The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

F@!k Me!

So I thought I'd just get that out of everyone's system, since you're probably all saying fuck you to me for not having posted in like, forever. So I was going to write last night when I got back from the bar and was surprisingly tipsy, but then I almost fell asleep so I scratched that idea. So . . . what's new . . .?
Well, I got a sweet co-op job working for the federal government with Public Works so I'm still trying to find a subletter for Jan-April. The first girl that came to see it was perfect and she really liked the place. We got talking right before she left and it turned out that she knew Brock. When I asked how she was very vague and just said "oh, you know, just around." So I go to tease Brock later that day about his getting around business and it turns out that he knows the girl cuz he's supposed to be subletting his place to her! Needless to say he was very pissed off that she had promised him she was taking his place, he had turned down other offers, and now she's looking to take my place. Anyways, it worked out that she did end up taking his place, and she even mentioned in her apology email that she had already given cheques to the other landlord. Then why did she even bother coming to my place?! WTF?! So that kinda pissed me off, but there are a couple other girls who are interested, one that has sent me her references, but the other's all interested, I gave her times to come see the place and no reply! So we'll see. So my parents came up this past weekend to visit me and my sister and take home some of my stuff. Its starting to get a little bare in my room :(
Hey, I got my grad pics done. I did my outdoor shots and group shots at the end of October, and did my studio shots this morning. Hope they turn out ok. I got my proofs back from the outdoors and group and they turned out well. I wasn't even planning on doing my outdoors when I showed up for Maria's group pic, but they had a cancellation so it worked out well. I'll post a group shot for you guys - Brock's in it!
I thought I might lose touch with him since I embarrassed myself at the end of last year and we only have one night class together this semester, but he just lives a couple blocks away so we drive together sometimes and chat along online so that's nice :)

Things are pretty busy right now at school, finishing up (or not yet starting!) final papers and projects. Went on a HREM-Marketing trip to Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls last Thursday night. Its only supposed to take about 1.5-2 hours to get there, but with such shitty weather, it ended up taking 4 hours!! We got stuck on the big long bridge in St. Catherines for 2 hours!! We crawled up it and literally slide down it. It was ridiculous. A lot of people desperately had to pee while stuck on the bridge and some of the guys, included Jeff from 2nd year, peed in the bottles they brought for drinking and then poured it out the window! Gross but I would have done the same thing if it was as easy for us girls.

So I've started going to the e-bar on Monday nights now! When Dave and I were there a couple of weeks ago we saw a sign up saying that they were playing Arrested Development from the very beginning on Monday nights, so I went last week with Brock, grabbed dinner and some drinks as we were both madly trying to finish our law papers before our night class, which luckily enough he only lectures till 8:30 instead of 10pm. Brock hadn't seen it before so I was quite excited to show off my little baby! And Mill St. organic brewery were given out samples and hats so we got to drink a bit for free, plus all Canadian-made beer is a dollar off sunday-tuesday! Sweet! So I went back to the e-bar last night, by myself, which I really don't mind at all, and kinda got a little drunk. Which is funny cuz I only had two drinks, but one was a full pint from Rickards which they were giving out for free by the reps (who were quite cute and I got to chat with - the friendly bartender introduced us). So I hung out there by myself for about an hour and a half and then somewhat stumbled home. Good times :)

So I guess that basically brings you guys up to date. Oh, before I forget, anyone up for Sarah Harmer, Friday, Dec, 9 at 8pm at War Mem? Eh?? Amanda?? Nudge-nudge. She's doing an acoustic version I believe. Tickets are $30 plus $1 surcharge. Maybe you'd like to come?

Anyways, should start some work sometime tonight. Gotta make up 30 mc questions for my TA class. You wouldn't believe how long and painful it is. It sucked doing it for the midterm and that was when there were only 6 presentations. This time its going to be 14. Yay :(

So better go get on that. Will make sure to post a little more often. Not to worry, when I move back home for the winter (and will finally have the internet at home!) I will probably be posting every day.

Until next time, keep fit and have fun!


At 8:53 PM, Blogger manda said...

haha, you should have gotten off the bus and peed at my house! It's a bit of a walk from the bridge, but it might have been worth it!

now sue, I seem to remember asking YOU for accompanyment to a certain concert and I seem to remember you saying no! hmmmmm interesting!

In all honestly I would LOVE to come see sarah harmer, esp. if you're going to be in ottawa starting in january - but alas the bus doesn't get there early enough and also it takes 4 hours, so um, hell no.

enjoy though :)

At 9:51 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Glad to finally hear from you, Sue, but, umm... were you high when you posted? I don't know, it just was a bit scatterbrained, but I suppose you had a lot you wanted to get out. I know how you are.

So, ebar by yourself, huh? Chattin' up the bartender I assume? Good for you, you honestly have become a regular. I suppose you'll have to get enough time in since you'll be heading out after finals. Congrats on the job, by the way! Sounds like it could be a great springboard for opportunities after graduation.

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks for finally posting Susan! ;) I'm glad that you found a position for next semester. Good luck with it and keep us posted :)

And enjoy Sarah Harmer! I'm sure she's great live ;) If it didn't take me 7 days to drive there (4 hours is nothing!) I'd go for sure ;)


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