The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A little rant...

So I'm having a bad fucking week!! Allow me to elaborate...

Firstly, my orgo prof loses my first assignment. Now she is emailing me to bring in my rough work, but the only thing about that is, I changed my assignment on the plane!! My rough work is wrong!!! So, I'm frustrated. Profs expect us to be perfect, but they can fuck up without any apology whatsoever!! So that's my first issue of the day... It gets much, much worse...

In September I was allowed an exemption from an introductory cell biology course due to a letter I received from a member of the faculty of biology here at UBC. My ACADEMIC ADVISOR (you'll see why I stress this here a bit later on) told me no worries, drop the class, you have an exemption. I was of course happy because it saved me $600 and lightened my course load a little, so I trusted my ACADEMIC ADVISOR (note the caps again) and dropped the class. H'ok. About two weeks ago I received an email from the microbiology department telling me that I had been dropped from the Introductory Microbiology course (required for pharmacy students) because I did not have the pre-req (that other class I thought I was exempt from). So I think to myself, hmmm. Not cool. So I go and talk to my ACADEMIC ADVISOR who assures me that it's ok and she'll get in touch with our Dean Academic and have him exempt me from the class. No problem, don't worry. Well, she's a little forgetful and it took until I emailed her a few days ago to kick her butt into gear. Finally I get a response today. I paste it here for your benefit:

"Hello Sarah,Dr Fielding has asked me to inform you that following discussions with Ms Karen Smith of the MICB department, you should present (to Ms Smith), relevant course material from your studies at University of Guelph for review to determine if you have the background to take MICB 202. I can provide you with a copy of the Transcript of Academic Record from the University of Guelph from your file. Sincerely, Marguerite"

(I made it brown because brown is for pooh and this is extremely poopy)

This is another email I received today. This one from micro:

"Hello Sarah,Based on the courses provided in previous e-mails, I have been able to lookat the course outlines on-line and neither of these courses are equivalencyto BIOL 112. If you have additional courses that require review pleasebring in a course outline otherwise see me for BIOL 112 registration. Karen"

So, now I have to gather up old course notes (which I don't have) and try to find decent course outlines from Guelph and go and make a case for myself otherwise I have to take a summer course to ensure that I am not behind for next year. If I had known, I WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE F'IN CLASS THIS SEMESTER AND BEEN DONE WITH IT!!!!!!!!! I am so mad at the faculty of pharmacy, specifically my ACADEMIC ADVISOR, that I could fire lazers from my freakin' eyes!!!!!

And that is my rant.

I hope everyone is doing signficantly better than me.

Happy posting!



At 8:55 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Ahhh, yes, Sarah, THAT situation sucks! I totally feel your pain and uberfrustration, having dealt with similar numbskulls myself. I hope you are able to successfully persuade them to your side.

My situation is much better, as I look forward to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Gobble, gobble.


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