The 695 thought pad

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dinner, pub crawl, and a hangover.

Sounds like a pretty good weekend, eh? Well, it was!

The dinner on Friday was a lot of fun. I prepared all of the stir fry veggies the night before and defrosted the chicken overnight so everything could be thrown into the pan when Jess go to my house. I also bought a lavish $9.00 bottle of blush wine to start the evening off:) The stir fry turned out perfectly (the veggies were a perfect consistency and there was just enough sauce and chicken). So we chatted while I cooked (she was very impressed by my organization and culinary skills) and then sat down in our tiny eating area and chatted some more! We talked about school (of course), old jobs, family, the meal we were eating, and other random stuff. The best thing is that I was able to totally be myself. I was naturally nervous for the first few minutes when she came over, but then I just settled down and our conversations were just really good. So we finished up, cleaned a bit, then headed into my room to chat some more! I gave her a mini tour of all of the things in my room (the London Underground poster, DVD's, pcitures, and CD's). It turns out that she really likes Coldplay and Lifehouse, but only knows some of their stuff so I gave her an old CD I had with old Lifehouse songs. I want to make her a CD of other Coldplay songs, but my stupid burner isn't connected for some reason and I only realzied it once I finished making the playlist which took me like 15 minutes (once I weeded out the crap and decided on an's an intense process, OK! The songs have to flow properly otherwise it's just a bunch of songs thrown together!).

There were only two brief moments of silence and so I just asked her what she does when she's back home in Toronto and then we were back on track. It's expected that there be at least one moment of silence...I figure...

The combination of a very long day (and week, for that matter) and two glasses of wine pretty much knocked Jess out by about 9:30 so she headed home.

So all-in-all it was a fun night and we'll see where it goes. We're both retardedly busy this and next week so we'll probably only get together to grab a coffee or something over the next three weeks. But she did herself up and looked really good and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say! I did mention that one of our Chunnukah decorations (a paper candle) looks kinda phallic (it really looks like a giant blue and white johnson) and she sorta gave me a funny look...or a not-too-impressed look, but maybe she was just thrown off. Maybe I should have waited for like the second date to start with that stuff. Oh well:s

Last night was an amazing night. The JSO organized a pub crawl for the JSO's in Guelph, Waterloo, and McMaster. We went to The Ranch, Frank's, and Trappers over the course of the night. The trip was obviously to get to know other Jew's around close universities and man did we all get to know each other! We were given tshirs and sharpies to get people to sign your shirts and also as a really good icebreaker. It's much more fun asking 30 people to sign your shirt than going up to 30 people and saying 'hey, what's your name?', etc. But as the night went on, the comments on the shirts got funnier/more risque:) And by the end of the night I had two phone numbers on my shirt, a couple emails, a 'nice bum, where ya from' comment, the fact that I look like Topher Grace, a message for me to go home with someone, and and 'I'm so glad I met Jew' comment. I also got know know this one girl who goes to Mac and we really hit it off. And she was very 'fun' to dance with, too. IF ya know what I mean.

By the end of the night everyone pretty much knew everyone and we were all really upset to say goodbye after only 5 hours. One highlight of the night was watching this old (>35) chinese man dancing like there's no tomorrow at Trappers. He did the eyes shut, big smile on the face, hands going everywhere kind of dance. And every so often, he'd try and lip sync, but had no idea of the lyrics. The one thing that threw me off was, of all things for Jess to write on my shirt, she said 'I'm so glad you started coming to JSO events. Keep it up!! Jess'. I mean, it's nice and all, but not the most personal message. I'm not trying to read into things too much, but it's hard not to.

This morning, I awoke with a dizzying feeling and decided it would be a good idea to go to Golden Griddle with my housemates. It wasn't.

And that was my day!

I have to get back to work now:D




At 2:12 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

The NIN at the end was supposed to be a reminder for me to suggest downloading "Only" by Nine Inch Nails. Pretty cool beat.

Also, download "The Drugs Don't Work" by the Verve. Great stuff.

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Welcome back! I'm glad things are going well with Jess, but you are right... A little bit of an impersonal message! I'm sure it's nothing though. She maybe didn't want to spook you with something TOO personal, know what I'm sayin'? *wickawicka*

Anyway, it's good to see you back. I miss you terribly! And you're right, "Only" is a pretty solid song.

At 8:31 PM, Blogger manda said...

to save you the trouble, why don't I just burn her my dingle?

At 3:22 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Glad to hear the dinner was stir-fryalicious. And I'm impressed with your hard work - chopping the veggies the night before and remembering to defrost the chicken - and I wasn't even there. The t-shirt comment is a bit vague, but I'd say don't bother reading into it. If there's one thing I have learned, it's best not to be too concerned about that kind of stuff (yet it's also hard not to be). I enjoyed the rest of the comments though - "I'm glad to know Jew!" Hah!

Oh, and dingle? Schwat jou say?


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