The 695 thought pad

Friday, December 09, 2005

I'll wish you happy holidays if I want to!

Okay, so I think this whole mess with being pc with the holidays and then the christians fighting back has gone a bit mad. Last night I saw on the news a thing where some group has made bracelets saying "just say Merry Christmas," meaning that they want "Merry Christmas" instead of "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" said to them. Good grief, as if it's a horror for someone not to assume that you are a Jesusphile. Now, what really got my goat was that today while I was ringing bells with my 'rents, a women puts in a buck and my dad and I did our usual thanks, he said "merry christmas" and I said "happy holidays." The woman looks at me, points her finger and says "No, it's merry christmas!"

I was shocked! First of all, excuse me for thinking about the two other major holidays that happen to occur this time of year, not to mention others that are unknown to me, and secondly, last time I checked, christmas qualified as a holiday! So go fuck off with your whiney "I don't want to include others in my party" attitude. It's people like you who get others killed. Arrgghh!

Phew! Sorry about the rant, but I needed to get that off my chest. Other than that setback, things have been good. I have two more "exams" to go before I am done with university! Yahoo! I really wanted to party it up the other night, but I realized that I can't truely party unless I'm with y'all, so it'll have to wait 'til a later date. Plus it was a wednesday night, so I was totally in the mood for Trash, but you know the rest. And I have received my offical letter from UoG saying that a spot is saved for me in the Feb 22 commencement ceremony. At this point, I plan to "walk the line" (as someone recently quipped), but it's not written in stone. So, if you can make it to Guelph that weekend, be prepared to help me celebrate.

Signing off.

"shake dat laffy-taffy, dat laffy-taffy, dat laffy-taffy"


At 7:44 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

SOLID rant 4man! I'm impressed! And I know what you mean. What happened to "live and let live", "love thy neighbour" - buncha hypocrites, most of them damn Christians! It's wack! Do Jewish people get offended when you say "Merry Christmas" to them?? Not that I've seen! Bottomline, I feel what you're groovin'.

Good luck on finals and congrats on graduating!

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Remi said...

Yeah, seriously, I didn't even really buy that this was a big debate until I looked it up. Wtf is up with fundamentalist Christians? They're the most insecure people I have ever heard of. Maybe we should sequester them all away in Texas or Alaska or something, and let them have a Puritan revival or something. Losers.


Happy Holidays (I couldn't remember how to spell Channamas? not enough time at the 6-9-5 I guess...)

At 6:33 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Not a bad idea, but it can't be Alaska - they'll kill all the remaining wildlife and drill all the oil. Texas works 'cause it's already gone to pot.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Not a bad idea, but it can't be Alaska - they'll kill all the remaining wildlife and drill all the oil. Texas works 'cause it's already gone to pot.


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