The 695 thought pad

Friday, November 25, 2005


Hi, all :) Just a little update, as promised, from yours truly. Not too too much is new, but I thought I'd blog anyway.

First of all, we had fog, solid fog, for three days straight last week! I mean, white-out conditions, driving down the highway, can't see the stop lights conditions. I've never seen fog like it! The people out here are even saying that it was rare. My boss Richard told me that it's sometimes foggy like that, but that it's usually in the early morning and burned off by 11 or so. WEIRD! Holy crap! While looking for a picture of said fog I inadvertently checked the weather forecast and there's snow in it for here!! I know you Ontarians are probably cursing the white stuff, but I'm missing it out here. My parents sent me pictures and it's just beautiful at their place right now. *homesick* But alas, no fog picture.

In other news, I just gave Maggie a luxurious oatmeal shampoo bath for her itchies. She's had mad dandruff for the last week or so, probably from her iritating flea bites, and she's been itching like mad, so I thought I'd pamper her a bit. Hopefully it helps. I might be repeating the episode on Sunday. She doesn't seem to mind it too much. She'll sit right in the flow of the shower for me and she's stopped trying to get out of the tub ;) This might be stretching it, but I think she just might like it!

Anyway, I had my job interview at Shoppers today and it went amazingly. I think I blew the guy away. It's a good thing that pharmacy technicians are needed because I'm certainly not qualified for ANYTHING else! I figure if I get this job at Shoppers I'll have worked for almost all of the major pharmacy chains in Canada ;) NUTS. Anyway, it sounds like a decent position. He's saying Mon-Fri, 9-5. It's my dream position. It's a slow pharmacy so he doesn't expect to need me on evenings or weekends, but I don't mind one way or the other. I also talked him into paying me at least what I'm making at Save On right now, so I don't have to worry about taking a pay-cut (a major deal to someone who still owes their boyfriend $500, let alone their credit card and OSAP. Speaking of OSAP, have you heard from them yet, Manda? I'm pretty sure I updated my address with them and I'm sure they'll be knocking on our doors soon...).

Well, that's me :) I find out about my new job next week. I'm actually kinda worried about it. I've never left a job because I found a different one... I always quit because I'm moving or going to school or whatever... I don't want them to hate me for quitting! Remi says I'm being a retard and that they should be happy for me for finding something better suited for me right now, but I still feel like a dick.

H'ok. That's that ;) One more thing, DAVE: HELLO!! ARE YOU OUT THERE?? I'm dying to know what's going on with your new little chicklet!! Post soon :)


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