The 695 thought pad

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Okay, okay, please don't throw too many pieces of garbage my way. I'm here, I'm alive, I'm well, and I'm writing again.

I'll begin by answering Sarah's questions:
Where: right here in my mom's office at my computer that is currently breaking and has decided to play all music and video in super fast mode so I can now listen to Pearl Jam: Chipmunks Edition!
How: By typing
What: A 695 blog post
Why: 'cause
Who: Me.
Etc: the fun begins - a clean slate.

I suppose I'll get right into the female situation: Jessica. Oh, Jessica.
Where: at camp, where she was a counsellor.
How: By fate, she happened to be chosen to be on my side of the Toronto French School to welcome the campers each morning and take them inside, and also to get them to their parents at the end of the day.
What: This question does not apply here.
Why: Because I was dazzled by her looks and charm
Who: Me and Jessica
Etc: So it all began one day when her cabin came into the room I was in charge of and heard Magical Mystery Tour blaring through my speakers. She started to dance around the room with her campers and I thought to myself, 'oh, wow, there's a gorgeous girl dancing around my room and singing along with the Beatles. Hey now.' So we eventually got to talking about the Beatles and other bands. I gave her a short list of Doves, Pearl Jam, and Oasis songs to download and she gave me a list of Hawksley Workman, John Lennon, and Blue Eyes songs to download. 'Awesome', I said to myself.
Each day before and after camp we'd talk music and movies and books and school and life and really started to get to know each other/flirt like crazy! ...well, for us, flirting was simply talking enthusiastically about music and movies and all of our passions. So days passed and I grew closer and closer to this girl, but I still wasn't entirely sure. Then one day during a staff meeting, I saw her holding the hand of the guy who runs the science room (Jupiter Jordan to the kids) and one of the head staff came over and said, 'hi Mrs. Jupiter Jordan'. I figured that was it. What I didn't realize is they were brother and sister. I found that out a few days later.
Towards the end of camp, Jordan got a few counsellors together, including Jessica, to see Little Miss Sunshine. I was hesitant, but after I asked if Jess would be there, I said yes. We sat next to each other and laughed at the exact same moments. We also shared a bag of Maltesers. It was nice, to say the least. There was a spark, but I still wasn't sure.
Then the literal definition of fate occured a couple of days later at our staff banquet. Our camp director gives out amazing prizes during the last staff rec, including two Blue Jays tickets right behind home plate. His hand goes into the box with our names, his hand comes out of the box with one name in hand, and he announces the name: 'Jessica Rose!' My stomach turned over twelve times and I actually looked straight up and said, 'you've got to be kidding me'. A few minutes later, in front of the entire camp, she leaned back over her chair, whispered my name, got my attention, and asked if I wanted to join her if she was in town for the game. I nodded emphatically.
The next day, I still hadn't asked her out and Nat, of all people, said, 'Dave, she asked you to a Jays game in front of the camp - you must ask her out today.' I said okay. I went up to my room, looked at my schedule, and saw that her cabin was coming to my room next. Fate! I burned her a Pink Floyd cd the night before and I knew I had the perfect 'in'.
'Hey Jess, before you go, two things: one, here's the Floyd CD I told you about. Make sure you listen to it really really loud and with good headphones. Also, ummm (studder studder shake), I was wondering if you'd, like, want to get some sushi with me next week. (yes, I said 'like' while asking her out.)
'Sure, I'd really like that!'
'We'll exchange numbers when we get the chance' (she had to catch up with her campers)
'Okay bye!'
So the next day at camp was the last and I was naturally nervous to go up and talk to her even though she agreed to go out. The last day passed and I couldn't find her anywhere. The day ended and I had to stay late to help the camp move out of the school. I ran everywhere in the school to find her and get her number. She was NOWHERE. So, dejected, I walked up to my room to grab my bag and make sure everything is gone, and there she is, sitting on the floor outside my room, writing me a note that was to be slipped under the door. We got to talking about plans and, again, fate would rear it's pretty little head. It turned out Jess couldn't go to the Jays game because she'd be back in Windsor, but I was given two tickets to see the Jays and the White Sox the following Tuesday. I suggested we go to a vegetarian restaurant, go to the game, and listen to music later that evening.
Tuesday comes around, we spend a full 12 hours together, and things were simply perfect. In fact, they were so perfect that I even got Frank Thomas to sign my Frank Thomas jersey at the game. My email....bighurt...that's Frank's nickname. I got an autograph from my favourite athlete the same day as I was with Jessica. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face if my life depended on it. So I drove her home and walked her to the front door. We stood awkwardly for about two minutes saying our long goodbye and wondering which one of us will lean in for a kiss. And then the most 'Dave' thing happened. I was literally a SPLIT SECOND away from asking her if I could give her a kiss before she leaned slightly left........and rang her doorbell. We froze, our eyes widened, I said, 'I'm going to go now!!' She said, 'Sorry!!' I said, 'It's okay! I'll call you tomorrow!!' I bolted for my car and looked back to see her explaining things to her mom. It was priceless. I got into my car and yelled a very compelling 'FUUUUUUUUUUUCK', then drove home.
And that's the story of the beginning of our relationship. Chapter two will be our adventures coming forth.

I must go eat dinner now before I collapse, but Dave Updating His Life Volume 2 will be along shortly.

Sorry for the absense.

I'll be back.



At 3:34 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Now, THAT was a beautiful story. It's obviously meant to be. I just wish I could have heard it in person, but at least I'm around for the week, so I can rehash with you later, Dave.

It's good to have you back.


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