The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

And I'm back in the game!

Allllright (in Quagmire voice).

So I finally got up the nerve to ask Jessica for dinner and she said "yeah, that'd be really nice". And that's all I really remember from the conversation. But let me go back a bit to build it up. Jess has a class after my 8:30 lecture so I knew I'd get plenty of chances to ask her out, but not too many because then it'd lose the spark. So last Thursday I had the perfect chance to ask when we chatted for about five minutes after my class. Every second we spoke I just kept telling myself to just ask her out! But I didn't and ended up just saying 'see you later' and then chatting with Dino who was actually standing right next to me the whole time, but i didn't even see him...I was zoned in! So when she left I pounded my leg with my fist, Dino gave me a weird look, I told him what I was too chicken to do, and that was that. So yesterday (Tuesday) I decided that I was just going to do it...but she wasn't outside of the class when it ended! So I left with my friend Iris and when we got out of Rozanski I saw her coming towards me and all I did was smile and say hey. So Iris literally grabbed my backpack, turned me around, and pushed me (twice) back in Jess's direction. So I ran back to her, stopped her, and asked if she wanted to have dinner on Friday. She said that she was going back to Toronto this weekend but next Friday would be good. So I figure I'll make a good stir fry and chat it up!

I finally got the fucking nerve to ask someone out! And now the fun begins:)

Otherwise, it has been another pretty dull week. Lots of school work...hanging around the library and my bedroom doing work...watching Leafs' my movies (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest gets better every time I see it). I had tennis playoffs on Sunday and was eliminated by the eventual champion. I played pretty well, but couldn't control the flow of the game and lost 6-3. It was fun, but the worst part is that the guy was a Senators fan.

Lots of things happening to my family...good things...Nicole (the one getting married in September) has been wedding dress shopping and I can only imagine how I'll react when I see her in her dress. She also asked my other sister to be her maid-of-honour. This is all so new to all of us that every step of the process is exciting:) And Karen is moving in with her boyfriend at the end of the month and, when Nicole moves out, we'll all be three subway stops away from each other (or about 7 minute drives from the furthest point). And then Karen had a job interview for a really good placement as a social worker five minutes from her new apartment. So things are finally looking brighter for us :) Long overdue.

I really think that's all...I have a quiz in 10 hours so I'm going to finish studying and head to bed. I've been having a doozy of a time falling asleep recently. It takes me either 2 minutes, or up to two hours to pass out. The other night I went to bed at 11 and fell asleep at 2am. It was so frustrating! I must have tossed fifteen times and eventually ripped all of my covers off. I went through two full albums (Abbey Road and No Name Face) and eventually started to watch One Flew until I passed out. Oh, speaking of Lifehouse, for those interested, they have a DVD coming out on the 22nd. It's of a live performance and has all of their videos. If you can rent it! Although I'm starting to think that you can't rent music DVD's...anyhoo, I'll let you know how it is.

Peace out:p And speaking of peace out, did you know that Forman and Kelso aren't on That 70's Show anymore? How can the show survive without those two??

OK, I'm really going to go this time.



At 9:49 PM, Blogger Remi said...

You've got balls of brass my friend, I wouldn't (have had) the guts to do that. Or it would come out in a teenage like falsetto (slightly higher than my usual pitch).


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Remi said...

Haha, wimpy Remi. If it hadn't been for me you'd still be a 23 (almost 24) year old practically-a-virgin! ;)

Seriously, good for you Dave! She's a lucky girl and I'm sure she'll really start to see that as soon as you start really "seeing" each other ;)

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

OK, that was supposed to be posted by me. Remi left himself signed in. *loser*

At 9:40 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Dave: 1
Jessica: 0

Dave, Dave, he's our man
If he can't do it,
no one can!

Seriously, good for you. Now that the hard part is over, it should be smooth sailing, right? Good luck!

Are you visiting with Timmy H. too much? Getting any excercise? Eating your veggies? Hate to be the mom, but these could all affect your sleep. Not to mention nerves about school, Jessica, wedding, etc. Experiment with some changes and see if there is a difference.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I suggest drinking a bottle of wine before bed each night. Or visiting with MaryJane ;)

Seriously, Kat's right. Try doing something calming before bed too. Like, instead of stopping studying and hopping into bed, read for 20 minutes or so before turning out the light. That's what I always do and usually I sleep just fine. And don't drink coffee after, say, 3 PM. Just some suggestinos ;)


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