The 695 thought pad

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just another Sunday

The Leafs' game isn't even televised! Stupid Leafs TV trying to get people to buy Digital Cable and then subscribe to a package that includes Leafs TV just so they can get revenue from 12 games! So I have to listen to the game on AM 640 on the internet because my stereo doesn't pick up AM in Guelph.

So what's new in my tennis match was cancelled today because my opponent went camping so I finished the season 5-1 (the loss coming from me cancelling last weeks match) and the playoffs start next week. I'm really anxious to see how I match up with the top singles B players once the pressure's on! My serve has been pretty weak mainly because I don't want to double fault, but then I end up tapping the ball and hitting it into the net resulting in a double fault. It's a vicious cycle!

Holy crap my computer is slow. It's four letters behind my typing! I also have spyware and I'm downloading Broken Social Scene songs on LimeWire, but it's still very very slow.

I finally got once of those bracelets that everyone wears. It's a cancer bracelet dedicated to Tom Cheek (the Jays announcer to lost his battle with cancer) and it's made of real rawhide and baseball stiches. Looks pretty cool. And in turn makes ME look cool! :p

So onto girl things because I'm sure you all want to know what's going on in THAT part of my life (instead of my frustrations with the Leafs). I don't remember if I mentioned Jess from the JSO (a different JSO girl this time), but we hung out Friday night with her brother (who was visiting from Mac) after Shul in downtown Guelph and a really good dinner put on the by people who ran the service. She lives two minutes from my house and about 15 from my house in Toronto. We just chatted about random stuff and she has a good sense of humour and got my sarcasm and returned it as well. And she kept leaning against me when she whispered stuff in Shul and then when I left her place I think she was leaning in for a hug and touched my arm and me (being a COMPLETE MORON) said 'see you later' and left her house without hugging her! WTF'NF! So I am actually going to pursue this person and not expect anything to fall on my lap and just suck it up and ask her if she wants to have dinner or me make dinner. But who the hell just LEAVES a house of the girl he likes the way I did!! Bahhhhhh that's that. I'll keep you posted.

My Mom and my sister came to visit me today to bring my phone that I left in Toronto last week. While most parents bring food for their kid living on their own, my Mom brings me a board to put under my computer and a jar of pureed garlic. And while garlic is food, you can't make a meal of it like my housemates do with their brownies and chicken and pies. ...mmm garlic pie. Maybe with the right ingredients...

Damn the Leafs sound awful even on the radio! Come on!!!

School's been going well. I'm finally the guy who says he has done poorly on a test and then actually does really well. The past three assignments/midterms I thought I failed (as in actually positive I had failed miserably) turned out not too shabby! I have one big thing due each week until school ends so I have my work cut out for me. But I've been filling time going skating with Sue for half an hour Tuesday through Friday and watching hockey. I've spent pretty much every waking hour in the library or at the UC sipping a coffee (or Iced Cap during our November heatwave) and doing crosswords and Su Doku puzzles.

I can't think of many more happy haps. It gets dark so early!! I know to expect it, but I'm still surprised that it's 5:40 and it looks/feels like 10pm! I feel like I should be going to bed now.

There is a DVD of the Trailer Park Boys' X-Mas special coming out soon and I suggest you all go and rent it. Ricky is priceless in this episode.

Song of the day: Dead Disco by Metric. Good, catchy song.

K bye!



At 6:57 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

You're just a chick magnet this year!! ;) Good luck with this one and DEFINITELY keep us posted! You know we love the dirt :)

Oh, and trying being online once in a while!! I'm 6 billion miles away and it's the only way I can talk to you, dammit!

At 10:20 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Don't worry about the hug deal, it'll come in due time. I was reminded recently that the good things in life tend to be awkward, so there you go. Happy awkwardness!

Garlic pie - sounds like something Sue would make. Her and her garlic press. Just remember to eat your veggies, garlic or no garlic.

I have yet to figure out So Doku puzzles. I think I need to find the easiest version out there and start from there.

Good to hear from you!

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

Garlic pie with broccoli?

Go to this So Duko site:,,23509,00.html

Click on the help tab to give you a brief overview.

Click on the 'easy' tab and try this strategy:
Start in the top left box.

Look for where the number one would go by looking where it cannot be by looking at other boxes.

If the number one is already in the box, move to two, three, etc.

If you are unsure of where a certain number should go, move to the next number because there is no guessing. You can come back to that box later on.

Move across to the top middle box, and so on, until you've done all nine, then go back to the first box and go through them all again.

I'm not sure how much that helps because I obviously know what I'm trying to say. Regardless, umm...have fun with the puzzle!

And if awkwardness leads to good things, I'm in the zone! :)



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