The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

From Beeeeeeeeautiful BC

Yay!! A post! It is GREAT to hear from you Kat! Congrats on finishing your first REAL job. It may have been only temporary, but it was a real job in your field and I bet that feels great ;) Good luck with the upcoming job search AND enjoy your trip home. It's nice that you'll get to swing through Canada :) Speaking of "Canada" and "visiting", we're still waiting!!! *No pressure*

Anyway, I'm glad to see that one of my pals is posting on OUR blog. Come on guys!! Amanda, I KNOW you're looking for procrastination activities... I, myself, am procrastinating right now! I should be studying for a midterm, but here I am!

So what's new with me? Not much. November is a CRAZY month for us UBC Pharmers. Lots due and lots of midterms, exams, presentations (ok, only one exam and one presentation, but still...), GALA (which is the pharmacy equivalent to College Royal, or ROYALE ["it's a ball, not a bathroom tissue!!"] as someone we know and love insists on calling it). Fun times. OH! And I start my NEW JOB!! I'm quite excited because it's going to be a little more clinical than the community pharmacies I'm used to working in. I start Sunday - wish me luck! I'm not really worried about the job, but the commute... CRAZY. I'll probably be transfering buses AND taking the skytrain (like the subway but above ground). COOL. AND!! I can't believe I almost forgot this... I SLAMMED my organic chem midterm!!! And the best part about it is, I think I'm entitled to more marks!

So what's new with you guys?? Where/how/what/why/who/etc?

Get posting you deadbeats!!

Sarah :)


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