The 695 thought pad

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The only drama I have is from TV

Yup, that's right, not much going on here. Okay, so I'm living in a beautiful area and enjoying a nice sunny day (from the inside), my parents are arriving this evening for a visit, I like to think I do meaningful work, and I don't really have much negativity in my life. Despite all that, I feel as though I'm missing quite a bit, as in the relationship department, and usually I would turn to TV to make up for that, but seeing as I don't exactly have that available, movies have been the replacement.

Then, I discovered that ABC is offering most of their fall primetime lineup online! Beautiful!! I now don't feel as left out of the rest of the world and have been able to watch the first two episodes of Grey's!! It's amazing, this internet thing! So, now when I feel like my life is missing some drama, I can just tune in online and pretend I'm Meredith. BTW - that was a nice little way to tie up the last episode, all wet and ripped and in a towel. Yummmy!!!

Let's see, I did go to a dinner at a colleague's house. It was interesting. He grew up here in Maine, but came back from living abroad just a few years ago, so is still settling in with his family. Anyway, they had a little dinner party and invited myself, Pete (my supervisor), and some people from the Christmas Cove area. Well, you know that world of yuppies that you always hear about but don't really ever believe is real? Where they play tennis in the morning, then go sailing in the afternoon, only to tie up the evening with thrilling conversation about their last trip to Belgium over cocktails? Well, it's real and I have experienced it. I mean full sweater-on-the-shoulders-and-penny-loafers kind of yuppiedom. It was rather surreal. And since then, I've heard about how closely related the family is to the aristocratic society of Europe, meaning the wife is an actual countess and is related to the Emporer Franz Ferdinand. I guess I knew that these people had to exist, but really? So, anyway, I've been exposed to a whole new world up here. I had a goal to meet a Kennedy, but this'll do, I think.

So, that's about all from the small-town-Midwestern girl. Has anyone heard from Dave? Does he still exist? Maybe more than one circle of friends is too much for him. :-s It's too bad, 'cause I quite liked the guy. Well, I'm glad the rest of us (and Sue?) are still communicating. Much love.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger Remi said...

Hahahah, "yuppiedom". I've seen it, though never quite to that extent, part of me is jealous, my own own "rough" charm tends to cause a funny reaction. Glad you're still having fun, and if you're thinking about a Masters, SFU is big on birds. Lots and lots of bird nerds.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah, dinner party! Any chance of marrying into the family?? On the Dave issue, I had quite a lengthy conversation with him last Tuesday (on my initiative) during which he promised me that he'd keep in touch and went so far as to say that he was going to post on the blog as soon as we hung up. *crickets chirp* I'm still waiting... Maybe two groups of friends IS too much. *sniffle*


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