The 695 thought pad

Saturday, November 05, 2005

22 and a half

I'd just like to remind everyone that today's my half birthday. So, happy half birthday to me! I'm going to have fondue tonight with my friends John and Pualani, so I guess you could say I'm commemorating, though I forgot about the date when we planned this. It just worked out. Yeah, it's just a half birthday, but I might as well celebrate.

I also wanted to post something since the page seems a bit neglected lately. Maybe I'll add a picture to liven things up... there, that helps.

No real news to update with. I'm having frustrations with my shower right now, the one I had was leaking, so I bought a new one without realizing how crappy-ass it was, so I took it back, and in the process of putting the old one back on, it broke, so I went to get another head from the basement shower and when I took it off, it broke, so my dad made some adjustments and now I have a shower head that looks a bit frankenstein-like, but it doesn't leak, and the water comes out above my head (wow, really long sentence!). This is supposed to be a temporary solution, but knowing this family, it'll probably remain on there for some time. At least it works and I don't have to remain dirty for another 3 days.

Okay, since I have nothing else to talk about but my showerhead, I had better end this. Parting remark: I know everyone is busy busy, but that's no reason to not post, this only took me 10 minutes or so. It's mindless, but keeps the interest, so what are you waiting for? Post your own rant about your showerhead or nailclippers or whatever it may be. The-th-th-th-that's all folks.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Fondue was delish, but I burnt my lips on the fork. I now have two very tender, cooked patches on either lip. Not fun. I learned quickly to transfer the meat to the plate before biting it off the cooking fork. Ouch.

Good news: thunderstorms tonight! Yayay!


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