The 695 thought pad

Friday, September 15, 2006

Watching seals and answering questions

Hey everyone! I know I've been absent from posting for too long now, as we all have, but I'm here to do my part. Hopefully this assault of posts will goad Dave and Sue to get their fingers typing.

Let's see, what can I talk about? Life in Maine is still good. Summer has ended so there are less people around, both visitors and researchers. We are having less people coming into the Center, probably because the Fall season is just beginning and the trees are just starting to change. That means it's less busy, and thus I am writing you all from work. Also, there are way less people around base (home), so it's much quieter and lonelier. Amanda came to visit at just the right time so that I could get used to the absence of people while still having a friend around. Suzanne, my present roomie, and I are getting to know each other so I don't feel as lonesome as I could. What is interesting is that on my days off, when I could get out and do some sightseeing/touring, I usually end up just being lazy and relaxing around base. I scold myself about it, but I think what partly causes it is that at work I constantly have to be presentable and chatty and I don't really feel like doing that when I don't have to. Or, since I just don't have anyone around to motivate me or pal around with, I stay at home and read or watch a movie. So, I'm starting to get really bored with just being by myself a lot.

But, don't think that I don't get out at all. I am still participating in rowing with the other women of Rockland. We are really coming along, but I don't think they will be competing until the spring, after I'm gone, which kinda sucks, but I still like it just for the experience. I'm not surprised Amanda didn't mention that she went rowing with me while she was out here, as it is probably an experience that she would rather forget, but she did very well. She just took a beating starting out. I've also gotten Suzanne involved in it, so it's given us something to talk about. Anyway, last night we went out and we finally got a device to measure how fast we could go and we hit 5.2 knots. And that's missing a person, so we were pleased. And I had my first experience at rowing stroke, which is the person that all the others follow. Apparently I did a pretty good job, but at the time I felt like I was awful. There's a lot of pressure involved when everyone is watching you and you have to constantly keep track of the rate and length of your stroke. But I'd do it again, especially if it kept one of the other women who comes with us from doing it. She's the hardest person to follow, always changing her rate and burying her oar (rowing too deep in the water). So, rowing continues to be something I look forward to.

As you all know, I'm staying in Maine until the end of October. My parents are planning on coming out at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to that, since we are hoping to go to Acadia National Park. And they'll be wanting to eat out, so I'll definitely take advantage of that!


Okay, so I just took a break from writing to close up shop on Friday night and I ended up going to see The Devil Wears Prada. It was good; Meryl Streep makes an excellent snotty boss. It was rather predictable, but good entertainment nonetheless.

Speaking of movies, I've seen a lot lately. Over Labor Day weekend, the local movie rental store had a special of 4 new releases for $12.99 and all customers got a free past prime rental, so I ended up coming home with 5 movies one night! I saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (which is excellent, everyone should see it!), The Brother's Grimm (you can't go wrong with Matt and Heath), Kinsey (interesting, shocking, cheesy, and funny all rolled into one), Saved (good ol' satire of fundamentalists), and Memoirs of a Geisha (so beautiful, I want to be Gong Li rightnow!). I have also watched Wild Things (better than I imagined, despite the cheesy sex scenes) and a couple others that were okay. Of even greater interest is that I bought AD season 3 and have rediscovered just how upsetting it is that there won't be any more. As far as I'm concerned, it's worth buying just to see Tobias and George Michael do battle as Mole vs. Jetboy. Not that's classic!


Okay, another break, again to close down shop. When I got home I was accosted by Ayla, the property manager's 6-year-old daughter, and had to hear all about her rat, Smokey (which is the most darling rat I've met, and was scared out of it's little head when Ayla started tossing her in the air!) and from that point on I was stuck. Don't get me wrong, Ayla's great, but once she decides she likes you, she NEVER lets go. I finally bribed her with a popcicle and showed her home after a couple hours so that Suzanne and I could eat dinner and watch Cruel Intentions. I don't know how many times I've seen that movie, but it's entertaining everytime. I know you hear me, Sue!

So, anyway, I guess I should wrap this up before I keep delaying my official posting of it. I hope that tides everyone over for a few days, while I compile more goingson to write about. Now, it'd just be nice to hear from the REST of the group. Dave - your excuse of the wedding is over! Sue - I know you have more time on your hands now than you did earlier in the summer!

Okay, so as Miranda Priestly would say, "that's all."

Much love to all.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yes, Devil Wears Prada, surprisingly good, although you're right a little predictable. I didn't think I'd like it (not my thing) but I did. So see it people!

And YES!! The mole seen ROCKED!! I have NEVER laughed so hard at anything on TV in my life. Definitely the funniest moment of ALL TIME on TV. I'm still laughing about it now! Thanks 4man, I needed that ;)

At 3:26 PM, Blogger manda said...

You just HAD to bring up the rowing, didn't you?? I had very successfully erased the whole thing from my memory until you brought it up. Thanks!

I've basically decided that the only way to save myself from daily humiliation is to never meet anyone or try anything new. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also you should read TDWP... I bet it's 1000 times better than the movie, Meryl Streep or no.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Haha, who is this guy?? I mean, he obviously hasn't read our blog... WE'RE STUDENTS AND WE'RE BROKE!!


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