The 695 thought pad

Monday, October 31, 2005


We went out to a haunted house tonight with a friend of mine from work (yes, I'm making friends!), her boyfriend and a couple of their friends. It was amazing! I didn't really get scared because all the people in front and behind me were getting the scary bits (jump up and say boo! scary, of course), but the neighbourhood puts it on for free and the time and effort put into it is incredible! The front yard was decorated with graves and a guillotine, hangman's noose, bugs, etc.etc. It was so well done! Halloween is actually a celebration out here. Fireworks are banned most of the time, but the 29-31st of October are included in the days when it's ok to set them off. I think tomorrow Remi and I will take a ride down Jingle Pot Road where people take their pumpkins post Halloween and line them up along the side of the road. The people that live on the road light them for a few nights after Halloween, so it might be cool to see.

Again, Happy Halloween!


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