The 695 thought pad

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sue's Executive Summary

1. Got a co-op job for this winter back in Ottawa working with Public Works and Government Services Canada (the feds). Very excited but don't want to leave Guelph. But that does mean food on the table when I get home and laundry done for me. I'll take it!

2. Jamie and his gf Angela, Kevin and Landon came to Guelph for the weekend. Watched Team America (very funny), the hockey game (see #3) and partied at the e-bar (see #4).

3. Ottawa: 8 - Toronto: 0!

4. The Henrys were there! All of the Henrys!! I didn't even recognize them but Angela and I were ending onto the dance floor, and some sketchy looking, used car salesman like dude grabs my arm and says "hello." Well, well, if it wasn't Mr. Matt Henry! And yes, he was a used car salesman! So we had a nice chat, exchanged emails, he lives in TO now but still same job in Hamilton. Still a horny dog, enjoying his time in Peru this summer!

So thats a quick recap for the past two weeks I guess. Trying to work on an essay right now, so will post with more details soon.



At 9:04 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Thanks for posting, Sue. 'Bout time. ;)

So, you finally had a run-in with Matthew, eh? Keep me posted on that front. It doesn't surprise me, the way those brothers are, that he was there not long after you asked about him.

I'm glad to hear that Jamie et al. came down for a visit. I take it things are still well with him. Say hi to him for me.

Back to Ottawa you go? What's going to happen with the house? You're taking summer classes right, so you are going to stay there through that time period?
Keep posting and answer these questions!


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