The 695 thought pad

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Wormy poop

So Maggie has worms. I noticed a nice platyhelminthes in her poop on Saturday. Here is a couple pictures for all of you who didn't have to suffer through invert I. Bottomline, gross. I mean, WTF? I'm bending down to pick up a very stinky pooh and what's looking up at me? A nice flatworm. At least it was small, which means we caught the problem relatively early. The thing is, while Maggie most likely got it by eating poop (which, I hate to admit, she is prone to do), fleas can also be a vector for flatworms. This means that if an infected flea jumped into my tuna caserole and I ate it, I could get worms!!! Sick, eh? Anyway, so we'll be taking Maggie to the vet on Wednesday to get ripped off. Oh, I mean, to have her dewormed and to get ripped off, I mean, buy, flea treatment. I really wish vets weren't so gawd dam expensive, yo!

In other news, nothing's new. I had a depressed day today. That's a day where I basically sit around self-loathing and loathing in general. Sometimes I just feel plain useless. I really miss being in school and having that proverbial "purpose". Know what I'm saying? I can't wait to be a student again!

Anyway, that's my little update. Hope you enjoyed it ;)


At 8:24 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Yay! Invert in action. That doesn't happen often, if you're not into marine and freshwater life that is.

Well, sorry to hear about the wormy-worms, but that happens. It's just a reminder that we are all still part of the ecosystem and food web, no matter where we live. Hope it doesn't cost you too much.

Purpose? I'm sure according to Magg's you've got all the purpose necessary: to walk, feed, and love her. What more do you want? ;)


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