The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

And the hits just keep on coming!

So today I'm at work and while I've been thinking about this for a few days, my worst nightmares came true today: the other tech at Save On is done school at the end of this month... That means, no more hours for Sarah! And next semester she only has two classes and they're both in the morning, which means she can work pretty much every day. Ergo, I'm fucked. So let the jobhunt begin (again). Once again, life in the real world sucks. Luckily for me, one of the other Save Ons lost a tech recently for shady reasons I will not discuss, so hopefully I can get in there full-time (which is what she was when she got canned). THAT store is only about a 5 minute drive from here and full-time would rock the body that rocks the par-tay, know what I'm sayin' *whicka whicka*.

Anyway, so we'll see. OH! And to top it all off, I'm getting audited?? Why? I would love to know. My tax return was miniscule and they probably ripped me off because my dad filed it. I probably could have gotten more $$ if I'd had an accountant do it! The bad news is, that I had 6 days from receipt of the letter to get on the horn and call them with my info, but it's been like a month because they had an old address that even my parents aren't using anymore! The only reason they found it was because they finally went to clean out an old P.O. Box before it expired! And then my mom had to mail it out here! So, I'm fucked again. They want to see my tuition receipts, which is fine, but now that I've waited this long they may be looking to make me pay back those taxes I received from paying tuition... *sigh* Ever deeper into the shit pile I go... When will it end??

And to the government I say: "Damn you!! Damn you all to hell!" (this is scene from planet of the apes when Heston realizes that the apes have taken over planet earth and that he's not just on some ape planet)

So, anyway... Nothing else is going on. I'm getting lots of hours at both jobs right now, so I should be thankful for that at least, with Xmas coming up and everything. Oh! Speaking of xmas/channamus, I was thinking that we could maybe do a secret santa type idea for this year. I'm Broke (with a capital B) so I can't afford gifts for everyone. Let me know what you guys thinkeroo :)

*hugs* to all and post!


At 9:18 PM, Blogger manda said...

F, man, that sucks. You tell Paul Martin where to stick his tax audit!

I think Secret Santa would be a good idea. But obviously we have to organize it, so it can't really be secret. How about we each buy a gift for the person who is directly next to us in line according to age, or something like that? lemme know what you guys think!

At 3:05 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Well, secret santa is fine with me, but I will warn you guys that I don't have a lot of willpower when it comes to not buying presents for my friends. In fact, I already have a gift for more than one of you. So, I feel that we can continue with a secret santa plan unhindered, but I can't promise that I will be able to contain myself.

In the next in age lineup, is it the person older or younger than you that you would be buying for? The oldest or youngest could then circle around to the other end of the line. I suppose that works for me.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Oh, and Sarah, sorry to hear about the audit. That f-ing stinks. There are times when I like government for what it can do, then there are times that I really abhor it, the latter of which I'm sure you are feeling right now. I hope it works out for you.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

No worries on the audit, biatches!! It's just for tuition. So I'll send them my T28-billion657A tax form or whatever the fuck and be done with it :)

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

P.S. The birthday thing sounds fine. I think we should just go by date. So working that out we'd have...
Kat buys for Dave, Dave buys for Me, I buy for Amanda, Amanda buys for Sue, and Sue buys for Kat. I think.

Let me know what you guys think. I really can't afford to get EVERYONE something this year so I'll have to adhere to the secret Santa, but let me know what you guys think :)

At 8:33 PM, Blogger manda said...

that plan sounds good to me!


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