The 695 thought pad

Friday, November 18, 2005

Why me?

So today was fun in that not at all sort of way. But I find myself in good spirits nonetheless. I took it all in stride. Here it is:

On my way to work yesterday the brake light came on on my dash. It later turned off so I thought it was a glitch. I saw it on the way home from work as well. "Hmmm," I thought, "weird..." But I came home and forgot about it. It was on again this morning, all the way to work, so I called my mechanic and then had to leave work and drive down to his shop and have him drive me back to work. He told me that he would have a look at it and let me know. I told him I was off work at 2 (this happened around 10:30 AM). At 2:20 PM, I finally get ahold of the guy and he's just getting it in to look at it. Fine, I say, call me at work (keep in mind, I was off work at 2 PM and it is now after 2 PM) when you've checked it out. He calls me back at 2:45 (I have been sitting at work reading a book, as my shift ended half an hour ago) and tells me that he must have fucked something up when replacing my brakes and that it's leaking brake fluid. He goes on to say that that car will have to stay in the shop overnight, but does not offer me a ride home. Fine. The pharmacist is off at 3:30 and has offered to give me a ride home. Great, so I sit around and read for another 45 minutes waiting to go home.

I think it is prudent to mention here that it was a gorgeous fucking day here today! About 15 degrees, clear blue sky, and I had the afternoon OFF, at least I thought I did.

Anyway, by the time I get home it's 4:00 PM and getting dark. As I leave the car to come up to my house I realize that the car guy has my keys. I freak a little. The pharmacist offers to give me a ride back to the auto shop, but he has to catch a ferry at 4:30 to go back to Vancouver and there was no way he'd make it if he drove me around some more, so I say, I'll break in or something. But this house is not like the 6-9-5 and there is no way to break in. Remi and I are anal because we live in the ghetto, so all the windows and doors are on lock-down. So I pop across the street to our nice old neighbours who let me use their phone. I was planning on calling the mechanic to have him bring me my keys. But his line is busy for like 15 minutes. So my neighbour (I'd call him a Godsend if I was a believer) drove me all the way out there and all the way back and actually showed me some nice parks on the way :) As you can see, I'm in my house. The only catch is that I work out at HomeSlaves tomorrow so I'll have to find some way to get out to my car in the morning to make it in to work for noon. DRAG.

But like I said, I handled all this in stride and my mood is no worse for the wear. It's just funny is all and I thought you could all have a laugh at my expense. Hey! What else is new? It's a story anyway. Oh, and the reason I couldn't wait for Remi and his keys or just go to his work and pick them up is because he's in Vancouver for the day at the aquarium. He's not due home until 7 and Maggie was inside all by herself. But it all worked out.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Ah, such is life. It's really those little times that you can really learn something about yourself, seeing how you react to it all (really!). Good for you for not blowing up and finding ways to work it out - Problem Solving 101.

Speaking of cars, I just recently bought tires for the Green Machine. That was kind of a hassle, since I had to find a cheap tire that could perform well on a sporty car and hold up to snow/rain. Generally not a problem, except that the del Sol has 14" rims, and not many companies want to deal with that size anymore. So, I found some, but I'm not too sure how they'll do in snow. Plus, I've read a lot about how they wear out in half the time that they say, so they may need replaced sooner than other tires, but they were only $50 each. Trade-offs.

So, maybe I should have just blogged that instead of commenting. I'll get on that right now.


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