad

Thursday, December 29, 2005

A moment to myself...

Hey all :) Remi's parents left this morning and Remi's at work tonight, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to post while I have a minute. Christmas was great for us. I missed my family a lot, but I got to talk to them on the phone quite a bit. Not the same, but good anyway. We got spoiled out here - new sheets, a blender and a fondue pot (haha - "it's a fon-do not a fon-don't!") from Remi's parents. Mine also sent presents out - some clothes and books, etc. Good stuff anyway. Remi's brother, Julien, and his fiance, Megan, got us a new tent for camping! It's from MEC so it's bound to be excellent. We're going to start some hardcore camping (according to Remi) this spring/summer, so we'll try it out :) And how was Present Day for you guys? I guess Channukah is still going on, so anything good Dave?

Anyway, nothing is new out here. I'm enjoying my job at Shoppers. There's so much to learn! The computer system is really hard for me to work with because it's quite different from what I'm used to, but that's ok. I'm learning! Something Amanda might find interesting: when Shoppers switched over to their new Windows-based HealthWatch system, the provincial drug plan out here wasn't compatible, so pharmacies in BC have to use a modified Zadol system! It's very DOS, but it's not bad. Also, people can still collect points on Rx's out here! But anyway, it's going well. I'm working on my own now after a week of shadowing another technician, and I think it's going ok.

That's about it for me. I'm missing you guys a lot out here now that New Years is approaching! I think Remi and I have plans though!! I was worried we would be losering it up out here, but some of my former co-workers, now friends, are having a house party so that should be fun :) Not as cool as you guys, but fun anyway.

OK, I'm off. Post soon guys!


At 3:35 PM, Blogger manda said...

ewwww Zadall! it's DOS-errific! I refuse to work at any store that has Zadall anymore, I can't hack it!

Anyway glad you're enjoying it. :)


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